@earl-of-trumps saidFBI is constantly changing the story.
From what I read, it was "700 pages", not 700 documents, but who the hell knows.
They also claimed they never took Trump's passports, the media made a big deal out of calling Trump a liar over it.
Then they later said oh well actually we did and are returning them.
Notice how none of the libbie commentators bothered to retract their earlier condemnation or apologized?
@jj-adams saidHadn’t noticed that!! Losers.
FBI is constantly changing the story.
They also claimed they never took Trump's passports, the media made a big deal out of calling Trump a liar over it.
Then they later said oh well actually we did and are returning them.
Notice how none of the libbie commentators bothered to retract their earlier condemnation or apologized?
One of ‘em said doc boxes had ‘classified’ printed on them, but sometimes after something is classified and labeled that way, it is declassified!!
Golly, havent thought of that.
@averagejoe1 saidA box labeled "classified" basically means nothing anyway and has no bearing on whatever is in the box, the individual papers must be stamped with whatever their classification is.
Hadn’t noticed that!! Losers.
One of ‘em said doc boxes had ‘classified’ printed on them, but sometimes after something is classified and labeled that way, it is declassified!!
Golly, havent thought of that.
(Watch sonhouse or whoever jump in with both feet and claim I'm wrong)
Oh yeah, so for you zombies, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS, DEFUND THE FBI because the said they didn't have the passports.
Tell me, mr smelling just like a zombie JJ, what about the part where your god king Trump REFUSED to give back BOXES of the most highly secret docs?
I guess for you zombies the offenses cancel out. 2 passports fully equal 400 ultra-top secret docs held in a basement and Trump's bedroom.
If it had been Obama or any other dem POTUS, TRAITOR, shoot him immediately but because it was your god DAMN king, no problem.
You can't even answer the question on everyone's lips, WHY did he take them in the first place.
The answer to that is he ALWAYS looks at ways to monetize whatever he has so my question is who made the highest bids.
@sonhouse saidThat didn't happen.
Oh yeah, so for you zombies, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS, DEFUND THE FBI because the said they didn't have the passports.
Tell me, mr smelling just like a zombie JJ, what about the part where your god king Trump REFUSED to give back BOXES of the most highly secret docs?
Stop lying.
@jj-adams saidAlso, they were planted. And they don't really exist. And Trump is suing to get them back. Because all of them are his passports.
Those 700 documents were declassified and had already been turned in on a previous inspection.
Come on... even a blind hedgehog behind a brick wall would see through you.
@jj-adams saidYes, I remember. Trump said they took 3 passports, the FBI said they returned them, verifying that they took them.
FBI is constantly changing the story.
They also claimed they never took Trump's passports, the media made a big deal out of calling Trump a liar over it.
Then they later said oh well actually we did and are returning them.
Notice how none of the libbie commentators bothered to retract their earlier condemnation or apologized?
Was the FBI really tasked with taking "everything in sight"? I care, ,you care, the libs don't care at all.
They only play the "Get Trump" game. sad america.
@sonhouse saidYou ask interesting questions and ones that should be explored, despite you r vulgar posing of them.
Oh yeah, so for you zombies, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS, DEFUND THE FBI because the said they didn't have the passports.
Tell me, mr smelling just like a zombie JJ, what about the part where your god king Trump REFUSED to give back BOXES of the most highly secret docs?
I guess for you zombies the offenses cancel out. 2 passports fully equal 400 ultra-top secret do ...[text shortened]... is he ALWAYS looks at ways to monetize whatever he has so my question is who made the highest bids.
Yes, I would like to know why Trump asked for the docs, but let us not forget, whatever his reason, the National Archives
via the Secure Facility Ok'd the transfer of records. That should tell *you* something, mister judgmental.
We know that the National Archives took back 15 boxes of documents in January. But this sends out a chilling signal,
How could anybody get out of Washington DC with documents marked TOP SECRET? Then there were more documents
returned in June, leaving the same chilling question bobbing around like a continually hanging chad.
Then something got very strange, @sonhouse. It appears that in July, a snitch came forward and informed the FBI
or the National Archives that Mar-a-Largo housed even more classified documents, and my question to you and everyone is:
How come the Archives had to be TOLD that Trump had even more classified documents? How could this be?
@sonhouse Nothing wrong with him possessing documents if he has the clearance and proper safeguarding. The democrats are trying to confuse this with Clintons situation which is all together a different circumstance.
@earl-of-trumps saidThere are many reasons why the stealing of classified documents doesn't register.
my question to you and everyone is:
How come the Archives had to be TOLD that Trump had even more classified documents? How could this be?
Perhaps the stolen documents were copies?
Perhaps documents did get archived, but only on closer inspection were they incomplete?
Perhaps the information is classified, but the documents just weren't filed, so the archives had no way to know they existed, until someone told them?
There are many more perhaps that could be.
The fact remains: trump and his cronies stole national security information and hid it at a golf resort.
And the question you should be asking yourself is: "Why?"
And once you've figured that out, I'm sure you'll understand why it's ever so bad for the US of A.
@shavixmir saidAnd of course, you are saying that Trump "stole" (your words) the documents. That does NOT appear to be true.
There are many reasons why the stealing of classified documents doesn't register.
Perhaps the stolen documents were copies?
Perhaps documents did get archived, but only on closer inspection were they incomplete?
Perhaps the information is classified, but the documents just weren't filed, so the archives had no way to know they existed, until someone told them?
The ...[text shortened]...
And once you've figured that out, I'm sure you'll understand why it's ever so bad for the US of A.
As I already pointed out, Trump had a government agency move the documents. It doesn't sound like theft to me.
The organization that moved the documents was the GSA (General Services Administration)
That's the problem with you liberals. You are on a witch hunt and anything that looks like evidence is considered proof.
Lets us say for now, *initially*, Donald Trump did not steal these documents. No rush to judgements here, Ok?
@earl-of-trumps saidShall we check the records and see if you afforded Hillary Clinton and Obama the same courtesy?
Lets us say for now, *initially*, Donald Trump did not steal these documents. No rush to judgements here, Ok?
You're impartial when it suits you, but you need a better tailor.
Just what the BLEEP planet are you from? This has been going on for over a YEAR, NORA got 15 boxes and Trump's lawyers in a signed statement that was all there was but there was almost TWICE that in Trump's possession.
So now national security means NOTHING to you zombies.