NOW we are talking true asylum seekers.

NOW we are talking true asylum seekers.


Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

Haitians. Not walking in w Louis Vitton, nice clothes and neck cushions like Mexicans who are NOT entitled to asylum, which lib Marauder has been preaching for years.
The leader take-over leader ,’Barbecue’ tells us all to get ready for a bloody revolution. You fellers seem to not be concerned about it since you have not posted anything. We have Americans that are trapped there. Do you think our borders czar, Kamala , will step in and cancel all of her other appointments and vacations?
Do you pitiful libs now see the distinction in losers coming from Mexico, who have no right to asylum, and a country that does have a right to asylum? You will not get this.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

@averagejoe1 said
Haitians. Not walking in w Louis Vitton, nice clothes and neck cushions like Mexicans who are NOT entitled to asylum, which lib Marauder has been preaching for years.
The leader,’Barbecue’ tells us all to get ready for a bloody revolution. You fellers seem to not be concerned about it since you have not posted anything. We have Americans that are trapped there. Do yo ...[text shortened]... who have no right to asylum, and a country that does have a right to asylum? You will not get this.
Okay. Do you know the 1951 UN Refugee Convention (and its 1967 Protocol)?
What is a refugee (asylum seeker)?

Well. Read that. That’s the basis of a request for asylum.

Now… are the people in Haiti being persecuted for their beliefs / politics / religion / sexuality?
If not, must they be afforded asylum?

Now… one step further… are the Mexican “migrants” requesting asylum? Are they being persecuted for the afore mentioned reasons?
If not, must they be afforded asylum?

How do you know if they are or are not being persecuted for the afore mentioned reasons?

You judge that upon their request.
Not rocket science… fact… international treaty… law… whatever you want to call it…

So, to answer your non-question of sorts, one must look at each individual case to judge if it has merit or not.
Yeah… law is a bummer…

Which conclusions do you then draw?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
3 edits

@shavixmir said
Okay. Do you know the 1951 UN Refugee Convention (and its 1967 Protocol)?
What is a refugee (asylum seeker)?

Well. Read that. That’s the basis of a request for asylum.

Now… are the people in Haiti being persecuted for their beliefs / politics / religion / sexuality?
If not, must they be afforded asylum?

Now… one step further… are the Mexican “migrants” requesting ...[text shortened]... case to judge if it has merit or not.
Yeah… law is a bummer…

Which conclusions do you then draw?
I'm just watching the news. Yes, I think there are MINIMAL rights of asylum for the invading border hoppers, all smiling and fit as a fiddle. Not a skinny one in the bunch. They are coming because Biden invited them to our riches. Save it, Shav, you are BS.
Now, before you go Sonhouse on us, watch the hell in Haiti and rethink what in the hell you are saying. You scatterbrained libs can really screw up what is really in on in the world. YOu don't even know what is going on in the US.
The hatians, you twit, are subject to being slaughtered. That is not happening in Mexico. Yes, there are 139 other countries trying to break in here, none of them would be welome as they do not BORDER on the USA. This is a lot for you flakes to absorb, so I stand aside.
Nitwit. Haiti has been taken over by a leader who looks like an African, I do not know where he comes from, but he controls the island. His name is Barbecue.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
2 edits

Shav made this innocuous generalized comment which suggests that he does not even know what is going on in Haiti. It is like he is throwing out a seine net to see what he catches. One or your worst posts, Shav. Straighten him out, suegirl.

Shav's post: ""Now… are the people in Haiti being persecuted for their beliefs / politics / religion / sexuality?
If not, must they be afforded asylum?""

Sexuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalty. Gag me with a spoon, Only a lily-livered lib would write something like that. Does anyone here ever think of sexuaaaaaality?

05 Nov 06

@averagejoe1 said
Shav made this innocuous generalized comment which suggests that he does not even know what is going on in Haiti. It is like he is throwing out a seine net to see what he catches. One or your worst posts, Shav. Straighten him out, suegirl.

Shav's post: ""Now… are the people in Haiti being persecuted for their beliefs / politics / religion / sexuality?
If not, mus ...[text shortened]... a lily-livered lib would write something like that. Does anyone here ever think of sexuaaaaaality?
yes…it is all that is on the mind of a liberal

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Ah, it is liberals ruining Haiti, all this time I thought it was the cartels.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@mott-the-hoople said
yes…it is all that is on the mind of a liberal
Liberals like you, AvJoe and Wah-yo-mama? You're the ones who always mention it, even though you don't understand it. They call women men and men women, and you call everyone a homosexual. Sounds like some anxiety-ridden white boys, right there.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

@averagejoe1 said
Shav made this innocuous generalized comment which suggests that he does not even know what is going on in Haiti. It is like he is throwing out a seine net to see what he catches. One or your worst posts, Shav. Straighten him out, suegirl.

Shav's post: ""Now… are the people in Haiti being persecuted for their beliefs / politics / religion / sexuality?
If not, mus ...[text shortened]... a lily-livered lib would write something like that. Does anyone here ever think of sexuaaaaaality?
Uh. If you're being persecuted for being gay, that is a ground for being granted asyslum.

You really have to read the law, my moronic little friend.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@suzianne said
Liberals like you, AvJoe and Wah-yo-mama? You're the ones who always mention it, even though you don't understand it. They call women men and men women, and you call everyone a homosexual. Sounds like some anxiety-ridden white boys, right there.
This poster says that ' (I) all everyone a homosexual'

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@shavixmir said
Uh. If you're being persecuted for being gay, that is a ground for being granted asyslum.

You really have to read the law, my moronic little friend.
I've kept up with the horrible state of affairs, and note that it is a bunch of marauding animals. Shall we say 'BEYOND persecution'? Beyond their sexual preference. These kids are running for their lives from one alley to another. Carry on, you are good at mincing issues. No way that you would take the same position as someone like me. You'd be chastised!! Hold the course! Hey, did you see this?
An example of something I absolutely hate and something that liberals are all so OK with. Weird, huh? Now, say, yeah it is pretty weird.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@averagejoe1 said
This poster says that ' (I) all everyone a homosexual'
Documented evidence that you never read what you respond to.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@averagejoe1 said
I've kept up with the horrible state of affairs, and note that it is a bunch of marauding animals. Shall we say 'BEYOND persecution'? Beyond their sexual preference. These kids are running for their lives from one alley to another. Carry on, you are good at mincing issues. No way that you would take the same position as someone like me. You'd be chastised!! Hold the ...[text shortened]... ate and something that liberals are all so OK with. Weird, huh? Now, say, yeah it is pretty weird.
These late-night sessions are lacerating your brain, man. I'd be embarrassed if I wrote like you do.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

@suzianne said
These late-night sessions are lacerating your brain, man. I'd be embarrassed if I wrote like you do.
I’m embarrassed for him.

If aliens came to Earth, and first met Average and Mott… damn… that would be a trans-galactic diplomatic disaster which would probably end with the Earth being turned into alien-animal feed.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@shavixmir said
Okay. Do you know the 1951 UN Refugee Convention (and its 1967 Protocol)?
What is a refugee (asylum seeker)?

Well. Read that. That’s the basis of a request for asylum.

Now… are the people in Haiti being persecuted for their beliefs / politics / religion / sexuality?
If not, must they be afforded asylum?

Now… one step further… are the Mexican “migrants” requesting ...[text shortened]... case to judge if it has merit or not.
Yeah… law is a bummer…

Which conclusions do you then draw?
Shag pseudy for brains, they can seek asylum in Mexico.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
1 edit

@wajoma said
Shag pseudy for brains, they can seek asylum in Mexico.
Wayoma after being fukked by a roo: not if they’re from fukking Mexico.

And refugees are free to ask asylum in Mexico or the US; what they want. And unless the US has some treaty on the subject with Mexico, they can ask asylum in both countries.


God damn morons.

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