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Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy


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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Sweet Jesus, give me the insanity of a people's revolution over this kind of rationality any day. How stupid can people get?
out of sight out of mind, someone else's problem. like carbon trading at kyoto. you are supposed to reduce emissions not spread them around.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Sweet Jesus, give me the insanity of a people's revolution over this kind of rationality any day. How stupid can people get?
Did you read the Brazillian Environment secretary's response?

BTW: I'm not saying that Brazil are great in terms of environmental protection.


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I'm really not too worried about the by-products. I mean yes, they are dangerous, but if properly regulated, disposal (or rather containment) should not be too much of a problem. I see it as vastly preferable to the burning of fossil fuels, and more practical than renewable sources (yes, these should be used too, but only if the benefits are considerable, we don't want 20 acres of windfarms just to power a small hamlet).

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Nuclear power is not ideal I admit that but at the current state what is I think you have to agree that buring fossil fuels is much worse as it causes a global problem and on a far shorter time scale.

Renewables are a nice idea but just not practical. A wind turbine costs about the same in power and materials as the cost of the power it produces also they need to be supporeded by a diffrent form of power production as people would complain if when the wind stoped there lights, TVs computers, electric ovens all stoped so in effect it really has no advantage. I know there are problems with the waste of nuclear power and people are not happy with massive blocks of concreate but each turbine leaves a 100 foot deep 1000 ton block of the stuff.

Almost all of the ways of producing energy by water are limited by there location and have the potental to just stop with unpredicted weather. Tidal and wave are ok but do we want all the coast of every country covered in them and what when there is no wind for the waves? Your power stops they are ok but not suited to much of the world.

Geothermal is great for the few select places you can use it for heating/turbines but the rest of the world?

Solar is good but it has problems close to geothermal(In a diffrent way).

I think there is some potental in renewables but there is no way they can make enough energy for the earths population. Its just a pipe dream that they can. Also consider what if every one of the earths 6.4 billion wants to live the lifestyle of the adverage american?

Lastly I want to add that I will be laughing at all of you that have invested in solar panels when the sun dies. I'm laughing now thinking of it.

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Lastly I want to add that I will be laughing at all of you that have invested in solar panels when the sun dies. I'm laughing now thinking of it.[/b]
ah yes. in a few billion years, we will all be slapping our foreheads saying 'why oh why did i invest in solar pannels? i had forgotten that the sun was only around for another billion or so years, what a waste of money that was.' apart from the fact that we would al probably die shortly afterwards.....

i am all for renewable energy sources, as i know of a bloke who lives me who is making money by selling back his excess electricity to the national power grid from his wind turbine. i think that for the fact that he has made a profit on his purchace, he will not mind the 100ft hole or whatever he now has in his garden (actually, thinking about it, the hole is filled with wind turbine, so it doesn't matter really does it?

if we just stuck wind turbines etc etc etc in all of the shoreline around Britain (the parts that wern't being used that is), then we'd be laughing.

i am against nuclear power, mainly for the waste products that we dispose of how? oh yeah.... we don't. they get stored underwater until someone can come up with an idea of how to get rid of them. what a great idea that was... radioactive swimming pools. can't see why nobody thought of that earlier.

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As to containing nuclear waste, I'll trot out this link again which shows that it is possible to contain it safely for a long enough time.(ie, it's been done)


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Originally posted by i am scientists
i had forgotten that the sun was only around for another billion or so years, what a waste of money that was.' apart from the fact that we would al probably die shortly afterwards.....
I say we'll be lucky to be around in another few hundred years, never mind a billion.

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Are you pro nuclear energy, or against it.

Please elaborate.

Definitely against it.

I want all the oil to be used up so we can go back to having our personal litters drawn by eight handsome slaves.

Nothing quite like a good jog in the morning air... On our Golden litter, carried by our prize slaves -- out away from the castle... both neighbors envious of our wealth. Then a quick dip in the moat while the slaves prepare a nice breakfast of captured heathens.

And there is nothing so romantic as whale-oil lamps and tallow candles to brighten a dark castle.

So... NO NUKES! Too damned dangerous for me.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy

So... NO NUKES! Too damned dangerous for me.[/b]
i think your views are too damned dangerous!

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Originally posted by i am scientists
i think your views are too damned dangerous!
So. You don't accept the not too subtle form known as "dripping sarcasm"?

That is too bad. It has been known to bring down governments. See the most excellent play 'Julius Caesar' by Will Shakespeare. Or better still, see virtually all of Abe Lincolns derision using said form to absolutely destroy slave supporters. But why do I bother?

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
But why do I bother?
For once, SVW is in agreement with most of the rest of the forum.

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Originally posted by Redmike
For once, SVW is in agreement with most of the rest of the forum.
Hey MiniMike,

How goes it? Everything in order comrade? No unruly peasants in your sector today? Other than me?

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I have worked in the nuclear industry and am certainly against it.

Nuclear power is very clean as long as there isn't any accidents. When that happens though it becomes one of the world's worst disasters. This especially is a concern when there have been a series of lapses in the inspections of nuclear fuel rods like in Sellafield back in 1999.

Nuclear waste does not just disappear, they are shipped to places like Sellafield in Cumbria (one of the largest nuclear reprocessing plants in the world). Part of this waste is reprocessed for MOX (Uranium and Plutonium mixed oxide) power stations and nuclear weapons. What gets left is buried deep into the sea (a small amount needs to be incased in a lot of concrete to be considered "safe"😉. All this this also requires transportation which is vulnerable to attack.

Corporations play down these dangers because they just think about money and to hell with future generations.

The only real safe clean alternative is solar and wind power. Although in our current energy wasteful culture, we would not be able to meet demand this way unfortunately.

Maybe when space travel becomes a lot more routine, all the nuclear waste could be dumped somewhere into space. That is if our world isn't destroyed by then. 😛

EDIT: Of course, routinely transporting nuclear waste into space would depend on our transporting NEVER exploding. Don't particularly want a nuclear shower.

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