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Obamacare - Everyone should shut up!

Obamacare - Everyone should shut up!


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Originally posted by moon1969
The President and America came out great. Focused attention and got an admission from Syria on their chemical weapons, without firing a shot. Incredibly effective.
Even his own party excoriated Obama for his colossal incompetence in handling Syria. You're to the left of Diane Feinstein? You're that much of an apologist? Anyone who can make Putin look like a statesman is just really freaking lost. Anyone who supports someone who can make Putin look like a statesman is a lemming going right off the cliff.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I thought you guys trusted in God? 😵 There is talk of rebellion afoot, you would not rebel against duly appointed authority, would you? Embrace it, think of all the healthy Americans that you will produce! It may even be an incentive for people like cassiad4 to give up smoking!
Only the Pope can appoint authority in the name of God. AND SPAIN IS THAT AUTHORITY BIATCHES!!!!!

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Only the Pope can appoint authority in the name of God. AND SPAIN IS THAT AUTHORITY BIATCHES!!!!!
Ah the sound of flamenco guitars, I am playing red dead redemption on the xbox360 although it pangs my conscience and I am about to take Mexico!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Ah the sound of flamenco guitars, I am playing red dead redemption on the xbox360 although it pangs my conscience and I am about to take Mexico!
The colonel wants to talk to you, gringo. (crude language)

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
The colonel wants to talk to you, gringo. (crude language)

Haha, I just got my American horse, fastest in the game, my honour is awesome, i help everyone against banditos, its a wonder the people don't proclaim me El presidente

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Originally posted by bill718
Democrats - Shut up about Obamacare. It's the law now, you don't need to keep promoting it!

Republicans - Shut up about Obamacare. It has not gone into effect yet, and you'll look really stupid if people end up liking it!

Sometimes I amaze even myself!😏😏😏
It really doesn't follow your "logic". Law in the United States changes all the time. Congress writes new law. Obamacare changed lots of laws. It can be changed.

SCOTUS changes laws at almost every session. And locally, State, county and municipal governments change laws. That's why it is so important that we have the right and determination to speak out about laws as we perceive them, either bad or good.

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Originally posted by caissad4
The 'Affordable' Care Act is a farce. According to the govt website it will cost me 12% of my income and still have a deductible to pay every year. I simply cannot afford to pay $180 a month . For me it is just another tax increase (penalties for not being able to afford this) nevermind the coming increase in Medicare taxes. I have generally voted Democrat ...[text shortened]... lass in America. Way to go Obama !
I have no faith or hope in the US political system. Not now.
We ought to be able to see that the Federal government can't run the Post Office, or the VA, or most of the other agencies they run, supposedly for our benefit.

Freeing yourself of one party loyalty is a first step. A second would be reaffirming a determination to personally check what politicians and the news media feeds you.

The government is comprised of corrupt politicians from both parties, but there are some from each major party that are not. Find them and tell others. I suspect that if you stop listening to major media, and evaluate the TEA party for what it actually says, not what its enemies say it does, you may have a good start.

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Originally posted by techsouth
If all of them buy in, it may work. But if some don't buy in, the extra cost gets passed on to those that do. And that extra cost will cause some of them to drop out too. In the end, as the necessary cost goes up, we may see very few young healthy people buy in.

But on the other end (the old and sick), they will buy in immediately. They now have opp ...[text shortened]... old status quo would have been better than ObamaCare. Anything would be better than ObamaCare.
In the insurance business, you are describing 'adverse selection'. People see an imminent threat, and seek to insure it, but insurance companies see the threat as well, especially if it is a pre-existing condition, or smoke coming out the windows of a house.

If it is just a poorly maintained building, a person who is morbidly obese, or other risk factors, insurance can be had, but at higher rates. Even the notion that regular checkups, immunizations, dental and optical work that is predictable are insurable is plain false. As long as the penalty for being uninsured is less than the insurance premium, why would anyone opt to pay the premium? If when you are sick or hurt, you can still get the "insurance", then adverse selection says you buy it when it will pay off.

Obama care could only be that flawed intentionally, so as to be able to substitute pure socialize third party payer for it. Nobody really thought it was a good idea, and would improve American health care.

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In the United States, there are two parts to legislating new laws: a) Enact them; b) Identify a way to pay for them

Before the Fact (not three years later: 2010-2013, as with OBAMACARE).

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