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Obamacare passed on a lie

Obamacare passed on a lie


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House Republican Leader John Boehner, in a meeting with President Obama and Congressional leaders at the White House today, asked President Obama to provide the American people with a progress report on the implementation of his Executive Order which proports to ban taxpayer-funding of abortions. Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelious did not make any mention of efforts by the administration to implement the Presidents Exectuvie Order (EO).

Abortion opponents widely viewed the EO as a disingenuous maneuver made by the administration in the final hours of the health care fight to buy off "pro-life" Democrates instead of passing the anti-abortion Stupak amendment, which would have prevented federal subsidies for abortion under ObamaCare. A recent analysis by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops confirms that under the new law, "federal subsidies will be used to help expand access nationwide to abortion coverage: and that all Americans, regardless of one's personal convictions, will be forced to pay nominal fee for full access to elective abortions -- not to be estmiated at less than $1 per enrollee, per enrolle per month.

While the Obama Administration plows ahead on implementing what it regards as the "popular Obamacare, Administration officials have been coy about their aims for putting into practice the President's EO on taxpayer-funding of abortion. Leader Boehner is still awaiting a response, other than a cryptic reply that EO guidance was still being developed, to the questions he raised in his May 13 letter to Secretary SEbelius.

"Has the Department provided guidance to states to implement the president's Executive order on abortions? When does the Administration expect to issue the directive on abortions? Will the new federal high-risk poots touted by the Administration also ensure that abortions will not be covered? Millions of Americans care deeply about this aspect of the new law and its implementation, and no progress report is complete without detailed information about it."

The answers to the aforementioned questions will determine the extent to which taxpayer dollars fund abortions, which is why it is so troubling that the administration continues to kick the can down the road on this issue.

House Republicans continue to stand with the American people to repeal and replace Obamacare with commonsense solutions focused on lowering health care costs and protecting life. The Republican health care solution would codify the Hyde Amendment and prohibit all authorized and appropriated federal funds from being used to pay for abortion. And under the Republican plan, any health plan that includes abortion coverage may not receive federal funds."


There are two truths concerning the passage of ObamaCare. One is that without Obama's promise that taxpayer money would NOT go towards abortions the legislation would NEVER have passed. They simply did not have the votes. In addition, the administration was chastised time and again by the CBO that the legislation was not deficit friendly. So what did they do? Obama promised that no taxpayer money would go to fund abortions and that the legislation would be deficit friendly according to the report posted by the CBO right before the vote.

Since Obamacare seems to have been passed upon a lie about abortions, is it not a good idea to revisit the legislation? In addition, it would be interesting to see another CBO report on whether or not the legislation is deficit friendly once the Republicans take back Congress.

I know, I know, politicians are liars. Who cares, right? Well I suppose it depends on what they are lying about. If you are on the left, you care that Bush lied about the war and if you are on the right you care about whether they lied about promises regarding Obamacare. In the end, both are screwed as the federal government continues on its merry way unaccountable and untouchable.

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Using the world "Obamacare" is a wee bit of a 'lie' too as it suggests that the limited reforms are something other than what they actually are. I don't know about it being "passed on a lie" as one of its vehement opponents claims - a politician you apparently trust even as the ink is still wet on a post where you claimed that we can't trust ANY politicians.

But, one thing is for sure, the reform package almost WASN'T passed due to a whole slew of 'lies' that were spread by spam e-mails and other mass disinfomedia, such as 'death panels' and the like, which found their way into RHP debates, and undermined the integrity of the debate, thanks to the hateblog sucking dogsboddery of certain rightwingers here.

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Originally posted by FMF
Using the world "Obamacare" is a wee bit of a 'lie' too as it suggests that the limited reforms are something other than what they actually are. I don't know about it being "passed on a lie" as one of its vehement opponents claims - a politician you apparently trust even as the ink is still wet on a post where you claimed that we can't trust ANY politicians.

...[text shortened]... he debate, thanks to the hateblog sucking dogsboddery of certain rightwingers here.
So you are saying that the legislation in question would have passed even if Obama had promised abortion would be left out of the bill?

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Originally posted by whodey
So you are saying that the legislation in question would have passed even if Obama had promised abortion would be left out of the bill?
No I am saying that it probably would have been much easier to pass if there had not been such a big disinformation campaign surrounding - and poisoning - the political consultation and discourse leading up to - and enveloping - the eventual political haggling that gave birth to it.

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Once the American people see the true price tag on this thing, it will be killed.

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Originally posted by Eladar
Once the American people see the true price tag on this thing, it will be killed.
But the American people did not even want it. In fact, they had to use Reconciliation to pass the thing rather than the Constitutional process. It was passed amid kickbacks and lies to be transparent and now this lie about abortion. Face it, we are now dictated to by our elected officials of the present and those of the past whose legislation we are now stuck with.

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Most Americans didn't want it. Many of the poor wanted it because they want a free ride. I do think there were some Dems who went along with it thinking it woudln't be so expensive.

We'll see what happens after the next election.

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Well, I can say that is has done nothing to improve my quality of medical care...
If you want to know why,, ask I have bundles of examples in the past month of trying to get approvals for MS drugs, and being shot down...

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Originally posted by Eladar
Most Americans didn't want it. Many of the poor wanted it because they want a free ride. I do think there were some Dems who went along with it thinking it woudln't be so expensive.

We'll see what happens after the next election.
For the poor, what is the alternative to a free ride? Die?

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Originally posted by finnegan
For the poor, what is the alternative to a free ride? Die?
A limited ride, until they are no longer poor....

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Originally posted by Hugh Glass
A limited ride, until they are no longer poor....
I see and of course we can all, without exception, be wealthy in this fair meritocracy of a world?

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Originally posted by whodey
But the American people did not even want it. In fact, they had to use Reconciliation to pass the thing rather than the Constitutional process.

What is unconstitutional about reconciliation?

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Originally posted by Hugh Glass
Well, I can say that is has done nothing to improve my quality of medical care...
If you want to know why,, ask I have bundles of examples in the past month of trying to get approvals for MS drugs, and being shot down...
Have the benefits you seem to be referring to already kicked in? Or do they kick in in 2011, or 2012, or 2013 or in 2014? It could be that you are criticizing the pre-reform situation because you are assuming that the changes all kicked in overnight.

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Originally posted by finnegan
For the poor, what is the alternative to a free ride? Die?
The poor have other options, such as visiting an emergency room. I wish we could afford to have universal healthcare, but we can't. Medicine in the US is just too expensive. All Obama is doing is running this country into the ground. Most Americans know this. I can't wait for the next election.

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Originally posted by Eladar
I wish we could afford to have universal healthcare, but we can't. Medicine in the US is just too expensive. All Obama is doing is running this country into the ground.
Why is it that some people like you insist on spreading the lie that the health reform passed this year in the U.S. is "universal healthcare"?

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