@mchill saidSo it's OK now for black juries to let off blacks that murder whites?
That practice was done routinely in the south for decades after the civil war by all white juries when white males were on trial for violence against blacks, so please, spare us your moral indignation. 😴
Man you suck.
@cliff-mashburn saidHahaha how many white jurors have acquitted white murderers for the very same racist reason. Listen dummy O J Simpson got off with murder for the same reason all rich people get off with breaking any law, they are RICH.
@cliff-mashburn saidNo it’s not ok but in a country that still lets white people murder black people with no consequences all the time, then yeah probably some black jurors will let some black murderers off. I despise them for letting another rich man off the hook regardless of his skin colour
So it's OK now for black juries to let off blacks that murder whites?
Man you suck.
Have you actually looked at the FBI statistics?
Clearly you haven't. Whites getting killed by blacks is vastly higher than the other way around and the black population is vastly lower.
If you want to keep score at least look at the stats and not base your info on what some news company puts out.
Try reading something real instead of watching lame ass leftist BBC or CNN.
The stats aren't hidden from anyone. Go look.
As far as court proceedings go... Maybe 50 years ago you could point out instances of biased white juries.
Today? Too much exposure by media and the like would expose the corruption. But since we are blamed for slavery that we didn't do, I'm sure we will see y'all bringing up the past to fit your narrative today 🙄