Originally posted by @667joeI am more concerned about health care being taken over by an all powerful entity that has no checks and balances. Obviously, you have no such concerns.
Whodey is obviously content that millions of fellow Americans have still have no insurance and everyone else is over paying for healthcare that too often is less than the best (if measured by cost verses overall results.)
The VA scandal in Arizona was put before Senator John McCain. They received no help from Mr. war veteran. In fact, they were given pink slips shortly after John McCain was notified. He, in effect, had them all fired.. No, instead some obscure Congressman from Florida exposed the scandal, for which nothing was done other than fire a top dog somewhere that probably had nothing to do with the scandal.
Wash, rinse, repeat. We were that close to never hearing about such scandals. Next time we probably wont' hear about them.
There is no entity to advocate for us that is above the government which is why the should play referee instead of CEO.
All we need it so place our fate in the hands of someone like Mr. Malignant Brain Tumor
We are a democracy. If we are unhappy, we can vote people in or out of office. Private insurance companies have CEOs that are raking in billions delivering an inferior service and do not answer to the electorate. Please tell me how it is that virtually all other advanced countries in the world get better health outcomes spending less money than the US?
Originally posted by @mchillLike they tried to silence Dr. Foote?
Hopefully that will be the same day you take the vow of silence!
The most chilling sentence of the article was, 'They started coming after me'
I don't know why they just didn't send out a drone and kill him.
01 Oct 17
Originally posted by @667joeVote people out of orifice? You mean like McCain who has been there since 1911 and only has elections every 6 years?
We are a democracy. If we are unhappy, we can vote people in or out of office. Private insurance companies have CEOs that are raking in billions delivering an inferior service and do not answer to the electorate. Please tell me how it is that virtually all other advanced countries in the world get better health outcomes spending less money than the US?
Originally posted by @whodeyAnything to say about the contents of the article I posted?
Over blown number of deaths?
Really? At what number of deaths should we be concerned?
You just don't care do you?
I'm not even sure why I post here. I could just have a conversation between the two of us for you and you would not even have to type a word.
Originally posted by @great-king-ratI believe the testimony of the doctor who was hunted down for being a whistle blower. I believe he saw men being singled out to die because they were too sick to treat. I believe him because the federal government was forced into admitting wrong doing. Those that try to then diminish his story or deny it will promptly be ignored like the nearest Holocaust denier.
Anything to say about the contents of the article I posted?
01 Oct 17
Originally posted by @whodeyYep, that does sound like Whodey, alright 🙄
I believe the testimony of the doctor who was hunted down for being a whistle blower. I believe he saw men being singled out to die because they were too sick to treat. I believe him because the federal government was forced into admitting wrong doing. Those that try to then diminish his story or deny it will promptly be ignored like the nearest Holocaust denier.
Carry on.
Originally posted by @vivifyAnd you think someone like me is going to trust someone like you who championed Obamacare as good legislation that would reduce cost and we could keep our plans and doctors?
You're implying that government healthcare would eliminate private insurers, which is wrong.
I warned that this was merely passed to eventually give us a single payer system, and I was targeted as a loon or a liar for making such comments.
Now we all know who the liars are now, don't we.
01 Oct 17
Originally posted by @whodeyHow do you know what I "championed" almost four years before I joined this site? You're full of crap.
And you think someone like me is going to trust someone like you who championed Obamacare as good legislation that would reduce cost and we could keep our plans and doctors?
I warned that this was merely passed to eventually give us a single payer system, and I was targeted as a loon or a liar for making such comments.
You're still implying that government healthcare will eliminate private insurers, which is wrong.
Originally posted by @vivifyI see, so the insurance companies will be "private"? What like the Fed and Fannie Mae are "private" and not government owned?
How do you know what I "championed" almost four years before I joined this site? You're full of crap.
[b]I warned that this was merely passed to eventually give us a single payer system, and I was targeted as a loon or a liar for making such comments.
You're still implying that government healthcare will eliminate private insurers, which is wrong.[/b]
The same voices that brought us Obamacare wish to bring us a single payer system, yet the ink on the legislation is not even dry yet. What does that tell you? That tells me that it was as I warned. They had to further destroy the system in order to save us from it.
Originally posted by @whodeySo are you saying that all mortgage lenders are government-owned? If so, you are a moron. If not, then your point has just been refuted.
I see, so the insurance companies will be "private"? What like the Fed and Fannie Mae are "private" and not government owned?
02 Oct 17
Originally posted by @vivifyI'm saying that the government can have a great deal of influence on "private" companies, to the point of owning them except in name only.
So are you saying that all mortgage lenders are government-owned? If so, you are a moron. If not, then your point has just been refuted.
Originally posted by @whodeyHow can they convince us that these insurance companies are private when the Federal government dictates what they must cover or not cover?
I'm saying that the government can have a great deal of influence on "private" companies, to the point of owning them except in name only.
It seems to me that they are simply peddling a government plan that is becoming increasingly unaffordable, so many have gotten out of the health care business altogether.
Originally posted by @whodey"I'm not even sure why I post here."
Over blown number of deaths?
Really? At what number of deaths should we be concerned?
You just don't care do you?
I'm not even sure why I post here. I could just have a conversation between the two of us for you and you would not even have to type a word.
Because you love us and want to make us happy?