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Person of the Year???



@sonhouse said
And you cannot accept the fact that 400 years of slavery and suppression has permanent mental problems, for instance, the centuries of suppression and murder of American indians has led to rampant depression, alcoholism and poverty.
Rampant excuses is more like it 🙄


You're a scientist sonhouse?

You can't see a difference between the races?
You're being willfully delusional.

Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy 🙄

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@sh76 said
Isn't it possible that the majority of white people who voted for Trump were other-issue voters who voted for him in spite of his racism rather than because of it; just like the non-white Trump voters?
I wonder if such a thought could ever possibly enter Duchy's cranium.

If you take out white Christian evangelicals and/or born agains, Biden won the rest of the white vote albeit by a small margin.

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If they voted for Biden they voted for a racist

So between the two 97% of America voted RACIST

That is because the RACIST, Duchess64, thinks that racism is the only issue


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Your entire worldview seems based on the idea that the vast majority of whites are overt racists. Naturally, you are unable to support such a thesis with empirical evidence, so you rely on weasel words like "many". But in a country of 330 million people such a term is meaningless; "many" people could be a very small percentage of the population.

My point was white evangelicals/born agains are, in essence, single issue voters i.e. their version of "morality" focused on abortion, opposition to gay rights, etc. etc.. And that issue however you want to phrase it, has nothing to do with race. So a good chunk of Trump's white support, almost half, is clearly not "influenced" by racism.

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@Duchess64 - White people here seem too stupid to comprehend that basic point.


you should be banned.

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"Does Earl of Trumps pretend that white people in this forum represent all white people in the world?"

you did 🙂

I would be happy to retract my statement simply if you say you don't believe that


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Funny, your post while spamming the Jamie Utt article for about 500th time on this Forum, didn't manage to address my point about white evangelicals/born agains.

And while seeming to deny, or at least refusing to admit, your belief that the vast majority of whites are overt racists, the spam you posted strongly reinforces that belief.

"perhaps learning something
more about why his fellow white Americans tend to become so racist."

Most white Americans do not "control the media and educational systems"; a small elite do. You haven't even produced any particularly compelling evidence that that elite is overtly racist" but to claim that any of their attitudes are typical among the majority of whites requires proof, not anecdotal claims.

So you keep accusing every white person who disagrees with you of being a white supremecist, a supporter of the KKK and a Nazi. That is typical bile from you. One of us marched in Boston to end segregation in its schools and got teargassed and almost clubbed for their trouble.

Was that you? Nope.


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Oh my Lord in Heaven...........Is not Duchess one of the very ones, months ago, lashing out at Trump for saying "Mexican rapists entering our country"??? But, uhhh, I didn't mean ALL of them are rapists.

Confusion reigns.

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