Good news for people who want both Xbox and Halo. Starting April 14, Microsoft is releasing a special edition
Xbox bundle with Halo. The Xbox is special because it will be clear green. I heard the bundle will also include a demo for Halo 2. This is all for the affordle price of 170 dollars. I am excited, I will definitely get it. 😀
Originally posted by Stephen LiuI spent hours on Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Might not have the graphics that Halo has but it's a game that really sucks you in.
I know many people get Xbox because of Halo, but are there any other good games on the system besides Halo and Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic?
thank you stephen for posting a topic worth talking over! personally i think that the game cube would be the best. one reason is because it is compact light and portible. plus the graphics on it are just behind the x box in the gaming world. plus nintendo is also my favorate gaming company.
P.S. stephen if you want to talk about video games try and find me in the other forums!😵
Originally posted by ObiWan KenobiYou're welcome. I always love to talk about videogames. I also have a videogame thread in the meet opponents section of the forums. It is called meet the videogame freak. If you want to talk more about videogames, we can also talk there.🙂
thank you stephen for posting a topic worth talking over! personally i think that the game cube would be the best. one reason is because it is compact light and portible. plus the graphics on it are just behind the x box in the gaming world. plus nintendo is also my favorate gaming company.
P.S. stephen if you want to talk about video games try and find me in the other forums!😵
Originally posted by usmc7257What website is it that lets you play Halo online without Xbox Live and do I need DSL or broadband?
you are so right. we wired two xboxs together between two barracks rooms. the rooms are connected by the bathroom so we leave th door open so we can talk crap while playing halo. there is also an internet site you can go to and play halo online without having to buy xbox live. i love technology.