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President Jair Blosonaro's election fraud claims

President Jair Blosonaro's election fraud claims



@vivify said
There's evidence alā€Assad's election was fraudulent. What does Blosanaro have besides empty claims?
Great! You are a swell guy.
Post the evidence.


@metal-brain said
Great! You are a swell guy.
Post the evidence.
He's a brutal murdering dictator.

Where's your evidence?


@vivify said
He's a brutal murdering dictator.

Where's your evidence?
Stop trying to deflect. I asked you for evidence and you are being very evasive.
Admit you have no evidence. Assad's character is irrelevant. GW Bush was brutal. William McKinley was brutal.


Brutal murdering dictator getting 95 percent of the vote is the evidence. You know, that thing you have none of.

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@vivify said
Brutal murdering dictator getting 95 percent of the vote is the evidence. You know, that thing you have none of.
But you have no evidence. If Assad got 59% of the vote would that convince you it was a legit election? Of course not. Your lame excuses are laughable.

Just admit it. Dictators rig the court system so evidence is covered up. Absence of evidence doesn't mean anything. People who assume elections somehow prove they live in a democracy are naive. For all you know the whole western world is a dictatorship with sham elections.


So why are defending Trump? He wants the EXACT same thing.


@sonhouse said
So why are defending Trump? He wants the EXACT same thing.
Because he spoke the truth about mail in voting being an increased potential for voter fraud and people like you lied and said it wasn't.

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@metal-brain said
Because he spoke the truth about mail in voting being an increased potential for voter fraud and people like you lied and said it wasn't.
It’s been explained to you that it does not significantly increase the potential for fraud any more than any other system.
Trump lost the election by 7million votes at least, you could talk about possible fraud representing a fraction of votes cast.
But Trump used this statistical nonentity as a fig leaf to overthrow a perfectly legitimate election, and scumbags like you play along because of the divisions it generates whilst people stupid enough to be alt right republicans know it’s not true but it’s part of their long term strategy to reject democracy because they no longer have the overwhelming numbers needed to defend their privileged position.
It’s a lie that everyone knows is a lie, especially the scumbags promoting the lie.


@kevcvs57 said
It’s been explained to you that it does not significantly increase the potential for fraud any more than any other system.
Trump lost the election by 7million votes at least, you could talk about possible fraud representing a fraction of votes cast.
But Trump used this statistical nonentity as a fig leaf to overthrow a perfectly legitimate election, and scumbags like you p ...[text shortened]... leged position.
It’s a lie that everyone knows is a lie, especially the scumbags promoting the lie.
Yes, your lie has been explained to me.


Your lie is noted.


And we should believe a communist like you beholding to your REAL boss Putin.


@sonhouse said
And we should believe a communist like you beholding to your REAL boss Putin.
Are you discriminating against me because of my political leanings?
Did the CIA pay you to say that?

What do you have against communism?


@metal-brain said
Because he spoke the truth about mail in voting being an increased potential for voter fraud and people like you lied and said it wasn't.
Mail in voting results in more Democrats voting.

That is what all of Trump's brainiac advisors missed in 2020.


@sonhouse said
I can't get my daughter to talk about it and she LIVES there. She is afraid of repercussions if she even mentions his name in an email.
It's how dictators work.

We'll see the same if Trump wins in 2024.

It'll be full-on fascism. You heard it here first.


@suzianne said
Mail in voting results in more Democrats voting.

That is what all of Trump's brainiac advisors missed in 2020.
Only if they are afraid to vote in person.


@earl-of-trumps said
@Sonhouse: "Trump is your guy."

Here is yet another RHP Klown, always trying to define who I am, what I am, and what I stand for.
“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time."
-- Maya Angelou

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