Originally posted by SMSBear716The Mayans say their current calendar will end in 2012, as it has done twelve times before. They'll start a new one then. Life will go on.
After reading this post... you have the nerve to speak about venomous spouting of hatred.... how dare you sir? How dare you....
By the way, the Hopi Indians and the Mayans both say the calender ends on December 21st 2012, are they part of the Reublican hate machine too?
In fact there are recordings of dates after 2012, showing the Mayans expected the world to still be here.
Despite the publicity generated by the 2012 date, Susan Milbrath, curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, stated that "We [the archaeological community] have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end" in 2012.[12]
"For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."[13]
12 ^ Susan Milbrath, Curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology , Florida Museum of Natural History, quoted in USA Today, Wednesday, March 28, 2007, p. 11D.
13 ^ Quoted in USA Today, Wednesday, March 28, 2007, p. 11D.
Originally posted by slimjimSo at what age do fetal brainwaves start? Aborting before then is ok?
It has a heartbeat, brainwaves, and a body. If it isn't human then what is it. Maybe your Mother should have done you a favor and aborted you when you were in the "parasite" stage of your birth.
Morning after pill ok by you?
Originally posted by slimjimSo, the brainwave/heartbeat thing isn't really an issue - as soon as the sperm and egg meet then getting rid of that constitutes abortion in your mind?
That's a touchy situation. Female could have been impregnated the night before so in essense it would be the same as abortion to me. I am all for contraceptives which prevent pregancy.
Originally posted by treetalkYes it is the issue. Having a heartbeat is means the egg and sperm has grown to be a child. I'm not going to preach to you. If you think I'm wrong then go ahead and get an abortion. That's your decision and I respect it. I just wouldn't do it.
So, the brainwave/heartbeat thing isn't really an issue - as soon as the sperm and egg meet then getting rid of that constitutes abortion in your mind?
Originally posted by treetalkNow, now, we all know that unborn undergo a miraculous metamorphasis from being a parisitical legion into being human at the magical instant they pass out of the womb. It is common scientific knowledge. Perhaps that is why many OB doctors have begun to say, "Abbracadabra", when babies are born now a days.
So at what age do fetal brainwaves start? Aborting before then is ok?
Morning after pill ok by you?
BTW: I don't think even protecting babies after they are born have any real more interest for most liberals. I think only when they become voting age and begin to make some taxable income they have some interest in protecting their rights. However, what they fail to realize is that with each abortion the government is ending the life of a potential tax payer of the future. You know, if they did realize this maybe they would begin to change their tune? Then again, they would say something like, "Well you know, its soooo hard to make it these days. The unborn are more than likely going to be a tax burden on us because they will more than likely be living on Uncle Sams dime", to which I would say, who's fault is that!!
Originally posted by slimjimNot judging at all - just unsure where you stand - because so far as I'm aware the heartbeat / brainwave thing doesn't kick in for at least a while meaning for you the collection of cells isn't a human - yet ... thus it's not really an abortion per se.
Yes it is the issue. Having a heartbeat is means the egg and sperm has grown to be a child. I'm not going to preach to you. If you think I'm wrong then go ahead and get an abortion. That's your decision and I respect it. I just wouldn't do it.
But you also said that the morning after pill could constitute abortion if the woman was impregnated the previous night.
Likewise, I respect whatever decision people make with regards to this issue and most other issues - politics, religion etc. It's the vocal and angry adherents of whichever side I dislike.
Not implying that you are as you've pretty much stated that you're not on the abortion issue.
Originally posted by whodeyThe constant furore about protecting the rights of that little collection of cells in the womb contrasted with the indifference say when collateral damage takes out however many living and breathing 'no longer enwombed' people is quite stark ...
Now, now, we all know that unborn undergo a miraculous metamorphasis from being a parisitical legion into being human at the magical instant they pass out of the womb. It is common scientific knowledge. Perhaps that is why many OB doctors have begun to say, "Abbracadabra", when babies are born now a days.
BTW: I don't think even protecting babies after ...[text shortened]... ore than likely be living on Uncle Sams dime", to which I would say, who's fault is that!!
If babies in the womb had an ounce of sense they'd never leave ...
Originally posted by treetalkAh yes, its the arguement, "The world is such an evil place, why are you then concerned with innocent lives that are snuffed out that will be spared this evil place? Therefore, just don't concern yourself with other evil acts such as abortion". It kinda reminds me of the mother who went insane and drowned her children in a bathtube so as to spare them from possibly going to hell.
The constant furore about protecting the rights of that little collection of cells in the womb contrasted with the indifference say when collateral damage takes out however many living and breathing 'no longer enwombed' people is quite stark ...
If babies in the womb had an ounce of sense they'd never leave ...
Its a weak arguement, but I guess its is one nonetheless.
Originally posted by whodeyThe parents.
Now, now, we all know that unborn undergo a miraculous metamorphasis from being a parisitical legion into being human at the magical instant they pass out of the womb. It is common scientific knowledge. Perhaps that is why many OB doctors have begun to say, "Abbracadabra", when babies are born now a days.
BTW: I don't think even protecting babies after ...[text shortened]... ore than likely be living on Uncle Sams dime", to which I would say, who's fault is that!!
Originally posted by whodeyMy sense of his argument was more like "pro-lifers in the US are hypocrites, since those same people tend to be very hawkish. Their position cannot be taken seriously for this reason" But that's just my interpretation.
Ah yes, its the arguement, "The world is such an evil place, why are you then concerned with innocent lives that are snuffed out that will be spared this evil place? Therefore, just don't concern yourself with other evil acts such as abortion". It kinda reminds me of the mother who went insane and drowned her children in a bathtube so as to spare them from possibly going to hell.
Its a weak arguement, but I guess its is one nonetheless.