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Putin's Nuclear War Threat

Putin's Nuclear War Threat


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@no1marauder said
What you just suggested is what I did months ago and you been accusing me of being a Putin puppet for doing so.
I’ve never said Ukraine should not cede Crimea back to Russia it’s always seemed a reasonable solution if that’s all Russia was demanding.
You support of Putin takes the form of agreeing with him that he can veto nations from joining a voluntary defence alliance whilst he can ally himself with any like minded totalitarian leader in the region and beyond that he chooses to. Your stance on that comes straight from RT.
Russia is a nation nothing more, a nuclear arsenal does not give you the right to dictate to non nuclear powers what defence arrangements they make.
This is why this war will continue, Russia cannot get over its imperial past the way other European neighbours have had to and its people like yourself that justify their non existent reasons for not doing so.

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@kevcvs57 said
I’ve never said Ukraine should not cede Crimea back to Russia it’s always seemed a reasonable solution if that’s all Russia was demanding.
You support of Putin takes the form of agreeing with him that he can veto nations from joining a voluntary defence alliance whilst he can ally himself with any like minded totalitarian leader in the region and beyond that he chooses to. ...[text shortened]... s have had to and its people like yourself that justify their non existent reasons for not doing so.
That stance came from the Ukrainian Constitution, imbecile. It predates Putin by almost a decade.

You just can't help lying about my positions, can you? Even Zelensky was floating the possibility of Ukraine returning to non-aligned status as part of a peace deal back in March; was he just reading a script from RT?

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@no1marauder said
That stance came from the Ukrainian Constitution, imbecile. It predates Putin by almost a decade.

You just can't help lying about my positions, can you? Even Zelensky was floating the possibility of Ukraine returning to non-aligned status as part of a peace deal back in March; was he just reading a script from RT?
Stances change you halfwitted numbskull geo politics is what it is, just like Russias stance on recognising Ukraines borders for giving up its nuclear weapons, remember that one?
You need to stop lying about Russias invasion being ANYTHING to do with Ukraine's non NATO membership unless your arguing that it is justifiable for Russia to renege on its agreements but everyone else must keep theirs, or maybe you think it’s perfectly reasonable for Putin to murder his way through Ukraine because nato didn’t keep to the 1997 agreement?
I guess it must be the lawyer in you that can take this retarded stance with a straight face.


@metal-brain said
Obama declared “all options on the table” against Iran.

President Kennedy threatened a nuclear strike at the Soviets over Berlin.
In 1946 and 1948 President Harry Truman threatened the Soviets over Iran and Berlin, respectively, and the Chinese in 1950 and 51.

President Eisenhower also threatened the Chinese over Korea in 1953, and again in 1956 over Quemo ...[text shortened]... ion. Why are you trying to demonize Putin for doing what almost every president of the USA has done?
Saying "the U.S. does it too" is not a defense.

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@vivify said
Saying "the U.S. does it too" is not a defense.
Yes it is.
If it is bad Biden should pull out of Syria. If it is not bad stop complaining about it hypocritically. If two wrongs don't make a right reverse the two wrongs or at least your wrong. What is your excuse to not pull out of Syria now? Putin has to pull out first? Biden is incapable of setting a good example?

Russia doesn't pull out either is not a defense. The USA invaded and occupied Syria first and Biden is still occupying 1/3 of Syria. The USA should pull out first. First in, first out. Then you can stop defending hypocrites and insist Russia pulls out too.

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@metal-brain said
Yes it is.
If it is bad Biden should pull out of Syria. If it is not bad stop complaining about it hypocritically. If two wrongs don't make a right reverse the two wrongs or at least your wrong. What is your excuse to not pull out of Syria now? Putin has to pull out first? Biden is incapable of setting a good example?

Russia doesn't pull out either is not a defense. ...[text shortened]... first. First in, first out. Then you can stop defending hypocrites and insist Russia pulls out too.
Nothing you mentioned has anything to do with threatening nuclear war, like Putin did when he put his nuclear forces on high alert a few months ago. You're just rambling.

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@vivify said
Nothing you mentioned has anything to do with threatening nuclear war, like Putin did when he put his nuclear forces on high alert a few months ago. You're just rambling.
Obama declared “all options on the table” against Iran.

President Kennedy threatened a nuclear strike at the Soviets over Berlin.
In 1946 and 1948 President Harry Truman threatened the Soviets over Iran and Berlin, respectively, and the Chinese in 1950 and 51.

President Eisenhower also threatened the Chinese over Korea in 1953, and again in 1956 over Quemoy and Matsu. He offered the French nukes to use against the Vietnamese at Dienbienphu in 1954.

Jimmy Carter issued the Carter Doctrine, reaffirmed by Ronald Reagan which committed the US to a nuclear response if its vital interests in the Middle East were ever threatened.

In a trip to Seoul, South Korea, Bill Clinton said that if North Korea gained and used a nuclear weapon “we would quickly and overwhelmingly retaliate.”

“It would mean the end of their country as they know it,” he said, according to a New York Times report at that time.

The North Korean government subsequently responded angrily and in kind to the threat from the new president.

“The United States must ponder over the fatal consequences that might arise from its rash act,” the government said in a statement. “If anyone dares to provoke us, we will immediately show him in practice what our bold decision is.”


Nuclear threats are an American tradition. Why are you trying to demonize Putin for doing what almost every president of the USA has done?

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@metal-brain said
Obama declared “all options on the table” against Iran.

President Kennedy threatened a nuclear strike at the Soviets over Berlin.
In 1946 and 1948 President Harry Truman threatened the Soviets over Iran and Berlin, respectively, and the Chinese in 1950 and 51.

President Eisenhower also threatened the Chinese over Korea in 1953, and again in 1956 over Quemoy and Mat ...[text shortened]... ion. Why are you trying to demonize Putin for doing what almost every president of the USA has done?
"The U.S. did it too" is not a defense.

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@vivify said
"The U.S. did it too" is not a defense.
Hypocrisy is justified then?
Do as we say, not as we do?

How do you think that goes over in Russia? Iran? North Korea?
You can fool yourself all you want, but you cannot fool others with stupid double standards. You will just look like an a hole.

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@metal-brain said
Hypocrisy is justified then?
Do as we say, not as we do?

How do you think that goes over in Russia? Iran? North Korea?
You can fool yourself all you want, but you cannot fool others with stupid double standards. You will just look like an a hole.
If the U.S. threatened nukes after unjustly invading a nation, it would be wrong.

Bush is despised worldwide and in the U.S. for invading Iraq. Your claims of hypocrisy are boring. Do you defend rapists by comparing them to Cosby? Your constant defense of an authoritarian invader committing atrocities is no different.

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@vivify said
If the U.S. threatened nukes after unjustly invading a nation, it would be wrong.

Bush is despised worldwide and in the U.S. for invading Iraq. Your claims of hypocrisy are boring. Do you defend rapists by comparing them to Cosby? Your constant defense of an authoritarian invader committing atrocities is no different.
Claims of hypocrisy?
No need to claim the obvious facts. You are defending hypocrisy.
Most of the world thinks we are a hole creeps. I guess you are okay with that.
If this is a war to win hearts and minds we have already lost.

The US used nukes on Japan. 2 of them. Populated cities with lots of innocent civilians too. Were they threatened with the use of nukes? Yep.


You probably think invading Japan was justified because they bombed Pearl Harbor, but we knew they were going to do that and Roosevelt let it happen. A lot of those deaths at Pearl Harbor could have been prevented, but they were sacrificed so the people would support war with Japan.

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@metal-brain said
Claims of hypocrisy?
No need to claim the obvious facts. You are defending hypocrisy.
Most of the world thinks we are a hole creeps. I guess you are okay with that.
If this is a war to win hearts and minds we have already lost.

The US used nukes on Japan. 2 of them. Populated cities with lots of innocent civilians too. Were they threatened with the use of nukes? Yep ...[text shortened]... rbor could have been prevented, but they were sacrificed so the people would support war with Japan.
So what? Fuk the U.S. Russia's actions are still abhorrent.

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We are proving ourselves to be the a holes of the world. You are an apologist for hypocrisy. You have no moral high ground to stand on, yet you continue to demonize Russia as if you do. Knock it off. You are just proving yourself to be an enormous hypocrite and creep.

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@metal-brain said
We are proving ourselves to be the a holes of the world. You are an apologist for hypocrisy. You have no moral high ground to stand on, yet you continue to demonize Russia as if you do. Knock it off. You are just proving yourself to be an enormous hypocrite and creep.
Lol you retard the only people unhappy with the US stance on Ukraine are he’d line fascist Russians and a few other totalitarian states.
Russia is the country blackening its name for the foreseeable future and they will be the pariahs of Europe and the rest of the civilised world for even longer.
Any nation within striking distance of a scumbag totalitarian state will be grateful for the stance the US is taking along with its allies.

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Stop lying. You are the fascist.

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