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Rahm Emanuel

Rahm Emanuel


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Originally posted by sh76
So, Emanuel accosted a guy in the shower who's involved in a sexual harassment scandal with a male staffer?

Emanuel's a genius!

What better way to intimidate a closeted gay guy than going at him in the shower. Brilliant.

Real life Josh Lyman, baby!
If you heard the circumstances of his comment to the staffer it is obvious there was no sexual intent (so he is likely not gay.) It was however extremely inappropriate and callous (clearly he is a massive drunken jerk who has trouble carrying his haunches around on his shoulders.)

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Originally posted by utherpendragon
[b]"Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil's spawn, Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) said. "He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive."

Rep. Massa describes a confrontation with Emanuel in a shower: "I am showering, naked as a jaybird, and here comes Rahm Emanuel, not ...[text shortened]...
More professionalism coming from Obama's finest. Are the Dems self destructing?[/b]
For once we agree on something: absolute hatred of Rahm.

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Originally posted by whodey
My guess is that he was set up much like Clinton was by the right. They must have known he opposed key partisan peices of legislation like Obamacare and cap and trade, so they tried to set him up. The only difference being, Massa did not purger himself under oath and freely admits his indiscretion. In addition, he is resigning as where Clinton stayed on to the bitter end even though he was impeached by the House.
And I'm sure you have a great explanation why, out of 39 Democrats who voted against the bill, HE would be a lone target. I can't wait.

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Originally posted by utherpendragon
[b]"Is it your contention that he's innocent?"-usap

I don't know. There are two sides to every story and the truth lays somewhere in the middle.


He told a New York radio station Sunday that the charges stemmed from an incident at a wedding reception on New Year's Eve, which was a ...[text shortened]...

I am interested in seeing him on Beck tomarrow to see what he has got to say.[/b]
If that's all that happened then he did nothing wrong at all. Why did he admit to being inappropriate? He mad e a joke. Big deal.

Can everyone be a little less sensitive, please?

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
And I'm sure you have a great explanation why, out of 39 Democrats who voted against the bill, HE would be a lone target. I can't wait.
A better question is why are all the democrats retiring or resigning. Something is amiss if you ask me.

Perhaps it is a great purge to make way for the radicals.

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Originally posted by sh76
If that's all that happened then he did nothing wrong at all. Why did he admit to being inappropriate? He mad e a joke. Big deal.

Can everyone be a little less sensitive, please?
Do you really believe that is why he is resigning? Does anyone believe this is why he is resigning? I think this to be the very tip of the ice burg.

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Originally posted by TerrierJack
[b]If you heard the circumstances of his comment to the staffer it is obvious there was no sexual intent (so he is likely not gay.)
Then again, how many showers have you taken with Rahm? 😛

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Originally posted by whodey
I think this to be the very tip of the ice burg.
Yeah, probably.

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Originally posted by utherpendragon
Not all Dems are progressives.Not all Dems follow lock step w/the radical agenda of this administration. He is one of them. So,they seek to destroy him.

He will be on our beloved Glen Beck show tomarrow for a one hour sit down for a tell all. I bet every member in congress and the white house will be tuning in.

How did that tell all work out for you? Did Beck get all the dirt he was looking for? Or did he almost burst a vein in his forehead out of frustration after digging... and digging... and digging.. and coming up empty?

My favorite part when when he apologized for "wasting an hour of hour time for the first time" I nearly choked on my drink when he said that.

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper

How did that tell all work out for you? Did Beck get all the dirt he was looking for? Or did he almost burst a vein in his forehead out of frustration after digging... and digging... and digging.. and coming up empty?

My favorite part when when he apologized for "wasting an hour of hour time for the first time" I nearly choked on my drink when he said that.
How did it work out for me? It was a total waste of time! Total B.S.! I may never watch that show again. You are right on. I didn't even make it to the part of the apology.
45 mins of that was enough for me.
I did laugh at one point w/Becks frustration. He looked like he wanted to strangle him!

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