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Reagan's Racist Call With Nixon

Reagan's Racist Call With Nixon



Sometimes it’s seriously dementing listening to you folk debate.

To teach that racism is structural and institutionalised is not critical race theory (CRT)

To teach that laws in times past have led to poverty traps along racial lines, is not CRT.

CRT is not communism. Although both do have similarities (in communism, poverty is seen as institutional, an example being that laws to protect property dispropotionally disadvantages people without property or access to food and shelter).

CRT does point out an uncomfortable truth in society: the laws and institutions in the past and in the present are not good for the majority of black people.
Measurable and true.

However, the critique I have is: it’s not racial, it’s poverty driven. And that black people have it hard is no longer inherently racist, but because of history they belong to the group of poor people.

But it was inherently racist. And that has to be taught at schools. That it has led to poverty within the black community is the truth. Just look around. That has to be taught at schools. That people caught in the poverty trap have a more difficult life, shorter life expectancy and nearly no way to get out of it, is true. And should be taught at school.

But that last part isn’t about race. Or about white people being evil. It’s about a rigged system keeping the very wealthy very wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

And you only have to look in the mirror to see who’s affected by this system.

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They don't want to hear that.
They want it to be about skin color so they can complain.
It is their excuse if they fail at life.

No different than me blaming job stealing immigrants.

Most poor people have traits that keep them down regardless of race.

No work ethic (that's mine 😉)
They are dumb
They had kids they can't afford
They don't save money
They buy expensive junk
Don't care attitude
No forethought

I get denied jobs all of the time to non whites so hearing them complain is getting pathetic.


@contenchess said

They don't want to hear that.
They want it to be about skin color so they can complain.
It is their excuse if they fail at life.

No different than me blaming job stealing immigrants.

Most poor people have traits that keep them down regardless of race.

No work ethic (that's mine 😉)
They are dumb
They had kids they can't afford
Don't ca ...[text shortened]... Etc

I get denied jobs all of the time to non whites so hearing them complain is getting pathetic.
The reason you’re probably not getting employed is your personality and your racism.

Most of your summary is down to the poverty trap.
If you have uneducated parents, the chances are incredibly high you’ll follow in their footsteps.
The difference in intelligence is not an issue, it’s being able apply that intelligence in a creative way that’s the problem.

If sports, unemployment or criminality are the only ways out for a person, it doesn’t leave much choice for them.

If you grow up in the projects, your basic view of life will be different than if you grow up in the country or in a mansion beside a lake. That already taints a person’s ability to see further that their own surroundings.

If everyone you know is going to university and you have the financial means to do so, you’re more than likely to follow suit.
If you grow up and everyone’s having babies at 17, holding 2 jobs to live in a crumbling apartment, that’s what you’re most likely to do to.

And much like the poor white people like to blame immigrants, leftists, etc. it is more than likely that folk in the projects blame white people.

Don’t you think?

And so, the solution, one would think is education. What has created the situation and what different methods are there to change it?


@mott-the-hoople said
you are posting propaganda

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/nov/8/educators-say-critical-race-theory-being-taught-k-/[WORD TOO LONG]
No you are posting propaganda as usual.
Culture wars is all you have.

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Does anyone have thoughts on the actual OP? The man, frequently called the greatest president by conservatives, is so casually using a racial slur in a phone with another president, it should be chilling that this man was elected to the highest office in the U.S.

Reagan has long been accused of enacting racist policies while Republicans brushed this aside. Now we have incontrovertible proof that he was, as highlighted by a conversation with another Republican president, also notorious for racism.

The kicker? Even the Nixon administration charged Trump with racist polices against blacks, though housing discrimination. This means every modern Republican president other than the Bush Jr. and Sr. were proven racists. Even Truman started out racist but changed his tune a bit later.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the OP? Or are we just so unsurprised and unbothered by racism from a U.S. president that no one will even address it?


@vivify said
Does anyone have thoughts on the actual OP? The man, frequently called the greatest president by conservatives, is so casually using a racial slur in a phone with another president, it should be chilling that this man was elected to the highest office in the U.S.

Reagan has long been accused of enacting racist policies while Republicans brushed this aside. Now we have inc ...[text shortened]... just so unsurprised and unbothered by racism from a U.S. president that no one will even address it?
Joan Baez dedicated a song at Woodstock to Ronald Raygun and the KKK.
Well, actually, it was the singer beside who did it, but they sang the pro-union song together.


@vivify said

Ronald Reagan’s Long-Hidden Racist Conversation With Richard Nixon

In newly unearthed audio, the then–California governor disparaged African delegates to the United Nations.

Ronald Reagan phoned President Richard Nixon at the White House and vented ...[text shortened]... n gave a huge laugh.

Audio of Reagan's call with Nixon:

There you go again! Why post that, but not close the comment with the racism of Biden? You are suggesting Reagan is racist but Biden is not? Do you know the definition of racism?
Here is a plethora of racism remarks of Biden, some you have heard, like when he said 'Obama is he first mainstream African American who is articulate, bright and clean". Or, in 1977 he said integration in schools would cause a 'racial jungle'. Ouch. " You can't go to a Seven/11 if you dont have an Indian accent". Jesus. Why don't you mention these things......are your shielding his racism???? Distracting us from his racism by mentioning locker-room talk of Reagan and Nixon?
Must be nice that you libs can get away with racist remarks as he has. Could Trump do that?


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@vivify said

Does anyone have any thoughts on the OP? Or are we just so unsurprised and unbothered by racism from a U.S. president that no one will even address it?
Wrong again. You are always wrong. I just addressed it, one click up.
Please give me a thumb up

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@averagejoe1 said
There you go again! Why post that, but not close the comment with the racism of Biden? You are suggesting Reagan is racist but Biden is not? Do you know the definition of racism?
Here is a plethora of racism remarks of Biden, some you have heard, like when he said 'Obama is he first mainstream African American who is articulate, bright and clean". Or, in 1977 h ...[text shortened]... hat?

I agree Biden said racist things. But actions speak louder than words and he was enough of an ally to blacks that he aligned himself with an unknown upstart black man---from Chicago---named Obama, and helped him become the first black president of the United States.

How racist can he be when he was instrumental in helping a black man gain the most powerful position in America?

Don't distract any more. Do you have any thoughts on the OP?

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@vivify said
Don't distract any more. Do you have any thoughts on the OP?
Yes, the phone call cracked me up. 🤣

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@vivify said
Does anyone have thoughts on the actual OP? The man, frequently called the greatest president by conservatives, is so casually using a racial slur in a phone with another president, it should be chilling that this man was elected to the highest office in the U.S.

Reagan has long been accused of enacting racist policies while Republicans brushed this aside. Now we have inc ...[text shortened]... just so unsurprised and unbothered by racism from a U.S. president that no one will even address it?
My thought is one word: Typical.

I didn't bother expressing it because I thought this would be the majority opinion.

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@suzianne said
My thought is one word: Typical.

I didn't bother expressing it because I thought this would be the majority opinion.
See the post directly above yours. Too few people seem to care.

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@vivify said
I agree Biden said racist things. But actions speak louder than words and he was enough of an ally to blacks that he aligned himself with an unknown upstart black man---from Chicago---named Obama, and helped him become the first black president of the United States.

How racist can he be when he was instrumental in helping a black man gain the most powerful position in America?

Don't distract any more. Do you have any thoughts on the OP?
I was amazed when Obama won the presidency.

Even a lot of white people I know said they voted for him (although that could've just been the white man's penchant for claiming to have always backed a winner).

I thought at the time that it was a huge step forward and that maybe, just maybe, America's racist past was behind her. Man, was I wrong.

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@vivify said
See the post directly above yours. Unfortunately, it's not.
I know.

We're 70 years removed from '50s America, where Blacks couldn't eat at drugstore lunch counters and couldn't even drink out of the same water fountain as whites and we're almost 160 years removed from the Civil War, fought over slavery. That we still have work to do to get African-Americans recognized as Americans (thanks for nothing, Mitch McConnell) says volumes about America's place in the world, and why we still don't deserve to eat at the adult's table yet.

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