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Refresher on Facts of the Hur report

Refresher on Facts of the Hur report


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@averagejoe1 said
Methinks he brandishes his 'lawyer- I-am' a bit too much, wouldn't you say? Probably knows a paralegal, access to LEXIS-NEXIS, may actually be a paralegal, or a bot. A life of links! Latter-day Marx! Def not a patriot. And cannot understand the illegality of Bidens taking of docs. Illegal for a VP. For instance, a lawyer would know this: The 'cooperation' of the accused ...[text shortened]... ly diff was that biden cooperated more than did Trump. That is not a defense. Ball in Bot's court.
Unsurprisingly, you don't know what you are talking about. The relevant statute refers to retention of documents:

"To prove unauthorized retention of national defense information under
18 U.S.C. § 793(e) the government must show: (1) the defendant had unauthorized
possession of a document, writing, or note; (2) the document, writing, or note related to the national defense; and (3) [the defendant willfully retained the document, writing, or note and failed to deliver it to an employee or officer entitled to receive it."

P. 178 (182 in the box at the top) of the Report https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf

Trump was treated exactly the same way as Biden was for materials he "voluntarily" handed over even when he did so almost a year late i.e. the 15 boxes in January 2022. But he was charged with unlawful retention of some (but not all) of those the government had to obtain by subpoena and later by search warrant. The government never had to resort to such coercive means against Biden.

In this case: "Under the Espionage Act, an act is willful when "it is done voluntarily and intentionally and with the specific intent to do something that the law forbids. That is to say, with a bad purpose either to disobey or to disregard the law."

p. 184 (188 in the box) of the Report

So it is course relevant to a charge of unauthorized retention of national defense information that Biden promptly turned over to the government the materials when they were discovered while Trump refused to and even had others lie about his possession of them. The latter shows "specific intent to do something the law forbids"; the former does not.

Hope that helps.


@averagejoe1 said
Check out Marauder forever carrying water for people right Down to Hillary Clinton. He actually defends this maniacal maniac. He even defends....oh, never mind......
I had multiple chances to vote for Hillary Clinton for various positions and never did.

That doesn't mean false claims like Earl just made should go unanswered.


@no1marauder said
Comey found no such things:
But we did. Where was he?



Plain and simple. PLEASE, no discussion, I have been A'Waiting for you fellers to quit it with the documents. If you want to banterhillarycomey, take it up with Sonhouse.

Everything is what it is.

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@no1marauder said
Unsurprisingly, you don't know what you are talking about. The relevant statute refers to retention of documents:

"To prove unauthorized retention of national defense information under
18 U.S.C. § 793(e) the government must show: (1) the defendant had unauthorized
possession of a document, writing, or note; (2) the document, writing, or note related to the n ...[text shortened]... er shows "specific intent to do something the law forbids"; the former does not.

Hope that helps.
was it legal for a senator to have possession of classified documents?

axin fer a bro


@mott-the-hoople said
was it legal for a senator to have possession of classified documents?

axin fer a bro
The senators, congressmen and talking heads have already clarified this situtation as regards each of them taking documents. You know, one a VP with no security, and one a President with security, in every MaraLago room. One with no de-classification powers, and one with.
Read them, or read Marauder. Either he is wrong, or all these DC people are wrong. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


@no1marauder said
Right wing bleating like this is always expected; rather than actually looking at the facts and the law, they inevitably fall back to whiny conspiracy theory.

The author of the Report was appointed to a Federal Judge position by Trump, resigned that post weeks after Biden's inauguration and is a member of the right wing Federalist Society. Strange he would be sooooooooo willing to be a part of the George Soros world domination conspiracy.
I probably agree with the finding: nobody can be convicted of anything that they are not clearly guilty of.

I have not seen evidence that absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt convicts the sitting President of receiving bribes, but I have also seen that there has not been much energy invested in this. Certainly, not a fraction of the energy invested in trying to substantiate collusion with Russia or with Ukrainegate.

Legal warfare is reserved for enemies of the Deep State.

Which is why the American government is actually brilliant: they have been able to relatively limit the damage of the corrupt and backwards government through their Constitution. Imagine a scenario where these folks had no checks or balances.

The sitting President has not been proven guilty and has not been seriously investigated. His son is clearly a disturbed drug addict and involved in corruption, and there is enough there for most people to conclude that something very untoward is going on. Hunter Biden was being hired because he provided access to the Presidency, not because of his skills as a drug addict, though I imagine there would be good reasosn to keep around a slippery eel that can procur you prostitutes skilled in fancy footwork and give you kilograms of snow.

The Bidens are dirtbags, and their comeuppance will be when Joe quietly shuffles out of the whitehouse losing in disastrous fashion to the supreme enemy of the Deep State... He will be the second establishment candidate defeated by someone who has to literally create his own social media companies to platform himself and is universally reviled by bourgeois media.


@philokalia said
I probably agree with the finding: nobody can be convicted of anything that they are not clearly guilty of.

I have not seen evidence that absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt convicts the sitting President of receiving bribes, but I have also seen that there has not been much energy invested in this. Certainly, not a fraction of the energy invested in trying to ...[text shortened]... te his own social media companies to platform himself and is universally reviled by bourgeois media.
"“I am also not aware of any financial arrangements or compensation to then Vice President Biden related to his son’s business dealings with Burisma or otherwise,” Tramontano said.

Tramontano is the latest in a series of witnesses to tell lawmakers they knew of no corruption by the Bidens and hadn’t seen the president get involved in his son’s work."


Trump will, in all likelihood, be a convicted felon by the time the election rolls around. That's not as much as a electoral positive as right wing fanatics like you think it is.

Even if he is not, he lost to Biden by 7 million votes last time. There's little reason to think it will wind up any different this time.


@no1marauder said
"“I am also not aware of any financial arrangements or compensation to then Vice President Biden related to his son’s business dealings with Burisma or otherwise,” Tramontano said.

Tramontano is the latest in a series of witnesses to tell lawmakers they knew of no corruption by the Bidens and hadn’t seen the president get involved in his son’s work."

https://www.ms ...[text shortened]... y 7 million votes last time. There's little reason to think it will wind up any different this time.
These couple of posts leave hanging the question of why they were paid so much money by the chinee. Could you please round out your comments and not leave US hanging!???

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@no1marauder said
"“I am also not aware of any financial arrangements or compensation to then Vice President Biden related to his son’s business dealings with Burisma or otherwise,” Tramontano said.

Tramontano is the latest in a series of witnesses to tell lawmakers they knew of no corruption by the Bidens and hadn’t seen the president get involved in his son’s work."

https://www.ms ...[text shortened]... y 7 million votes last time. There's little reason to think it will wind up any different this time.
third world shyt

things have changed…



@no1marauder said
"“I am also not aware of any financial arrangements or compensation to then Vice President Biden related to his son’s business dealings with Burisma or otherwise,” Tramontano said.

Tramontano is the latest in a series of witnesses to tell lawmakers they knew of no corruption by the Bidens and hadn’t seen the president get involved in his son’s work."

https://www.ms ...[text shortened]... y 7 million votes last time. There's little reason to think it will wind up any different this time.
Disqualifying people from being elected and imprisoning them over draconian readings of the law is exactly what the puppet regime in Pakistan is doing to Imran Khan right now, up to and including putting his wife in jail and accusing his marriage of even being fraudulent.

Any kind of legal war imposed on a man for his participation in politics is really a sign of totalitarianism and is fundamentally antidemocratic.

That's exactly what is happening here.

Nobody serious thinks that Trump would be subjected to all of these bizarre investiagtions into lies about his sexual history or financial dealings if he had never run for the Presidency. These have all come to be precisely because the government is corrupt.

It'd be one thing for heightened attention to his business empire did bring about more fines and more convictions for things related to financial irregularities, but the guys are pulling out no stops.

These guys can't get conviction on anything significant, though, which will be the legacy that these guys write for themselves -- they will be remembered as the snakes that they are.


@averagejoe1 said
Wow. Marauder is saying that Biden did nothing,,,,nothing,,,wrong. The jury will now repair to the jury room and not come out until you reach your verdict.
No. The report said that.


You are so full of SHYTE I think you see brown when you brush your teeth.
The so called criminal activity of Biden was the possession of HIS OWN HAND WRITTEN DIARY of his time in office which EVERY POTUS and VP has done and has in their possession, like for instance, THREE books written about Reagan's possession of exactly the same stuff, his own words written by Reagan and the ALL have those kind of docs as opposed to Trump who has REAL TS and above docs, HUNDREDS of them, and refused to hand them over till it resulted in a raid on his property when it was found not only in his own bedroom but in storage units outside of his home.

So naturally the ultrarightwingnuts want to make is sound as if both issues were identical and so if every POTUS has that stuff, then there is nothing criminal in what Trump did. Which is utter BULLSHYTE, he willfully stole those docs, read them to people at parties, refused to turn them over when asked repeatedly till it took a warrant to get that stuff back and we still don't know if there is still more to be found.


@philokalia said
Disqualifying people from being elected and imprisoning them over draconian readings of the law is exactly what the puppet regime in Pakistan is doing to Imran Khan right now, up to and including putting his wife in jail and accusing his marriage of even being fraudulent.

Any kind of legal war imposed on a man for his participation in politics is really a sign of total ...[text shortened]... legacy that these guys write for themselves -- they will be remembered as the snakes that they are.
Gee, 91 felony charges sure seem "significant".

Politicians get prosecuted when they break the law here in the US; a Senator is also currently under indictment. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/22/politics/bob-menendez-charges/index.html

Running for President isn't a "get out of jail free card".


The Democrat Party is just another right wing party. The democrats were duped into supporting a moderate republican economic and foreign policy agenda. That is why the democrats never fought for pro choice policy when they could have. You all need something to vote for. If they accomplished their agenda what would you have to vote for?


The Dems refused to Codify Roe even when they had the power to," wrote screenwriter Thomas Cunningham. "RBG refused to retire when Obama could pick her replacement. Biden promised he'd codify Roe but didn't. Trump win is only 1 part. The other is Dem failure.

Obama and Biden both dropped the ball on purpose so you feel the need to vote for them to pick up the ball they deliberately dropped. Why do you keep voting for the ball droppers? You are being manipulated into voting for the other right wing party.

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