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Regime change in the USA

Regime change in the USA


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king george II"s... second term will come to pass
then we have the choice of hillary clinton,whos own husband doesnt even want.and who can blame him??shes a fridgid beyotch
and the second choice is john mc cain even though he is a god dammned repulican i think he is a good man and a loyal american...
third party candidate???like that will ever matter because americans are too lazy to look that far down the ballot

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Originally posted by howardgee
You are completely spot on.

How can the usual suspects (DimJim, ChancreMech, etc) possibly argue against your assertions?
Simply by the fact that you endorsed them...I wouldn't let you endorse jock-itch medication, much less someone's post.... 'nuff said

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
Also SlimJIm, why do you feel the need to resort to insults when you don;t have anything worthwhile to say? It just makes you look unprofessional. If you have a valid point, make it (politely), people will listen. To be rude debases your entire argument.
Well, go to the websites that he poroposed; they are anti-American malarky.....what shav says is heresay.....I lived 48 km from the school of Americas....a very professional insitution training anti-narcotis....sometime one has to use "terrorism" to fight narco-terrorists. They have never heard of the Geneva Convenction....crawl out of your shell.....you blokes are a half a world away from the SOA, so you have no clue...as a member of the US military, I've ben to Ft. Benning, and seen the class structure....so, put your $$ where your mouth is.....The US can't control how these generals turn out after they've been trained in sophiticated counter-narcotics....cocain could by the Pope off if he was a connoseur of the "snow", and these generals se $$ or are bought off, and the US getsa blamed....WTF!!!

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
Well, go to the websites that he poroposed; they are anti-American malarky.....what shav says is heresay.....I lived 48 km from the school of Americas....a very professional insitution training anti-narcotis....sometime one has to use "terrorism" to fight narco-terrorists. They have never heard of the Geneva Convenction....crawl out of your shell. ...[text shortened]... r of the "snow", and these generals se $$ or are bought off, and the US getsa blamed....WTF!!!
Dear Chancremechanic,

The documentation on the SOA is horrendously large. When their manuals on torture, abduction, etc. were released, they even had to change their name to WHISC (I don't know where I got the M from...must be old age).


http://www.mnsoaw.org/ (another SOA watch group)

Also look for the PDF by Amnesty called: Unmatched power (I can't open PDF's on this computer and can't supply the link for some reason).

This one is equally interesting:



The new law codified the old SOA's decade-old practice of inviting a "Board of Visitors" to review and evaluate "curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, and academic methods." The board must include the chairmen and ranking minority members of both houses' Armed Services Committees (or surrogates), the senior Army officer responsible for training (or a surrogate), one person chosen by the Secretary of State, the head of the U.S. Southern command (or a surrogate), and six people chosen by the Secretary of Defense ("including, to the extent practicable, persons from academia and the religious and human rights communities"😉. The board reviews the institute's curriculum to determine whether it complies with U.S. laws and doctrine, and whether it is consistent with U.S. policy goals toward Latin America and the Caribbean. Within sixty days of its annual meeting, the Board must submit a report to the Secretary of Defense describing its activities and its recommendations.

Note who decides who's on the 'board of visitors'. And note what the goals of this board are.


US senators, Religious leaders, human rights people...the list of people opposing this school is equally as endless as the documentation.

I can't find the link at the moment, but two nuns (both aged over 70) were jailed for 6 months each because of protesting the school. I believe this lovely little article, though, is talking about the trial of them:


Yours with much love,


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Originally posted by chancremechanic
sometime one has to use "terrorism" to fight narco-terrorists. They have never heard of the Geneva Convenction....
I was driving to work, sipping my espresso (which was god awfully weak, I have to admit), thinking about your post and then I remembered this and nearly choked!

I must have missed it the first time round because of the rush I was in.

Exactly what do you mean: "Sometimes one has to use terrorism?"
For whatever reason one finds acceptable?

Are you suggesting that Alqeda's techniques are justified? Are you suggesting that only the US can use these techniques? What exactly are you suggesting?

If the drugs problem is the issue, why not destroy the profit margin on them and destroy the drugs trade that way (if no one makes a profit, no one will the stuff)? Surely that will cause less civilian casualties?

No. I fear what you are saying is: "The US has the right to do whatever it wants to persue its own goals."

And to this I have to quote Hulk Hogan.
"I am a real American, I fight for the rights of every man."
And nowhere in his song does he mention "White caucasian US citizen".

That is the American way. That is what being a true American is all about. Not supporting your government or its institutes no matter what. That is not patriotism, it is stupidity and the human rights abuses which come forth from such matters are on your shoulders!

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Regime change in the USA seems like a good idea. However it is not that simple.
Most of the crimes commited by the US government were commited with full support of a large proportion of the US citizens. If the regime is changed and it remains a democracy (if the current system can truely be called democratic) then we would expect very little change in the overall behaviour of the US government.
Part of the problem is the "patriotism" (often misguided) of most americans and the encouragement of this by the US government and media.
Another major problem is the involvement of politicians in buisiness interests especially the oil and arms industries.
Several people have commented that your sources are biased against the US. Can anyone show evidence that the facts and figures are totally incorrect. Most american media is actually biased in favour of the government which is a very dangerous situation in any political system.

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Originally posted by twhitehead

Most of the crimes commited by the US government were commited with full support of a large proportion of the US citizens.
I've counted two people (Slimjim and Chancre) who dispute the sites I've used, although I've only plucked a few from many and any google search will cough up facts and statistics abound.

I do tend to disagree with you on statement I'm quoting you on.
I do not believe the average US citizen knows what their government is doing. Hence my post.

And the reaction is tell tale: "The facts are wrong".
Very little: "Oh, I'm gonna check that out and verify the sources."

And here in lies the greatest of tasks. How do you convince people to investigate something which they, themselves, completely believe to be sound?

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Originally posted by shavixmir
(1) http://www.narconews.com/Issue37/article1281.html
narconews.com lauched in the spring of 2000 by (Bronx-born) Alberto "Al" Giordano,
a former political presidential campaign worker for senator John Kerry -first hired by
Kerry while he was Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts. Al is also somewhat of
a prankster; http://www.notbored.org/giordano.html .

Kinda gives "the usual suspects" a whole new meaning.

Having sampled the data, this concludes the test of my hypothesis.

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Originally posted by xs
narconews.com lauched in the spring of 2000 by (Bronx-born) Alberto "Al" Giordano,
a former political presidential campaign worker for senator John Kerry -first hired by
Kerry while he was Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts. Al is also somewhat of
a prankster; http://www.notbored.org/giordano.html .

Kinda gives "the usual suspects" a whole new meaning.

Having sampled the data, this concludes the test of my hypothesis.




I only used that link to define who the supposed "good" terrorists are. But, I've added a few more links (page one on google...all of them) for you, so that you can research the data.
As if the arming of Southern American terrorists needs to be proven though...tsk....

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
Also SlimJIm, why do you feel the need to resort to insults when you don;t have anything worthwhile to say? It just makes you look unprofessional. If you have a valid point, make it (politely), people will listen. To be rude debases your entire argument.
What you and Howeeee are lovers now?

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Originally posted by slimjim
What you and Howeeee are lovers now?
Oh come on! Is that really the best you can do???? Man, I want to apologise to the rest of the the USA for you.

I, Scottishinnz, hereby apologise to the free people of the United States of America, no, goddamnit, the world for SlimJim's existance.

I promise he'll only do it once though.

That's about even now - isn't it? Come back when your voice has broken mate.

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
Oh come on! Is that really the best you can do???? Man, I want to apologise to the rest of the the USA for you.

I, Scottishinnz, hereby apologise to the free people of the United States of America, no, goddamnit, the world for SlimJim's existance.

I promise he'll only do it once though.

That's about even now - isn't it? Come back when your voice has broken mate.
Maybe you should apoligize to that great country of Scotland by posting their flag on your profile. Then again you could be one of those Scots who wears lacy g-strings from Victoria's Secrets under your kilt. Come back when you grow a pair MATE!

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Originally posted by slimjim
Then again you could be one of those Scots who wears lacy g-strings from Victoria's Secrets under your kilt. Come back when you grow a pair MATE!
Under my kilt. Under my jeans, under my pink dress.
I always wear Victoria's secrets.

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Originally posted by slimjim
Maybe you should apoligize to that great country of Scotland by posting their flag on your profile. Then again you could be one of those Scots who wears lacy g-strings from Victoria's Secrets under your kilt. Come back when you grow a pair MATE!
huh? what ARE you talking about? Man, I never saw anyone with such a large chip on their shoulder. GET OVER IT!

Incidentaly, it recently was nude day here in NZ. Perhaps it's just the warmer climate, but I got compliments. I don't think i require another pair.

Oh, and I AM a true Scot, nothing under my kilt (except the obvious). If we're going to invoke steriotypes to settle this then go back to your trailer park, your wife [read; sister] is getting lonely.

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btw SlimJIm, I like the vacation sign you've got up - it neatly surmises your detachment from reality!

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