There is some unnecessary churn over the wording in the thread title.
Better would have been.....
78% of Republicans believe that Biden didn't win the election and that Trump should still be President.
I understood the intent of the title, but I guess it has to be dumbed down for some.
There, better ?
@Metal-Brain most Democrates
Do not like the electoral college as it allows a candidate to win while losing the popular vote. Clinton won the.popular vote. Democrates NEVER claimed the 2016 election was rigged or illegal.
Biden with dementia is a THOUSAND times better than Trump on his best day.
But Biden does not have dementia as much as you would like to keep puking your stinking lies.
@kevcvs57 saidhow do you know what other people think?
They believe nothing of the sort they are Just undemocratic liars who supported Trumps attempted coup and will undoubtedly support the next one.
As for how Biden got elected it was more a case of the scumbag halfwitted Trump getting kicked out of office. The Dems could’ve put a cold bowl of vomit on the ticket and the wannabe dictator and his clown base would’ve still gone home in tears
your media has mislead you
The REAL deal is TRUMP got to you so thoroughly you don't know right from wrong any more.
@phranny saidDemocrats claimed trump conspired with Russia to steal the election. THis is well known if you didn't live in a cave.
@Metal-Brain most Democrates
Do not like the electoral college as it allows a candidate to win while losing the popular vote. Clinton won the.popular vote. Democrates NEVER claimed the 2016 election was rigged or illegal.
Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview.
@mott-the-hoople saidYou will know for sure in one year and two months time. Until the mid-terms, everything else is hot air!
damn man, what kind of denial do you live in? can you not read the poll?