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RIO 2016

RIO 2016


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Originally posted by FMF
Don't you just cringe though when your like minded compatriots come out with stuff like "your uberleftie idol, Obama returned with egg on his face and "Obama demeans the office of the presidency [with] his apology tours, groveling tours"? And stuff like "If he cannot convince a fawning uberleftist bunch like the Olympic commitee on the basis of his inflated self ...[text shortened]... g a failed Olympic bid to bash your president? Does partisan rancour stoop any lower?
What makes one cringe is the blindness of people like you. You would be among the first led to slaughter if the leftist vision of a new world order comes to pass. Or perhaps us center right people. I am sure Obama is more consumed with the right than with getting work done. He dislikes tough questions so he skips Fox. When even Stephanopoulos threw a hard Q at the annointed one OBama argued with Noah Webster.

Let Obama continue apologizing, kissing the hands of muslim kings while bowing and kissing leftist ass like Chavez. You may continue applauding all you want. He likes the euroweenies. Let Obama keep them. Maybe he can bring Polanski in to sub for Jennings in school protection. Definitely qualifies.

Groveling for the Olympics was not a non-partisan effort at all. Obama wanted the games for his Chicago cronies. The games should be left to private efforts. Vastly more effective. Private efforts got us LA, Atlanta, Utah, NY, Maine. Obama. Uberfail! Why should we rally around an ineffective leader? One who wants to change America for the worse. What kind of a fool are you to even suggest dissent is disgraceful? This is not partisan rancor, simply outright disgust at how the office of the presidency is being made the laughingstock of the world.

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
What makes one cringe is the blindness of people like you. You would be among the first led to slaughter if the leftist vision of a new world order comes to pass.
Mmmm. Right. I see.

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Originally posted by badmoon
It was a no win for Obama. If he hadn't tried you right wing knuckleheads would have insulted him anyway.

Blind fools that you are. You are more into defying the president - and you are not patriots to be so consumed with belittleing that office day after day - than wanting the nation to be stronger.

You offer up no solutions; just crazed complaints. ...[text shortened]... American brothers and sisters. Effete snobs that you are you shame this country.

I am sorry but it is impossible to offer solotuions when a seat at the table is denied on the basis of "we won, you lost". Try these for solutions: lower taxes, eliminate the welfare state, get back to teaching the basics instead of feelings driven BS, stop calling dissenters racist and stop asking the "populace" to kiss Obama ass. Since when is it right for a prez to abandon the job he was sworn to do to go grovel for games while his commander on the ground waits 70 plus days? Unemployment is almost at 10% and instead of finding solutions Obama goes overseas? Are you pleased with this state of affairs? If you are I am frightened for you. I'd rather be an effete snob of a dissenter than a blind follower of a failed personality woh believes everything should come easy just because he's Obama. After all us effete snobs don't know the price of arugula like Obama does.

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
What makes one cringe is the blindness of people like you. You would be among the first led to slaughter if the leftist vision of a new world order comes to pass. Or perhaps us center right people. I am sure Obama is more consumed with the right than with getting work done. He dislikes tough questions so he skips Fox. When even Stephanopoulos threw a ha ...[text shortened]... tright disgust at how the office of the presidency is being made the laughingstock of the world.
I don't believe the NWO cares one bit about political orientation if and when a slaughter occurs. The ones that will buy a little time are the police, military, and those still needed to set the whole thing up. These folks will feel like they are part of the new system and will be told just that. After a certain point, most of them will get the same treatment. The people behind the scenes are more interested in blood lines when choosing who will be part of their earthly family.

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Originally posted by joe beyser
I don't believe the NWO cares one bit about political orientation if and when a slaughter occurs. The ones that will buy a little time are the police, military, and those still needed to set the whole thing up. These folks will feel like they are part of the new system and will be told just that. After a certain point, most of them will get the same treat ...[text shortened]... enes are more interested in blood lines when choosing who will be part of their earthly family.
Perhaps you're right, except notice that the only bank allowed to fail was the one detected to have contributed to the McCain campaign. Coincindence? Perhaps. Not likely. Obama reminds me of Nixon. Probably has an enemies list. Obama just thought no one would object to the NWO.

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One though has come to mind in all this. Obama is the first US president to petition for an Olympics, and failed. Does this demonstrate a deminishing American influence in the world? Is this just the beginning?

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Originally posted by whodey
One though has come to mind in all this. Obama is the first US president to petition for an Olympics, and failed. Does this demonstrate a deminishing American influence in the world? Is this just the beginning?
I wouldn't use that as a sign. Actually Rio was probably the best choice. I'd love to be there.

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Originally posted by FMF
No. But this is:

generalissimo: [b]"He got what he deserved, he thought [insert something made up here that makes the person you are talking about sound silly and proves that he "got what he deserved"]...

That's about as tabloid as it gets when trying to land a punch on a public figure.

Nothing to do with whether I agree with you or not.[/b]
your labeling skills are still very poor, I don't see how that is "tabloid" , its only the truth (though in a simplified way).

also, Im not sure about what can be labeled "tabloid", I don't read them. but since you're the expert I assume you must be an avid reader.

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Originally posted by whodey
One though has come to mind in all this. Obama is the first US president to petition for an Olympics, and failed. Does this demonstrate a deminishing American influence in the world? Is this just the beginning?
Of course US influence is diminishing. That's what Obama wants. Failed diplomacy, failed Olympic bids, elimination of missle shields, backstabbing of allies, kissing enemy ass like Iran's and Putin's, kissing Hugo Chavez ass, allowing dictators to call the shots. It indicates a president who thinks he can tell the world his sister is a whore then expect people to marry her. That's how Obama feels about America. I am really ashamed. Very ashamed. It is a sad day for America when her own commander in chief prefers to grovel before the euroweenies and delay talking to his commander on the ground in Afghanistan to the very end to try and get games to benefit his cronies in corrupt Chicago. Bet Blago was working on this behind the scenes. Real screwy priorities indicate a disturbed mind indeed as much as the appalling egomania and profound self centeredness evidenced by thinking that a peripathetic, insipid life story would convince euroweenies of anything. Also notice lady O's speech claims she sat on her father's lap watching Carl Lewis win his medals. Creepy to the nth degree since she would have been 20 in 1984!

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
Not evreyone, just the uberleftist euroweenies, and weeny wannabe Lula or whatever his name is in Brazil. BTW, congrats on landing the games. We surely did not want them. Obama and Oprah did. Now Obama can get back to real work. Lula can go on blaming white people for the ills of the world and let Pele do the heavy lifting. The USA is full of uberleftie ...[text shortened]... y migh actually be entertaining. Except for lloyd, who wants to eliminate freedom of the press.
just the uberleftist euroweenies

who are you referring to?

weeny wannabe Lula

yeah I agree with that, it is a well-known fact that president squid is a leftist, no surprise there.

BTW, congrats on landing the games. We surely did not want them.

"we lost it, but hey we didn't want it anyway!"?

Obama and Oprah did

true. but despite the loss, you have to admit it was a huge ego-boost for them.

as for the rest, I pretty much agree with you.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
[b]just the uberleftist euroweenies

who are you referring to?

weeny wannabe Lula

yeah I agree with that, it is a well-known fact that president squid is a leftist, no surprise there.

BTW, congrats on landing the games. We surely did not want them.

"we lost it, but hey we didn't want it anyway!"?

Obama and Oprah ...[text shortened]... o admit it was a huge ego-boost for them.

as for the rest, I pretty much agree with you.
just the uberleftist euroweenies

who are you referring to? uberleftist euroweenies! FRance, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland, etc. Find me a single right leaning country amongst these. However, Obama wants to turn the USA into one of them. An arugula sucking, Polanski loving bunch of perverts.

weeny wannabe Lula

yeah I agree with that, it is a well-known fact that president squid is a leftist, no surprise there. More than a leftist. Hugo Chaves wannabe.

BTW, congrats on landing the games. We surely did not want them.

"we lost it, but hey we didn't want it anyway!"? WE NEVER WANTED THE STINKING GAMES, OBAMA DID! Olympics are a drain and Chicago certainly cannot handle such a tall task. Rio is already prepared having recently hosted the Panam games. We did not lose anything. Obama, lady O and Oprah did! We have had the games multiple times. Enough is enough. Let other countries suffer the huge financial drain hosting any of these events rperesents.

Obama and Oprah did

true. but despite the loss, you have to admit it was a huge ego-boost for them. A win would have been an ego boost. I knew Rio would win. That Obama seemingly did not is indicative of his incompetence.
I'm sure he'll whine then blame the loss on Bush, politics, racism, the Cambridge police, the vast right wing conspiracy. He'll never look at himself at all. Yes We Creu!!!!! Good for Brazil. I only fear for the little fabela dwellers who may be purged to keep sigh unseen!

as for the rest, I pretty much agree with you.
I knew you would agree!

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
just the uberleftist euroweenies

who are you referring to? uberleftist euroweenies! FRance, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland, etc. Find me a single right leaning country amongst these. However, Obama wants to turn the USA into one of them. An arugula sucking, Polanski loving bunch of perverts.

weeny wannabe Lula

yeah I agree with that, it is ep sigh unseen!

as for the rest, I pretty much agree with you.
I knew you would agree!
France, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland, etc. Find me a single right leaning country amongst these.

Ermm. France, Germany and Switzerland all have centre right parties currently in charge. Germany's election was only last week.

Just so you don't look silly in the future, Scandinavia isn't a country.

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
just the uberleftist euroweenies

who are you referring to? uberleftist euroweenies! FRance, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland, etc. Find me a single right leaning country amongst these. However, Obama wants to turn the USA into one of them. An arugula sucking, Polanski loving bunch of perverts.

weeny wannabe Lula

yeah I agree with that, it is ...[text shortened]... ep sigh unseen!

as for the rest, I pretty much agree with you.
I knew you would agree!
Find me a single right leaning country amongst these. However, Obama wants to turn the USA into one of them. An arugula sucking, Polanski loving bunch of perverts

Im sorry but you're sounding like an idiot now. Sarkozy is right-wing, and if Im not mistaken so is merkel. I never heard anything from Obama that would suggest he wants to "turn the US into one of them".
and its a mystery to me how polanski gets into the equation.


chigago did.

Let other countries suffer the huge financial drain hosting any of these events rperesents.

ever thought about the benefits?

whine then blame the loss on Bush, politics, racism, the Cambridge police, the vast right wing conspiracy.

again, there is no indication of that.

I only fear for the little fabela dwellers who may be purged to keep sigh unseen

well, Im not bothered about that, most of them are criminals anyway.

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]France, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland, etc. Find me a single right leaning country amongst these.

Ermm. France, Germany and Switzerland all have centre right parties currently in charge. Germany's election was only last week.

Just so you don't look silly in the future, Scandinavia isn't a country.[/b]
Centre-right is way left from our vantage point. Scandinavia saves me putting in all of those countries. You really think Frances's prez is conservative? Yikes! Germany's? There is no true right of centre government in Europe. Hasn't been one in quite a while. Some are simply farther to the left than others. I exclude the UK from euroweenie leaning because they happen to have a backbone excepting Gordon Brown as he evidenced with the Lockerbie bomber fiasco. Just so you won't look silly trying to make me look silly, including a region is perfectly correct.

Don't try and make Berlusconi center right either. He's not. Angela Merkel makes any Dem in the USA seem like a right winger. Sarkozy's defense of Polanski proves he has no decency, hence a euroweenie!

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Originally posted by generalissimo
[b]Find me a single right leaning country amongst these. However, Obama wants to turn the USA into one of them. An arugula sucking, Polanski loving bunch of perverts

Im sorry but you're sounding like an idiot now. Sarkozy is right-wing, and if Im not mistaken so is merkel. I never heard anything from Obama that would suggest he wants to "turn th ...[text shortened]... keep sigh unseen[/b]

well, Im not bothered about that, most of them are criminals anyway.[/b]
Sarkozy center-right!?! Defends Polanski? He's a euroweenie of the worst kind. There is not a single center-right government in Europe. Not Merkel's, not Sarkozy's and certainly not Berlusconi. They all promote socialist policies in their countries. Even in the USA most Republicans are far more center and socialist leaning than they care to admit. None of the above has enacted a single policy to reduce the size of govt, reduce taxes or cut social programs that drag their countries down. I will give Sarkozy a small point for attempting to restore the 40 hour work week.

Obama is a big cry baby. He is already blaming Bush like he does for everything. Never assumes reponsibility for failure. Obama has always stated he wants to model the US on Europe, adopt their judicial views and by nominating a like minded jurist in Sotomayor proves he has begun the process.

Benefits from Olympic games? I have never found any outside of national pride. BIg drain on public coffers and little to show for it afterwards. Jobs? usually temporary. Atlanta got a termorary boost of 35,000 jobs, all gone once the games were over.

If Obama truly wanted the good of the country he would have picked Detroit, not Chicago.

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