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Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity


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Originally posted by kirksey957
I have a friend who would describer herself as very liberal. She is grieving Dan Rather's retirement. She was stunned that I listened to Rush and Bill O'Reilly and the Fox network. I finally said to her: "Well, why wouldn't I listen to them in addition to PBS or CBS or CNN? Is it not my job to be well informed from many perspectives?" I guess not if it is a conservative viewpoint.
Agreed. Although I don't care for Stern and I don't really consider him to have anything decent to say about politics. With the exception of the FCC of course. :-)

But in regards to conservative and political views I would never get all of my info from one source. That's a recipe for disaster imo. And I certainly wouldn't choose only one media outlet to get the daily news from. Mulitple sources give me multiple choices. And then hopefully I can make up my own mind later.

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After I discovered talk radio I was so put off that I declared I was the opposite of everything they stood for. I do lean left, but not as much as I thought. I just despise talk radio.

What it boils down to is that you can take a list of issues such as Kosovo, global warming, Iraq, etc.... Issues that are opinions not necessarily based on religious convictions and you can psychicly determine where these ideologues stand based on their ideology. Thats a good indicator that these people have very little free will and are merely mouthpiece puppets. Kosovo-Clinton, bad. Iraq, Bush, good. Global Warming, not true. Must be a conspiracy. etc........

Is there any doubt in anyones mind that if Clinton were president today the talk jocks would be railing against the ineptness of the Iraq war 24/7?

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A friend of mine says I should listen to Laura Ingraham and Gordon Liddy. I dont get them out here. Has anyone heard them? What are they like?

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Originally posted by Aaronious
A friend of mine says I should listen to Laura Ingraham and Gordon Liddy. I dont get them out here. Has anyone heard them? What are they like?
Isn't Gordon Liddy one of those cowboys who took the fall in the watergate scandal? Didn't he also used to carry a 45 magnum around with him in DC?

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Originally posted by darvlay
Isn't Gordon Liddy one of those cowboys who took the fall in the watergate scandal? Didn't he also used to carry a 45 magnum around with him in DC?
Yes. That would be the infamous Gordon Liddy. Former inmate Gordon Liddy...

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Originally posted by wib
Yes. That would be the infamous Gordon Liddy. Former inmate Gordon Liddy...
You yankees and your celebrities. 🙂

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Originally posted by darvlay
You yankees and your celebrities. 🙂
Yeah. Publicity and the marketing that goes with it are crazy here. Have you seen any of the "Reality TV" shows we have? Being famous has become a full time profession for a lot of people. They're famous for being famous. Or infamous... Such is the case with Mr. Liddy.

Speaking of TV... I like the Red Green show. Just thought I'd sneak that in here. 🙂

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Originally posted by Aaronious
Do any of you listen to these people on the radio?

I find it disturbing that friends of mine actually like these guys. I started listening to them recently for entertainment, but I was surprised to learn that alot of people actually ...[text shortened]... memetic mind-warp that motivates these people. Can you help me?
You have to listen in context.

Limbaugh was the only alternative to the mind numbing blather of Rather that radical righties had ever heard. He became a focus of the new age.

You can't know how good it was to have a voice. The right was shut out from 1945 to 1992. That is a long time with no voice.

Now people stand in amazement at the popularity of "right wing" radio and Fox News.

It's another of those things that the left doesn't get. Tolerance. All people are born equal. Individuals are more important than the State. The state will screw your life for a vote. That sort of thing.

So yes. I have listened to them on occasion. But only when I need comfort and shelter from the mindless "leftness" that I encounter. Especially here on RHP. 😠😏

By the way, your comment about nuking fallujah is why lefties should only listen to pablum. Limbaugh was making fun of Terry McCaulif's insinuation on Chris Matthews program that the only way we could ever clear it out would be to Nuke it. Tut tut. Really must learn to listen.

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Originally posted by wib
Yeah. Publicity and the marketing that goes with it are crazy here. Have you seen any of the "Reality TV" shows we have? Being famous has become a full time profession for a lot of people. They're famous for being famous. Or infamous... ...[text shortened]... e the Red Green show. Just thought I'd sneak that in here. 🙂
I don't want to change the topic of the thread but yes I have seen many reality TV shows and was once hopelessly addicted to "Paradise Hotel".


Carry on...

Oh yeah, and "Trailer Park Boys" is the best Canadian show ever!

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Originally posted by wib
Yeah. Publicity and the marketing that goes with it are crazy here. Have you seen any of the "Reality TV" shows we have? Being famous has become a full time profession for a lot of people. They're famous for being famous. Or infamous... Such is the case with Mr. Liddy.

Speaking of TV... I like the Red Green show. Just thought I'd sneak that in here. 🙂
Keep both hands on the stick and remember-we're all in this together-Red Green

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
Keep both hands on the stick and remember-we're all in this together-Red Green
One of my favorites...

Red made a 4-wheel drive car by cutting two cars in half and then duct-taping the two front halves together. He then connected the steering columns together with bungee cords so that when he turned the front wheels left the rear wheels would turn right. He even drove it around the yard for a bit. Brilliant!

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By the way, your comment about nuking fallujah is why lefties should only listen to pablum. Limbaugh was making fun of Terry McCaulif's insinuation on Chris Matthews program that the only way we could ever clear it out would be to Nuke it. Tut tut. Really must learn to listen.

(A) Thats news to me. I listened to it outright and found no implication that he was joking or making fun of anything. The caller brought it up if I remember right. I did a search on it and found that there were bloggers who heard what I heard.

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Originally posted by Aaronious
By the way, your comment about nuking fallujah is why lefties should only listen to pablum. Limbaugh was making fun of Terry McCaulif's insinuation on Chris Matthews program that the only way we could ever clear it out would be to Nuke it. Tut tut. Really must learn to listen.

(A) Thats news to me. I listened to it outright and found no implication t ...[text shortened]... remember right. I did a search on it and found that there were bloggers who heard what I heard.

Carries the full edition of that broadcast.

But it is better to just go there to look at a picture of my cousin. Merlin Olson is the guy at the top of the banner. If you ever wondered what SVW looks like, this is a pretty good picture of my family likeness. Too bad he got all the body and mind!

Poor me.

PS. Don't complain to me about not being a member. Pay up. Got the news letter too. 😕😀

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I guess I cant get the actual transcript, but here's what someone else said about it.

"I just heard an audibly drunk and/or drugged Rush Limbaugh tell his listeners (I paraphrase closely) that after Bush no longer has to worry about re-election, we may have to use 'brutal' means, including 'something other than conventional weapons,' to wipe out what he called the 'cockroaches' in Fallujah.

"These comments were offered in response to a caller who complained that the U.S. occupation force has been 'pussyfooting' in Fallujah. Rush -- a self-described informal adviser to the Bush campaign -- assured his caller, who demanded more forceful action, that he would 'get what he wants' as soon as Bush is re-elected.

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Originally posted by Aaronious
I guess I cant get the actual transcript, but here's what someone else said about it.

"I just heard an audibly drunk and/or drugged Rush Limbaugh tell his listeners (I paraphrase closely) that after Bush no longer has to worry about ...[text shortened]... at he would 'get what he wants' as soon as Bush is re-elected.
I didn't hear him either.

What I did hear was the McCaulif thing on "Hard Ball". Democrats can't have it both ways. Either it (fallujah) is a quagmire and can't be done without "nuking Baghdad" as Mcaulif said, or it might be done with a lot of brave people willing to fight to the death for the idea of freedom for the Iraqi people.

I know Limbaugh well enough to know that he would never espouse the tripe of the lefties, ie, "nuke Fallujah to win". That is asking too much.

By the way... don't you see the humor and joy that the quotes about him being an advisor to Bush bring us? I want to weep with joy. Rush is an entertainer. He says so. I say so.

What makes him good and popular is that he tells us up front his bias. Unlike the Rathers, Matthews, Brokaws, BBC and CBC's, Aljazeera's of the world.

Who do you trust? An admitted partisan or a closet "One Size Of Truth Fits All Situations" liberal?

Go Air America!

Love those failure rates. Guess why? Because there is no message. Just hate. No message at all. Sad. Poor Al Franken.

By the way, did you see the news about the hero of the left driving up oil prices for the week of the elections, trying to affect the election? Seems that George Soros spent a better part of a billion dollars trying to artificially drive up oir prices.

Which seems kind of weird. Wonder why he didn't spend the money on bettering the lives of the poor? Also Double Weird. According to Michael Moore, wasn't the terrible insestuous Saudi/Bush family supposed to drive down oil prices to affect the election? Geez! I get so confused.

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