Russ censored my lying fauci thread without cause

Russ censored my lying fauci thread without cause




27 Oct 08
09 Jul 20

@earl-of-trumps said
I'm not going to go looking for it.
There was nothing racist in the article I posted, quoting Farrakhan remarking on Fauci.
What the heck? Deal with the article on that level because in the end it matters
not whether the sourcers are racist or not, it only matters what Farrakhan said
in relation to Fauci.
I'm sure there is another source *somewhere* that quotes Farrakhan and then
you would have to address the issue, the real issue.
If you are not interested in whether or not The Daily Caller is a white supremacist website (it is), why did you ask me to substantiate that claim?


31 May 12
09 Jul 20
3 edits

@kazetnagorra said
Steve King (who recently lost his primary and will soon be leaving Congress, in a Pyrrhic victory for anti-racism activists) is a proponent of the "white genocide" conspiracy theory.
Thanks for the link. I learned something today. I was not previously aware that there is such a mass of ideology and published pseudo-science associated with this. The irony of "you will not replace us" is monstrous, considering that Whites replaced the indigenous American population, and that 'we' (h. saps) replaced Neanderthals and Denisovans.

There is something incoherent about saying that Americans of African origin should 'go back' where they came from. There is no 'back' for them to go to if they were born in America, except on the long evolutionary view. On the long evolutionary view, everyone who did not stay in Olduvai Gorge is an invader and a displacer of someone else (e.g. Neanderthals or Denisovans) who were there (wherever 'there' is) first. So, if Blacks should 'go back' where they came from, then so should Europeans/Whites 'go back' to Olduvai Gorge, where everybody now living came from.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
09 Jul 20

@kazetnagorra said
If you are not interested in whether or not The Daily Caller is a white supremacist website (it is), why did you ask me to substantiate that claim?
Two issues here:

1) PROVE the Daily Caller is a racist web site, don't just go tic-tic-tic on the keyboard. Show me

2) I am asking you to sustain the claim so that your inference that I support
white supremists is proven wrong. You are simply trying to slur me, as usual.

This thread is *supposedly* about a deleted thread about Fauci.
You have needlessly and wrongfully twisted into yet another liberal witch hunt,
the ever infamous "racist" alert.

That's you. 100%. and what you demonstrated/did NOT demonstrate is but another
shining example of wrongfully crying wolf and thereby, continuing to change
the very meaning of the word "racist" to mean "I disagree with you", as is your
wont, as is your very lust.

You want to show me racism and white supremacy? go back to my link and
cut&paste the offending text. If you cannot do just that much, then it proves
once again, my claim that your fake cries of "racist" are a POLITICAL TOOL
designed to shower hate on anyone that is not in line with the left.

- or prove me wrong. I dare you.



27 Oct 08
09 Jul 20

@earl-of-trumps said
Two issues here:

1) PROVE the Daily Caller is a racist web site, don't just go tic-tic-tic on the keyboard. Show me

2) I am asking you to sustain the claim so that your inference that I support
white supremists is proven wrong. You are simply trying to slur me, as usual.

This thread is *supposedly* about a deleted thread about Fauci.
You have needlessly and ...[text shortened]... gned to shower hate on anyone that is not in line with the left.

- or prove me wrong. I dare you.
So first you ask me to demonstrate that The Daily Caller is a white supremacist website. I show you a link, but you don't bother checking it out and then you claim that it doesn't matter anyway. And now you are saying it does matter and are asking me again to substantiate my claim, which I already did. I'm kind of getting the impression you aren't really open to the possibility that The Daily Caller is a white supremacist publication, regardless of evidence.



27 Oct 08
09 Jul 20

@moonbus said
Thanks for the link. I learned something today. I was not previously aware that there is such a mass of ideology and published pseudo-science associated with this. The irony of "you will not replace us" is monstrous, considering that Whites replaced the indigenous American population, and that 'we' (h. saps) replaced Neanderthals and Denisovans.

There is something incohere ...[text shortened]... m, then so should Europeans/Whites 'go back' to Olduvai Gorge, where everybody now living came from.
Other proponents of the "white genocide" conspiracy theory include senior White House adviser (and speechwriter for Trump) Stephen Miller. A small minority in Congress has urged the Trump administration to remove Miller and stop supporting this theory.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
09 Jul 20

@kazetnagorra said
So first you ask me to demonstrate that The Daily Caller is a white supremacist website. I show you a link, but you don't bother checking it out and then you claim that it doesn't matter anyway. And now you are saying it does matter and are asking me again to substantiate my claim, which I already did. I'm kind of getting the impression you aren't really open to t ...[text shortened]... possibility that The Daily Caller is a white supremacist publication, regardless of evidence.
When you show me a publication that demonstrates that The Daily Caller is a
White Supremist website, then I will believe it.

You pointing me at a link that cites someone ELSE saying what you say is not
what I want. I want to see and actual publication by TDC that demonstrates
they are what you claim. Anything shy of that doesn't cut it.

And you've only the liberals to blame for conservs not taking the word for it
that x-y-z is racist because we have seen the false-flags WAY too many times before.

Show me the goodies or forget it! your claim is bogus



27 Oct 08
09 Jul 20

@earl-of-trumps said
When you show me a publication that demonstrates that The Daily Caller is a
White Supremist website, then I will believe it.

You pointing me at a link that cites someone ELSE saying what you say is not
what I want. I want to see and actual publication by TDC that demonstrates
they are what you claim. Anything shy of that doesn't cut it.

And you've only the ...[text shortened]... the false-flags WAY too many times before.

Show me the goodies or forget it! your claim is bogus
Here is a quote from one of the articles linked in the Wikipedia article:

The former Daily Caller writer and editor Scott Greer has severed all ties with the conservative website after acknowledging that he had written under a pseudonym for the white-supremacist Radix Journal.

Greer, who stepped down as an editor at The Daily Caller in June to write a book, said he would drop his contributor status last week after The Atlantic confronted him with leaked chat logs that showed he had spent some of his time at the website also writing as “Michael McGregor” for Radix, the online publication founded by the “alt-right” leader Richard Spencer, who wants to turn America into a white ethno-state.

Full article:

I will accept your deep apology and hope you will refrain from promoting white supremacist content in the future. You should be pleased that I am pointing this out to you, as continuing to promote such content might lead people to believe you support such causes. You're most welcome.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
09 Jul 20

@kazetnagorra said
Here is a quote from one of the articles linked in the Wikipedia article:

[quote]The former Daily Caller writer and editor Scott Greer has severed all ties with the conservative website after acknowledging that he had written under a pseudonym for the white-supremacist Radix Journal.

Greer, who stepped down as an editor at The Daily Caller in June to write a book, ...[text shortened]... g to promote such content might lead people to believe you support such causes. You're most welcome.

I did not ask for evidence that "Radix Journal" is a white supremist publication.

I asked you to show me publications by the Daily Caller that are racist or white
supremist in nature.

Is that so hard to do? Apparently, so

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
09 Jul 20
1 edit

@earl-of-trumps said
When you show me a publication that demonstrates that The Daily Caller is a
White Supremist website, then I will believe it.

You pointing me at a link that cites someone ELSE saying what you say is not
what I want. I want to see and actual publication by TDC that demonstrates
they are what you claim. Anything shy of that doesn't cut it.

And you've only the ...[text shortened]... the false-flags WAY too many times before.

Show me the goodies or forget it! your claim is bogus
Jesus, talk about virtue-signaling.

"And you've only the liberals to blame for conservs not taking the word for it
that x-y-z is racist because we have seen the false-flags WAY too many times before. "


31 May 12
09 Jul 20

@kazetnagorra said
Other proponents of the "white genocide" conspiracy theory include senior White House adviser (and speechwriter for Trump) Stephen Miller. A small minority in Congress has urged the Trump administration to remove Miller and stop supporting this theory.
I wouldn’t dignify such tommyrot with the word “theory”.



27 Oct 08
09 Jul 20

@earl-of-trumps said

I did not ask for evidence that "Radix Journal" is a white supremist publication.

I asked you to show me publications by the Daily Caller that are racist or white
supremist in nature.

Is that so hard to do? Apparently, so
I would violate the terms of posting on this forum by linking to racist articles on this forum.

Anyway, it is clear you will not accept any kind of evidence that The Daily Caller is a white supremacist publication, regardless of how overwhelming and obvious it is.


07 Dec 05
09 Jul 20
1 edit

@shavixmir said
All evidence, as I have posted before (with multiple links) proves that vaccinations save many more lives than they destroy and that there is no connection between vaccinations and autism.

What you are basically posting here, besides your usual paranoid drivel, is actually dangerous. It is harmful; not only to individual’s lives, but to the herd immunity against various ...[text shortened]... such as yours, which are proven to spread online and proven to kill people are allowed to be posted.
"All evidence, as I have posted before (with multiple links) proves that vaccinations save many more lives than they destroy"

I never claimed otherwise. I claimed vaccines are not as safe as they should be and a good first step to correcting the problem is to end vaccine manufacturers immunity from lawsuits when their vaccines hurt people. I already demonstrated they have hurt people. That is not in dispute.

"there is no connection between vaccinations and autism."

I already proved there is a connection. The vaccine court said so.

What did I post that is dangerous? What is dangerous about calling for safer vaccines? Are you against safer vaccines? Why?

NCVIA's purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims.

Are you against financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims? Yes or no?


07 Dec 05
09 Jul 20

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
09 Jul 20

@suzianne said
Jesus, talk about virtue-signaling.

"And you've only the liberals to blame for conservs not taking the word for it
that x-y-z is racist because we have seen the false-flags WAY too many times before. "
Do you even know what the puck you are talking about? Virtue-signaling???

x-y-z = some unknown person or people.

Ever hear of the x-y-z affair? didn't think so. It's history, which you are abysmal at.

you are pathetic. and again, your accusations are on the side of WRONG.

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19
09 Jul 20

@kazetnagorra said
I would violate the terms of posting on this forum by linking to racist articles on this forum.

Anyway, it is clear you will not accept any kind of evidence that The Daily Caller is a white supremacist publication, regardless of how overwhelming and obvious it is.
I told you what I would accept as evidence.

And your copout of not wanting to violate the terms at RHP. LOL!
You do that in spirit with every post you make.

The bottom line is, the only evidence you ever supplied to prop up your side
could surely be considered anecdotal, at best. and that is not good enough

Do what you do best, lay those race-baiting ad hominems out there, and run.

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