Originally posted by robbie carrobieThats the spirit robbie ol boy!! Now get back in that thread and tell them about 911. I do not hold you with even an ounce of contempt for calling me out on what you feel is right. As you know though every system claims to be founded on lofty principals. The reality is that it doesn't quite work out. Similar to the bible passage that saying something like wolves hide in sheeps clothing. Just like capitalism, socialism will degrade into something much worse.
I am sorry but this is the biggest pile of bull that i have had the misfortune to stumble across and I used to work on a farm!
The assertion that you proffered was that a liberal would stay away because he would not know what socialism was, you were asked why, given that these are the principles upon which socialism is founded (liberty, fraterni ...[text shortened]... r it. I am sorry to have to do it, but one does not reset a broken arm without some discomfort!
She backed efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15; called for rent control in the city where rental prices keep climbing; and supports a tax on millionaires to help fund a public transit system and other services.
1. $15 min.wage is redicilously absurd.
2. As long as there is a property tax "control" to along with the "rent control".
3. More class warfare rhetoric.
Originally posted by utherpendragon1. Its not absurd, on the contrary its morally unjustifiable to have people working in highly profitable corporations and not to receive enough to live on simply because there is no legal basis for doing so.She backed efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15; called for rent control in the city where rental prices keep climbing; and supports a tax on millionaires to help fund a public transit system and other services.
1. $15 min.wage is redicilously absurd.
2. As long as there is a property tax "control" to along with the "rent control".
3. More class warfare rhetoric.
2. are rents indexed to property tax, if not, the statement is ludicrous.
3. one should be free to address the disparity between so called classes without being vilified for doing so.
Originally posted by WajomaI don't mean to be rude, honestly i don't, but you are making absolutely no sense, at last to me. You seem to be equating equality with some kind of lack of freedom and yet have not said how it contributes to a lack of freedom.
Equal people aren't free, free people aren't equal, can't have it both ways robbie.
Originally posted by robbie carrobie1. See, this is the common line you all on that side of the fence use. "highly profitable corporations".As if Rockerfeller,Carnegie or some fat cat is sitting there stoking on a $100 cigar as his minions toil in despair for peanuts as he gets richer and richer.
1. Its not absurd, on the contrary its morally unjustifiable to have people working in highly profitable corporations and not to receive enough to live on simply because there is no legal basis for doing so.
2. are rents indexed to property tax, if not, the statement is ludicrous.
3. one should be free to address the disparity between so called classes without being vilified for doing so.
As of 2011, there were about 27 million small businesses in the United States, employing nearly 81 million workers.
These are not "highly profitable corporations" robbie.
Citing a new survey by Citigroup, CNBC Reports All Work, No Pay for Some Small Business Owners.
Here are some interesting highlights.
•Over the past few years, business owners report that they have, at one time or another, taken less profit (78 percent), worked more hours than usual (70 percent), and used their own money to help the business survive (69 percent).
•54 percent of respondents say they have gone without a paycheck in order to keep the business running.
•23 percent of owners have gone without pay for one year or more.
•More than one-third of owners (38 percent) said their employees worked overtime without pay
•18 percent of owners said employees either missed paychecks or had paychecks delayed.
Now what do you think raising the min.wage to $15 per hr. is going to do to small business ?
Example,picture a resturant.
Currently,The dish washers (unskilled,entry level position) gets min. wage.
Then you have prep cooks (they get a little more) ,wait staff, bartenders,bus boys,etc,etc toping off with the head cook getting between $12-$15 per hr, TOPS.
You want to take the dishwasher and give him $15 pr hr. From there it all moves up. The cook winds up with $30+ per hr. !?
How does the small business owner stay in business ? He doesn't. Unless he wants to charge $50-$100 per plate,$20 a beer and then guess what ? He is still out of business.
For the Government to impose that sort of thing (using your words) IS "morally unjustifiable" as well as insane.
Originally posted by robbie carrobie#2 This statement is not ludicrous. If I own more than one home and choose to rent one out for modest income but the government decides to charge astronomical property tax on it, I would have no choice to raise the rent.
1. Its not absurd, on the contrary its morally unjustifiable to have people working in highly profitable corporations and not to receive enough to live on simply because there is no legal basis for doing so.
2. are rents indexed to property tax, if not, the statement is ludicrous.
3. one should be free to address the disparity between so called classes without being vilified for doing so.
If the government wants to force a rent freeze they need to freeze taxes on said property.
Originally posted by utherpendragonyou don't wash the dishes Uther, you get food poisoning, your assertion that he or she is entitled to less pay is ludicrous. When will you people realise that cleanliness is paramount to restaurants, hospitals and streets and stop leaning on those who clean as being unworthy of their wages. I have been a small business owner for almost twenty years, small businesses who are profitable could well pay the minimum wage
1. See, this is the common line you all on that side of the fence use. "highly profitable corporations".As if Rockerfeller,Carnegie or some fat cat is sitting there stoking on a $100 cigar as his minions toil in despair for peanuts as he gets richer and richer.
As of 2010, there were about 23 million small businesses in the United States, employing ...[text shortened]... mpose that sort of thing (using your words) [b]IS "morally unjustifiable" as well as insane.[/b]
Originally posted by utherpendragonwhy are the government proposing a freeze Uther, it must be because rents are too high and people are really struggling, how many of these landlords have gone out of business as a consequence of charging too little rent or by being overly burdened with property tax? What tenants need is Don Vito Corleone to come and have a little word in your ear.
#2 This statement is not ludicrous. If I own more than one home and choose to rent one out for modest income but the government decides to charge astronomical property tax on it, I would have no choice to raise the rent.
If the government wants to force a rent freeze they need to freeze taxes on said property.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou get paid depending on the skill involved.
you don't wash the dishes Uther, you get food poisoning, your assertion that he or she is entitled to less pay is ludicrous. When will you people realise that cleanliness is paramount to restaurants, hospitals and streets and stop leaning on those who clean as being unworthy of their wages. I have been a small business owner for almost twenty years, small businesses who are profitable could well pay the minimum wage
I started out as a dish washer for min.wage. The cooks made more money because they knew how to cook and I did not. Thats common sense.
Look at brick layers. These days,non union brick layers are commonly getting $15 per hr or less and laborers 8-$10 per hr. Why ? Because the laborer does not have the skill or training to be a brick layer. You want to give the laborer $15 per hr to mix mud and tote brick . Where does that put the brick layers wage at ? Keep it the same or raise it ?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieLOL. Good movie !
why are the government proposing a freeze Uther, it must be because rents are too high and people are really struggling, how many of these landlords have gone out of business as a consequence of charging too little rent or by being overly burdened with property tax? What tenants need is Don Vito Corleone to come and have a little word in your ear.
But then again, I must point out it is a movie, a work of fiction, based in pre-depression America. About 100 years ago robbie.