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Second term scandels

Second term scandels


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Originally posted by Phranny
I am a liberal. I am a Democrate. Begazi is a scandal. Hopefully a full and transparent investigation can be conducted so our embassies will be properly protected. Obama, Regan, Bush, Clinton ... the lot of them are humans. None of them are gods. Some of them are far more to my liking than others. Stop demonizing and idolizing politiians.
Were the 13 or so embassy attacks that took place under Bush scandals as well?

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
It's a pretty straight forward question. Why were there so many embassy attacks while Bush was president if him being President was such a difference maker?
I was not aware of an unusually large number of embassy attacks in the 8 Bush years. That an enemy attacks a US Embassy is no scandal. It becomes a scandal when the response is not appropriate, and when it isn't and there is a coverup, it quickly becomes a scandal.


Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
Bengazi isn't a scandal. It's a "scandal." It exists only in the fantasy of you right wingers who gleefully exploit the deaths of Americans to drum up "controversy."
An awful lot of liberal writers disagree with you. Maureen Dowd wrote a scathing piece on Benghazi; I've provided it for you in "Another Right Wing Nut Job On Benghazi". Joe Klein also called it a scandal.

Your desire to redistribute what "wealthy" people have accumulated and have government intrusion into every aspect of our lives does not provide you with license to excuse the cowardice and lies of this administration.


Originally posted by sasquatch672
An awful lot of liberal writers disagree with you. Maureen Dowd wrote a scathing piece on Benghazi; I've provided it for you in "Another Right Wing Nut Job On Benghazi". Joe Klein also called it a scandal.

Your desire to redistribute what "wealthy" people have accumulated and have government intrusion into every aspect of our lives does not provide you with license to excuse the cowardice and lies of this administration.
Yeah!!!!!! Pick him back up and knock him down again!!!


Originally posted by normbenign
The scandals are not 2nd term, but 1st term misdeeds that are discovered and become well known early in 2nd terms.

Benghazi is bad, but to me Fast and Furious is even worse.
I don't know how Eric Holder is not in jail. F&F is the one that should have had Obama in the dock. I don't believe a crime was committed with Benghazi; F&F, on the other hand - the President was aware of laws being broken by his Attorney General. The AG lied to Congress. What else was required?

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Where is Utherpendragon?

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Originally posted by normbenign
I was not aware of an unusually large number of embassy attacks in the 8 Bush years. That an enemy attacks a US Embassy is no scandal. It becomes a scandal when the response is not appropriate, and when it isn't and there is a coverup, it quickly becomes a scandal.
It's clear that the PR following the attack was handled clumsily. But what was the "coverup"? The administration made some fumbled attemps at turd polishing after the attack, but otherwise I don't see anything remarkable here. Attacks on US embassies with fatalities are, unfortunately, quite commonplace.


Originally posted by joe beyser
Where is Utherpendragon?
Uther has barely been here since the election. Maybe that $50 he paid to No1 left him unable to afford internet access.


Originally posted by sh76
Uther has barely been here since the election. Maybe that $50 he paid to No1 left him unable to afford internet access.
Good one sh76. I still have internet access and a sub w/red hot pawn. I am here daily as always but am focusing more on chess than this debates forum.
I do check in and read what you all are talking about but rarely respond. I've grown tired of the "same ol', same ol' " if you know what I mean.

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