@sonhouse saidYou see, in this very post, you just out-of-hand throw this out (We need To Support Ukraine!) like it is a given, like it is written in stone, like God meant for it to be, like everyone thinks it is the one thing that has to happen? Sonhouse, minds better than ours think otherwise. I'm not so sure myself. So, you are a bit off the wall to just broadcast that.
HELL YES it was wrong on many fronts for the squeaker of the house to stop debate on a much needed bill. AND we need to support Ukraine or we WILL be in a new Euro war spending TRILLIONS then not billions like we are now but that goes right over your head.
@sonhouse saidthe establishment politicians were wanting to pass legislation so Trump couldn’t do anything about illegal immigration when he is president again
You seem to forget the part where Mikey didn't even allow DEBATE on the bill, hard to say yea or nay when you can't even TALK about it. Try another excuse. The truth is Trump called up Mikey and Mikey being a nice tame pet Squeaker of the house fell over and played dead, DOA.
you fall for their games like a fool
So tell us what is in that bill, maybe we got it all wrong, what's in the bill that is offensive to the likes of you?
@mott-the-hoople saidVivify finds that asking congress for permission is not convenient. So he strips away Democracy (sik 'im, Sonhouse), and just pays out treasury money to losers who are college graduates.
when did congress vote to void student loans?
He will not respond logically to this tremendous point of Mott.
Can't wait till Sonhouse gets a'holt of Vivify, he is big on democracy.
@mott-the-hoople saidHey Sonhouse, do you think you should go to DC and tell them that they HAVE to debate and show them a cite requiring same?
the establishment politicians were wanting to pass legislation so Trump couldn’t do anything about illegal immigration when he is president again
you fall for their games like a fool
They do not have to, it is the game of politics. YOu got head in sand.