Seems to me given the massive extent of the damage, billions
of dollars and that.
They'll only manage to swipe say a couple millions dollars worth
of stuff that will probably rot anyway.
I say let the insurance companies pay up and let them loot, at
least it will keep them busy and stop them from mugging people.
have you ever eaten a gun or a tv? neither have I, but i bet it is hard to digest.
People who are stealing food, diapers, water, and other neccessities, are not stealing at all. They are surviving. People who are stealing tvs, guns, radios, are not only stealing, but they are making it even more difficult to relieve the people who are suffering. What do you have to say about the idiots shooting at resue helicopters, and trying to take over coast guard boats? When the 82nd airborne gets down there, they better stop that crap, cuz i guarantee some people will get killed if they don't, and it won't be our soldiers.
and another note, what about the idiots at the superdome who are raping women who go to the bathroom. Do you think they should be allowed to do that? Or, how about the tsunami last december.... people were kidnapping storm victim adolescents and selling them as sex slaves. Oh, that such a great help. Lets face it, some people in this world deserve to die.
Originally posted by WajomaThis has nothing to do with being a socialist. This tradgedy goes beyond any -ism. This has to do with being a human. Try to empathize here instead of trivializing such a major matter.
If it's a matter of life and death then yes....but don't forget to leave an IOU for the water....and the window. It's only fair, and isn't that what you socialists claim to be about.
Originally posted by socialist1917When people go to the shop to get food they do so in order to survive....dosen't mean they can just steal it. These people are taking from shops in order to survive...dosen't mean they just have to steal it.
This has nothing to do with being a socialist. This tradgedy goes beyond any -ism. This has to do with being a human. Try to empathize here instead of trivializing such a major matter.
I stand by my original post...the bloke making a crack about stealing paper was trivializing, or the person that said a hurricane should leave an IOU was trivializing, neither of these I have any issue with (it's you that is getting a bee in the ass about trivializing)
...but hypocrites are another matter.
Originally posted by buckkyBush did much the same in Iraq !!!
The animals that are looting after the hurricane are the lowest form of life. They need to be shot and done away with. Any creep that would take advantage of that situation for personal gain is a maggot and should be snuffed out along with the knats that are such a problem in summer.
Originally posted by WajomaI was trivializing it because it was trivial - what, people are starving to death and/or covered in their own faeces, risking their own lives looting stores in the presence of trigger-happy mobs and you're complaining because they aren't writing out nice neat IOU's for the check-out girls in a hypothetical state of normalcy that may never return? Bureaucratic measures have failed, collective action has now been taken from the hands of a government that was too lazy to be bothered to initiate it.
I stand by my original post...the bloke making a crack about stealing paper was trivializing
Originally posted by AmauroteBe cool guy, I did say I have no issue with you triviallizing (or cracking jokes for that matter) it's the socialist who was being crybaby.
I was trivializing it because it was trivial - what, people are starving to death and/or covered in their own faeces, risking their own lives looting stores in the presence of trigger-happy mobs and you're complaining because they aren't writing out nice neat IOU's for the check-out girls in a hypothetical state of normalcy that may never return? Bureauc ...[text shortened]... s now been taken from the hands of a government that was too lazy to be bothered to initiate it.
Okay, no problem - I just don't think spontaneous expropriation is what we should be worrying about here: if anything the stores should be emptied before the local gangs annex everything and start selling those commodities on the Black Market for funds that will make their way up the narcotics chain.