24 Feb 07
Originally posted by Bosse de NageThese were short term problems associated with the pace of change.
Mass emancipation led to increased poverty and crime, among other things.
People are more productive when they work for themselves.
Greed is a better motivator than fear. Capitalistic pressure can cause slavery, but it normally evolves into a more pleasant form as it is better economics. Unhappy workforce is often not a productive one.
Roman slavery was such an economic success BECAUSE it was better than the slavery practiced elsewhere. Roman slaves had hope of freedom. Then Roman society became to restrictive and class concious; Rome declined due to a lack of slaves. But also because it was less of a meritocracy.
Originally posted by petrosianpupilNot that short-term, the consequences are still visible in my society.
These were short term problems associated with the pace of change.
I have no idea whether the relationship between plantation bosses and their minions approximated that of the ancient Romans and their personnel. I don't imagine the Southern gentry were educated by their slaves in the same way that Greek slaves polished their masters' glosses. Although Puddn'head Wilson is an argument for a different kind of educational influence.