Originally posted by sasquatch672And elvendreamgirl will like the fact that you're not wearing clothes!!!
Especially when you say them together. "Skwa". Say it. "Skwa". "SKWA!" Or whispering..."skwa". Hmm. You're right.
I also have to give myself props for now possessing, without a doubt, the coolest avatar photo. Didn't shave that day, but as you can see, I am quite nimble and agile.
Originally posted by sasquatch672LOL! And after reading that rather disconcerting post, SQ, I'm going outside to mow lawn.
Sasquatch LIKE Sarah! Sarah GOOOOD! Sasquatch good! Sarah AND Sasquatch...VERY GOOD!!! Sarah make Sasquatch thump chest! Sarah, Sasquatch catch you tourist prove his love for you!
Being "unsafe" is the leading cause of all mental neurosis. I say we need to ban being "unsafe" in any fashion or form. Total safeness demands that none of us leave our residence.
Nevermind. Just crunched the numbers. Most people die at home.
How about we as a civilization demand that all "risk" needs to be reduced to the least possible value? Then we can study what this means and give rise to several political parties over the next generation? Kind of like when people (after a million years of feasting on flesh) "realized" that in order to eat an animal, it first has to die?
The "green riskers" can oppose all movement, application of force and change.
That should change our nature.
Their moto can be "f <> ma" or in english... "force is not equal to mass times accelleration" -- or "Newton Sucks" for the proletarians.
Pun intended... "There is no gravity. The earth sucks!"