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solution for middle east.

solution for middle east.



Taking in consideration the population of Israel in middle east of 7-7.5 million people and land of 21-22 thousands sq. Km. U.S.A should consider approximately size of land in california,after all it has simile climate.That will solve the problems in middle east and humans life from both sides.After all U.S.A has approximately 7-7.5 million jews living in there.!!!


@eye-of-horus-42 said
Taking in consideration the population of Israel in middle east of 7-7.5 million people and land of 21-22 thousands sq. Km. U.S.A should consider approximately size of land in california,after all it has simile climate.That will solve the problems in middle east and humans life from both sides.After all U.S.A has approximately 7-7.5 million jews living in there.!!!
Amazing idea !! You came up with this all by yourself? You must be a genius.


@Rajk999 Nothing genius just common sense.


@eye-of-horus-42 said
@Rajk999 Nothing genius just common sense.
You must be living under a rock., What makes you think that anyone, far less the Jews, want to go live in Carlifornia. The world knows that California is a cesspool of degenerate druggies and LGBTQ++ Crazies.


@Rajk999 Apparently you live under a rock,When that is given,it will be removed of local people so the jews can do whatever they like with that land.


@eye-of-horus-42 said
@Rajk999 Apparently you live under a rock,When that is given,it will be removed of local people so the jews can do whatever they like with that land.
Who said the Jews want to live next to American scumbags.
Dont flatter yourself.

By the way learn some punctuation, some capitalisation and some spacing.


@Rajk999 First english it's not my first or second or third language,I can see you live in a box,you get info. through a hole,please get out and maybe,just maybe,you see the world for what it is,and please improve your chess rating instead insulting people on forum! First signs of intelligence is " when one realise how little he knows" GOOD LUCK.



@eye-of-horus-42 said
Taking in consideration the population of Israel in middle east of 7-7.5 million people and land of 21-22 thousands sq. Km. U.S.A should consider approximately size of land in california,after all it has simile climate.That will solve the problems in middle east and humans life from both sides.After all U.S.A has approximately 7-7.5 million jews living in there.!!!
The reason the Israelis and the fundamentalist Christians don’t want that is due to texts written 2500 and 1900 years ago respectively.

The old testament, which was penned during the Hebrew exile in Babylon (around 550BC) says that God gave them Israel (the area of ground they inhabited as a kingdom for about 250 years in total and half of the area for another 250 years).

The new testament ends stating that one of the conditions needed for the second coming of Christ is that the biblical territories of the Jews must be returned to them (and although not directly mentioned, it’s widely interpretted that it’s the Roman empire which must return the borders to the Jews).

Hence that California is out of the question. Much the same as Uganda was out of the question in the 40’s (a serious proposal by the British).

And… I wish I was making this madhatter BS up.
But I ain’t.

What bothers me is that the evangelical Christian right aren’t busying themselves with rebuilding the Roman empire and naming the new emperor Nero.
That’s needed, along side returning the borders of the Hebrew kingdom of old, to bring that carpenter’s Son back from the heavens to fight the final battle (in which the Jews, not believing in Christ by the way, will fail to get into the glory of heaven).

But Christians seem to like to nitpick which parts of the bible they choose to hold sacred. I’ve seen very little cheek turning of late, for example.

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@Rajk999 said
You must be living under a rock., What makes you think that anyone, far less the Jews, want to go live in Carlifornia. The world knows that California is a cesspool of degenerate druggies and LGBTQ++ Crazies.
Because they would be safer there. Why do you think more people are leaving Israel? They do not feel safe.


They would be safe in Israel if they were not being used to invade Lebanon.
Israel does not respect borders. That is the problem. That is why Israel is compared to cancer. It keeps spreading like a disease. Israel created their terrorism problem. They are willing pawns because of propaganda. The propagandists are probably showing off. "See, I told you I could make them like the Nazis. Joseph Goebbels eat your heart out".

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If they moved to California they could not be used to invade Lebanon. And they would not have universal healthcare anymore.

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@eye-of-horus-42 said
@Rajk999 First english it's not my first or second or third language,I can see you live in a box,you get info. through a hole,please get out and maybe,just maybe,you see the world for what it is,and please improve your chess rating instead insulting people on forum! First signs of intelligence is " when one realise how little he knows" GOOD LUCK.
The ridiculous idea of the Jews moving to California is proof of low intelligence, and lack of thought.

Lots of people on this site use chess databases and programmes to improve their rating, and thats easy for you to do as you only playing 3 games. I normally play 20 to 30 games at a time and I dont have time with checking databases for help. The fact that you even bring that up means you want me to look at your rating/profile. Im not impressed.

Stick with the topic. Why would the Jews move to California?

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@Rajk999 Not just to move to california,but to have independent state 'COUNTRY"!!! just as it is now with it's own government.

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@eye-of-horus-42 said
@Rajk999 Not just to move to california,but to have independent state 'COUNTRY"!!! just as it is now with it's own government.
The question remains unanswered. The Jews already have an independent state in Israel. Why would they move to California. Ignore the logistics of doing that for now. Why? What motivation is there? What benefits?

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@Rajk999 you should change your profile number from 999 to 666 it suit you better.

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