@sonhouse saidNow, please settle, down. Lets talk, but tell me how the stock market has anything to do with the job losses, seeing as how there wereSEVEN MILLION UNFILLED JOBS pre-covid. Are You seeing what's happening, or did happen, here Sonhouse? Why, I bet the wrath of Covid was the reason the country shut down and people could not work.
Funny how you worship the stock market when the vast majority of Americans losing their jobs and such could not afford ONE stock.
Yep, the stock market is SO relevant to today's world in the US.
so now, we got that settled. There are many people who certainly can not buy one share of stock. You want to stop the world and go hand out all we have to those people, and see the economy slow to a halt?. Or, how about those who CAN, and there are plenty, can invest in businesses that will Bring Back Jobs, and throw 5% of their profits into stocks which will help them grow so that they can grow more business in the future, just when your grandson reaches employment age. Then, HE will set aside savings in the same way, and build business, and hopefully send his children to private(rather than govt brainwashing) schools.
It is a normal healthy plan for an economy. So that is it in a nutshell, What do you think is a better plan, given the folks out of work right now, who, BTW, govt is helping as best they can. Some here think to stop military spending and use that money to feed the poor, but then China will come kill us all. Downer.
We need a really smart miracle president, a great strong leader, a 7M job man. Lets look around .....Biden....? Mind sharp as a tack......???
You worship the stock market. That means you have money to invest.
Tens of millions don't have that chance so it is meaningless to the regular citizen scrapping for food on the table.
The stock market is irrelevant to most people and you have your head stuck up your ass not looking at the real world.
@sonhouse saidBut, you need to see the big picture. It is a place where pensions and IRAs and the common man trade stocks around, all the while making corps stronger so they can make stuff that the lesser people will buy at the store. Those lesser people 'grow', if you will, save money and prosper, if you will, and soon can enter the stock market and then leave those valued stocks to their kids. OR< they can drink beer and watch football. Take opportunities to the best of your abilities. If you have more kids than you can afford, that is a tough one> Bad choices, Sonhouse. And high school shows them how to not get pregnant.
You worship the stock market. That means you have money to invest.
Tens of millions don't have that chance so it is meaningless to the regular citizen scrapping for food on the table.
The stock market is irrelevant to most people and you have your head stuck up your ass not looking at the real world.
Yes, if they are not involved like I or you are in the stock market, they can get involved in....something else? The stock market is not the end all and be-all. I know a rich friend (I swear on my momma) who has no stocks, no Ira, no 401K. I mean it, you have to believe me. He takes another road. There are a lot of roads, a lot of pies. I guess I am saying, they do not have anything to do with the stock market. It does not affect them. They are not left behind. They can work a formula to that on that train, starting maybe a year from now. A share of apple (go to E-trade, no commissions) costs $130.00 One day, you know, it will be worth $500. What you gonna do? Hopefully not spend that on a football ticket and hotdogs.
The market is open to everyone.
@AverageJoe1. I will prob be at front of line if Trump offers stock in his new Twitter-like account. I would never advise it though.
@averagejoe1 saidYou need a glass of LMND, i mean Lemonade.
CRWD is its stock symbol
Didn’t use pm cause I figured I’d be publishing it to the group later. Knew it was gonna rise. Like I said, being helpful, not selfish as recently accused of being. 🙂 I just can’t do anything right.
It would be up to the person to disclose identity and if she/he acted upon it.
edit (I'm such a fool)
@sonhouse saidNot true. I could show you a 6% dividend share that you could buy for 107p ($1.45). If you own a pension, a 401K, and IRA, then the stock market is what you use. It is the biggest experiment in socialism there is, as it gives the workers the chance to own the means of production.
You worship the stock market. That means you have money to invest.
Tens of millions don't have that chance so it is meaningless to the regular citizen scrapping for food on the table.
The stock market is irrelevant to most people and you have your head stuck up your ass not looking at the real world.
That being said, there are people who have learned to make billions from it.
@huckleberryhound saidVery cool. Thank you, but I have a full glass!
You need a glass of LMND, i mean Lemonade.
edit (I'm such a fool)
@sonhouse saidNeither He nor Hillary will go to prison . None of the 3+yr swarm of sleaze will go to jail, been saying this the whole time. Stone, Managirt et al did jail for personal problems, their own doings. Hey Sonhouse, you wrote about spending more for the poor, yet you seem to be all for spending millions over the next few days for an empty impeachment. You are a strange lot, you libs.
You mean he can start a company like that from prison?
@sonhouse saidSonhouse. You imply the market is not accessible . People who are responsible in this free society can utilize it, or not utilize it. If you have a 15 yr old, sit him down and explain the road to success. Tell him he can fool around, make no plans, live off govt or family or other people...live off taxpayers like me, whatever. Make nothing of his life.
You worship the stock market. That means you have money to invest.
Tens of millions don't have that chance so it is meaningless to the regular citizen scrapping for food on the table.
The stock market is irrelevant to most people and you have your head stuck up your ass not looking at the real world.
OR, OR, he can buy something, fix it up, sell it for a profit. Then USE the profit to expand himself,,you get my drift. Sonhouse, somewhere along the way, he will learn the art of investing and might fancy the stock market, buying solid stocks, say, on Etrade.
Now if he chooses ( I love that word) Not to, the market will chug along without him.
So since the market would have nothing to do with him, and vice versa, where do you think that your son would in any way have his life affected by what is going on in the market on the other side of town ?
I can’t oissibly explain this any better.
You ask about desperately poor people? I think our government should pay for their welfare.
Funny how his closest allies have ALREADY gone to prison and the ones Trump likes, WOW, big surprise, they get pardons.
But the ones he doesn't like, like Cohen, kiss my ass you enemy of the people.
But that kind of behavior is just the kind of thing you WANT in a president, er, sorry, dictator.
@sonhouse saidSo now you are going the 'be perfect' route for our men in government? I am big into results, letting chips fall where they may. These guys made bad choices. As to Trump having favorites, it would be difficult to turn your back on loyal friends. I am just being realistic.
Funny how his closest allies have ALREADY gone to prison and the ones Trump likes, WOW, big surprise, they get pardons.
But the ones he doesn't like, like Cohen, kiss my ass you enemy of the people.
But that kind of behavior is just the kind of thing you WANT in a president, er, sorry, dictator.
So...the 'results' of Trump presicdency...the big picture...Astounding.
In other words, you APPROVE of a banana republic where enemies are killed and buddies are given a thousand acres.
We already knew you were an insurrectionist scum but now you admitted it.
@sonhouse saidYou, like a true liberal, are a little loose with your failure to reason. Plesze reason that in the Banana Republic, yes , they will kill you in your bed, no reason needed.
In other words, you APPROVE of a banana republic where enemies are killed and buddies are given a thousand acres.
We already knew you were an insurrectionist scum but now you admitted it.
We are a nation of laws! NOW you get it. You hard-headed turkey, you. ANY of the actions about pardoning and about using powers that are powers granted by our laws are legal, all subject to our laws, which are subject to inherent laws, and so forth. Since you mention the Banana Republic, why dont you throw in Human Rights?
Those countries violate everything, period. All of the stuff that I have seen regarding your post have been done legally. Another empty post to have to wade through.
Sonhouse compares us/Trump to BananaRepublic/Noriega. Your bad, Sonhouse.
@averagejoe1 saidIts OK Sonhouse didn't mean to get you caught up;
You, like a true liberal, are a little loose with your failure to reason. Plesze reason that in the Banana Republic, yes , they will kill you in your bed, no reason needed.
We are a nation of laws! NOW you get it. You hard-headed turkey, you. ANY of the actions about pardoning and about using powers that are powers granted by our laws are legal, all subject to ou ...[text shortened]... to wade through.
Sonhouse compares us/Trump to BananaRepublic/Noriega. Your bad, Sonhouse.
We got more fish to fry!!!!! Check out Thousand's answer that he is working up as we speak, over in the Parler Big Tech thread. It should be a doozy as he tries to tip-toe through it.