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Take a Breath.  Do away with Columbus Day?

Take a Breath. Do away with Columbus Day?



04 Feb 05
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@Philokalia said
But this is ultimately the foolishness of the leftist persepctive on history - it creates this untenable position where everyone in the past has to be judged by the current decade's value system...

A decade in which we abort children by the millions annually and the government supports the genocide of Gazans.
"it creates this untenable position where everyone in the past has to be judged by the current decade's value system..."
why untenable. we evolve. we change our belief system. We DO judge the past by our value system, by our current knowledge. Drinking water downstream from where you crap WAS and IS stupid. Invading other countries and killing their children WAS and IS evil.

Nazism was an evil regime that caused immense horrors and pain and we DO judge them. Hell, the people of that very time judged them. That's the whole point of teaching that history, so we don't forget, so we recoil in horror every time it's mentioned, so we don't repeat it.

I didn't think looking at facts and being consistent in one's view is a leftist perspective. You (hopefully) don't praise a rapist and murderer from our time. Why would you praise one from the past.

huh, i wouldn't have guess you're pro-choice, or you have some other reason for "A decade in which we abort children"

"A decade in which we abort children by the millions annually and the government supports the genocide of Gazans."
I am confused by what you mean. Rather than me guessing, would you care to explain?

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