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The Cute Senator from New York

The Cute Senator from New York


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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
just because everyone does it doesn't make it ok.

men fail to notice this because boobies and pretty faces are awesome. women do not voice their dislike because it is easier to go along to get along.

also examples from the 60's and 70's aren't quite helping.
1) I used ONE example from the "60's", the other two were from the 00's.

2) Why isn't you don't have a problem with Obama's shirtless pic being fawned over by the media? Feminists, both male and female, are supremely hypocritical in this respect. They don't care one lick about men being portrayed as objects, but get all wound up when it happens to women.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
just because everyone does it doesn't make it ok.

men fail to notice this because boobies and pretty faces are awesome. women do not voice their dislike because it is easier to go along to get along.

also examples from the 60's and 70's aren't quite helping.
You gotta chill bro. I'm a huge advocate for women; in my experience, women are better coworkers, more collaborative, and when you turn their talent loose, seven times in ten they outperform their male peers. And while I agree that this woman should be looked at in terms of her professional accomplishments, she is attractive.

I'd rather focus on the adjective that Moonbat used to describe her. She is attractive, but she is not cute. She looks accomplished, seasoned, competent, confident. "Cute" is the 18-year-old college freshman the long blonde hair wearing pj's, a broad smile, and her college or sorority sweatshirt, beaming that she's made it to college, is an adult, and is semi-independent. Or puppies. Or kittens.

This woman is not 'cute'. She is very good-looking. My point about the adjective is that Moonbat once again displays his effeminacy and latently gay tendencies. He doesn't know how to distinguish "cute" from "very good-looking", "gorgeous", or other terms that a real man would use to describe a woman of the Senator's stature. He doesn't know because in real life, I suspect he resembles very closely the caricature of a man played by Zach Galifianakis in "The Campaign" - effeminate, sensuous, sensitive, lacking any discernible presence of testosterone, incompetent, impotent, both personally and professionally, cuckolded.

And the mere existence of the thread tells me he has never been around women with stature, presence, or strong sexuality. He's frustrated that he never really got the girl and had to settle, and doesn't understand why his mushiness, sensitivity, affection for shopping, and lack of muscle tone isn't preferred by women over a man who works, sweats, and can grow facial hair.

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