@kevcvs57 saidI find it amazing that you can be so blind to the fact that when terrorists kill, the Jews retaliate by
Hey stupid the IDF.fear Hamas so much that they burn babies instead of going toe toe with them like real soldiers
Have you ever wondered how Hamas got all them military hostages?
I’m not saying the Jews are cowards I’m saying that a lot of them are going to die because of the cowardly campaign of revenge that the IDF are carrying out.
Being brave doesn’t help when a suic ...[text shortened]... is is the future Netanyahu is quite happy to bestow upon innocent Jews in order to stay out of jail.
- killing the families of terrorists and destroying their homes, sometimes their village
- killing 20 to 30 times more than the initial attack
- keeping them on file and finding them 20 years later and killing them then
There is no escaping the vengeance of the Jews. There is a death warrant attached to all these people and it gets served sooner or later.
So bring on the suicide bombers, just let them know that their loved ones will be joining them soon in heaven.
@rajk999 saidMurders don’t go to heaven.
I find it amazing that you can be so blind to the fact that when terrorists kill, the Jews retaliate by
- killing the families of terrorists and destroying their homes, sometimes their village
- killing 20 to 30 times more than the initial attack
- keeping them on file and finding them 20 years later and killing them then
There is no escaping the vengeance of the Jew ...[text shortened]... n the suicide bombers, just let them know that their loved ones will be joining them soon in heaven.
@rajk999 saidUtter bollocks as usual.
They do not consider themselves murderers [although that does not matter]. They are martyrs, who in the Quran, are a glorified people [Shahid - killers of Jews and Infidels], and are destined for heaven.
Let me quote the Quran on this issue for you:
Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.
- Quran 9:111 -
So, as you see, it has nothing to do with killing Jews. The opposite, literally.