Originally posted by XanthosNZAlthough 3 weeks before this, Resolution 582 WAS approved by the Security Council which stated in part (bold mine):
On 21 March 1986, the United Nations Security Council made a declaration stating that "members are profoundly concerned by the unanimous conclusion of the specialists that chemical weapons on many occasions have been used by Iraqi forces against Iranian troops and the members of the Council strongly condemn this continued use of chemical weapons in clear v ...[text shortened]... pons." The United States was the only member who voted against the issuance of this statement.
RESOLUTION 582 (1986)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2666th meeting
on 24 February 1986
The Security Council,
Having considered the question entitled "The situation between
Iran and Iraq",
Recalling that the Security Council has been seized with the
question of the situation between Iran and Iraq for almost six years
and that decisions have been taken thereon,
Deeply concerned about the prolongation of the conflict between
the two countries resulting in heavy losses of human lives and
considerable material damage and endangering peace and security,
Recalling the provisions of the Charter and in particular the
obligation of all members to settle their international disputes
by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and
security and justice are not endangered,
Noting that both Iran and Iraq are parties to the Protocol for
the prohibition of the use in war of axphyxiating, poisonous or other
gases, and of bacteriological methods of warfare done at Geneva on
17 June 1925,
Emphasizing the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition
of territory by force,
Taking note of the efforts of mediation pursued by the
1. Deplores the initial acts which gave rise to the conflict
between Iran and Iraq and deplores the continuation of the conflict;
2. Also deplores the escalation of the conflict, especially
territorial incursions, the bombing of purely civilian centres, attacks
on neutral shipping or civilian aircraft, the violation of international
humanitarian law and other laws of armed conflict and, in particular,
the use of chemical weapons contrary to obligations under the 1925
Geneva Protocol;
Originally posted by spruce112358" 2. Also deplores the escalation of the conflict, especially territorial incursions, the bombing of purely civilian centres, attacks on neutral shipping or civilian aircraft, the violation of international humanitarian law and other laws of armed conflict and, in particular, the use of chemical weapons contrary to obligations under the 1925 Geneva Protocol;"
Although 3 weeks before this, Resolution 582 WAS approved by the Security Council which stated in part (bold mine):
RESOLUTION 582 (1986)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 2666th meeting
on 24 February 1986
The Security Council,
Having considered the question entitled "The situation between
I ...[text shortened]... lar,
the use of chemical weapons contrary to obligations under the 1925
Geneva Protocol;[/b]
I'm surprised the Americans let that one through!
Originally posted by Ian68On Sunday July 3, 1988, the aircraft flying IR655 was shot down by the U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes between Bandar Abbas and Dubai, killing all 290 passengers and crew aboard, including 38 non-Iranians and 66 children.
" 2. Also deplores the escalation of the conflict, especially territorial incursions, the bombing of purely civilian centres, [b]attacks on neutral shipping or civilian aircraft, the violation of international humanitarian law and other laws of armed conflict and, in particular, the use of chemical weapons contrary to obligations under the 1925 Geneva Protocol;"
I'm surprised the Americans let that one through![/b]
According to the U.S. government, the Iranian aircraft was mistakenly identified as an attacking military fighter. The Iranian government, however, maintains that the Vincennes knowingly shot down a civilian aircraft.
Originally posted by spruce112358Actually Captain Carlson of the Sides, a US frigate nearby at the time of the attack, has stated that the previous conduct of the Vincennes was begging for such an incident (previous conduct includes opening fire on fishing boats that were inside Iranian territorial waters) and gave evidence showing just how negligent the crew of the Vincennes had been. He also denied early claims made by the US Administration about the incident. At first it was claimed that the aircraft was diving and that perhaps it was a kamikaze attack. That was false. Then Bush (the Elder) claimed that the Vincennes was rushing to the aid of a merchant ship under Iranian attack. A complete fabrication (and this one can't be explained away by bad reports).
On Sunday July 3, [b]1988, the aircraft flying IR655 was shot down by the U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes between Bandar Abbas and Dubai, killing all 290 passengers and crew aboard, including 38 non-Iranians and 66 children.
According to the U.S. government, the Iranian aircraft was mistakenly identified as an attacking military fi ...[text shortened]... anian government, however, maintains that the Vincennes knowingly shot down a civilian aircraft.[/b]