Originally posted by ivanhoeYou will notice I put it in 'quotes' to indicate that I do not
Nemesio: "Every action involving an infant is involuntary, Ivanhoe."
I'm spreadin' the word throughout this thread, but thanks for remindin' me.
Nemesio: 'give the baby peace'
I like eufemisms. This is a particularly charming one .......
feel this way.
So, are you going to answer my question:
An infant relies on its parents to look out for its best
interests. What you are saying is, when a parent decides
to 'give the baby peace' from its unrelenting pain, you
are saying that this decision is not in the baby's best
Why do you come to that conclusion?
Bump for Ivanhoe, who claims to be able to debate.
I am eager to hear the compelling argument.
Originally posted by Nemesio
An infant relies on its parents to look out for its best
interests. What you are saying is, when a parent decides
to 'give the baby peace' from its unrelenting pain, you
are saying that this decision is not in the baby's best
Why do you come to that conclusion?
Originally posted by NemesioI predict you will receive one of Ivanhoe's classic non-answers. Wanna bet a fin?
Bump for Ivanhoe, who claims to be able to debate.
I am eager to hear the compelling argument.
Originally posted by Nemesio
[b]An infant relies on its parents to look out for its best
interests. What you are saying is, when a parent decides
to 'give the baby peace' from its unrelenting pain, you
are saying that this decision is not in the baby's best
Why do you come to that conclusion?
Originally posted by no1marauderQuestion for you mr. killer of kids and women.
I predict you will receive one of Ivanhoe's classic non-answers. Wanna bet a fin?
What non-answer could speak louder than Ivans?
Your NON-ANSWER to my challenges that you are a pseudo lib? That speaks volumns. Doesn't it?
Originally posted by NemesioBump for Ivanhoe.
An infant relies on its parents to look out for its best
interests. What you are saying is, when a parent decides
to 'give the baby peace' from its unrelenting pain, you
are saying that this decision is not in the baby's best
Why do you come to that conclusion?
Originally posted by darvlayAmericans kill people as captial punishment.
I'm not sure if this topic has been discussed at length in this forum but I am wondering what folks here think of Euthanasia and assisted suicide. I, for one, am completely for it if limited to those with degenerative, terminal diseases and are over the age of consent. I can't see any drawbacks to allowing people to choose whether they should live in pai ...[text shortened]... s? Can anyone explain and support why it still remains illegal in nearly all developed nations?
Euthanasia should be legalised.
Where there is a will, there is a way ... out !
I am bumping this thread so that people can go to page 6 and beyond and see that Ivanhoe is a liar to say that Nemesio and I ever stated that severely handicapped children up to age 12 should be allowed to be killed. If he wasn't a complete lowlife, he'd retract this lie and offer profuse apologies for this malicious falsehood.
Originally posted by no1marauderTHis is what I said in the other thread:
I am bumping this thread so that people can go to page 6 and beyond and see that Ivanhoe is a liar to say that Nemesio and I ever stated that severely handicapped children up to age 12 should be allowed to be killed. If he wasn't a complete lowlife, he'd retract this lie and offer profuse apologies for this malicious falsehood.
IvanH: "In fact no1 and Nemesio have asked me why it would be wrong to kill severely handicapped children up to an age of 12."
This what no1 claimed I said in the other thread:
No1: " that Ivanhoe is a liar to say that Nemesio and I ever stated that severely handicapped children up to age 12 should be allowed to be killed."
I invite everybody to search for the differences ......
Do you see any No1 ?
Originally posted by ivanhoeNo. Find in this thread where I asked you if why it would be wrong to kill severely handicapped children up to an age of 12. You won't. You are a lying SOB and you know it.
THis is what I said in the other thread:
IvanH: "In fact no1 and Nemesio have asked me why it would be wrong to kill severely handicapped children up to an age of 12."
This what no1 claimed I said in the other thread:
No1: " that Ivanhoe is a liar to say that Nemesio and I ever stated that severely handicapped children up to age 12 should be ...[text shortened]... "
I invite everybody to search for the differences ......
Do you see any No1 ?
Originally posted by no1marauderNo1, have a drink and relax ..... this is a long thread to reread, but I advise you to do it. It will be very enlightening to see the stances you are taking in this thread. Please count the times you called me a liar and a mass murderer ......... 😛
No. Find in this thread where I asked you if why it would be wrong to kill severely handicapped children up to an age of 12. You won't. You are a lying SOB and you know it.
.... don't count the other insults .....😀
Originally posted by ivanhoeFind in this thread where I asked you such a question or you are a liar pure and simple.
No1, have a drink and relax ..... this is a long thread to reread, but I advise you to do it. It will be very enlightening to see the stances you are taking in this thread. Please count the times you called me a liar and a mass murderer ......... 😛
.... don't count the other insults .....😀