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Too Delmers speedy recovery

Too Delmers speedy recovery


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All the best Delmer, no doubt you'll be back soon. Hope the nurses are cute and sponge bath ready.

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Originally posted by Windsor Mike
Looking forward to reading your banter in here again pal,and thats not debatable.Posted here because I new this is where his friends are to be found!Mike
What happened to Del? didn't hear. Don

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Originally posted by sonhouse
What happened to Del? didn't hear. Don
Surgery was this morning, have not heard anything yet.

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Update on Delmer Post Operation...

I will make a longer post tonight in about 3 hours but
I wanted to let everyone know the operation went well
without complications.They are still looking for a Friday release.

I got this from a friend.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Update on Delmer Post Operation...

I will make a longer post tonight in about 3 hours but
I wanted to let everyone know the operation went well
without complications.They are still looking for a Friday release.

I got this from a friend.

Thanks Kelly,thats good news!

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Del's surgery was a 4 hour quadruple by-pass beginning
at 7am.He is doing well. His sister and I saw him at 11:15
but he was still sedated and still had the breathing tube.We
can't see him again until tomorrow at noon,Tuesday.
When I called the recovery desk at 5pm, his nurse said
the breathing tube was removed about an hour after we saw
him, and he had been awake long enough to take some pain
medications and drink a little water. Will call again at
The surgeon said the operation went well, and his lungs
were pretty good even though he has wide-spread emphysema.
He should recover well from the operation. The rest is up
to him.
As long as there are no complications, and he improves
as anticipated the surgeon is still looking at a Friday

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Hope you'll be home and back with the racoons soon, my buddy Del!

Good thoughts and prayers and all that stuff.

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This was sent out on the 20th:

"They found some water by his lungs but they gave him something
called lasix (I have no idea what it is,or what it does) and he is doing
much better.
He is however getting the blues about still being in the
hospital.Hopefully it will only be a short time longer that he is there.
That's it for now."


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From another of Delmers friends

"Delmer was released from the hospital on Sat afternoon but
sad to say his return was a short one.He started having
problems with his breathing that night and by Sunday 3am
his wife called a EMT to take him to a E.R.
They took alot of tests and found out that he had
He must had caught in while he was in the hospital.Anyways
they are watching him in Intensive Care section right now
(since his surgery was so recent).He is responding very
well and they do expect him to leave the hospital in a
few more days."

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Feeding frenzy going on while Del lays in hospital in intensive care.15 different people thought they better grab the points, since the other guy did,and,well you don't want to be left holding the bag!
For those that are not aware(and this does not include the people who timed him out)Del's vacation flag is up and it mentions his heart bypass surgery.
To those that have not timed him out ,thanks
Feel free to click on Delmers games and check out the low lifes who thought more of their rating than their opponent who lay in a hospital,and also those that thought more of Del than their rating.

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Originally posted by sasquatch672
Lasix (not sure how it's spelled) is a diuretic which is given to cause a patient to release fluid built up in a patient's chest cavity. My grandfather is on it to relieve congestive heart failure. Del may be on it for preventative purposes. Glad to hear he came through it well.
Lasix (known colloquially as a water pill) is a commonly prescribed diuretic for people
who are keeping too much water. It doesn't have to be in the chest cavity, although
this is one of its common uses. If Del had water by his lungs, then Lasix is
a good choice (both as a preventative and curative). However, if he has fluid in
his lungs (i.e., pneumonia), I would think they would use an anti-biotic.

For more on Lasix, see:


(I am not a doctor, so don't consider this post as advice.)

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Originally posted by Windsor Mike
Feeding frenzy going on while Del lays in hospital in intensive care.15 different people thought they better grab the points, since the other guy did,and,well you don't want to be left holding the bag!
For those that are not aware(and this does not include the people who timed him out)Del's vacation flag is up and it mentions his heart bypass surgery ...[text shortened]... their opponent who lay in a hospital,and also those that thought more of Del than their rating.
I think a few timed out chess games are the least of Delmer's worries at this point.

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Originally posted by rwingett
I think a few timed out chess games are the least of Delmer's worries at this point.
I'm sure the 15 lowlifes will will feel much better about themselves now they now Del isn't concerned .

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