@averagejoe1 saidHahaha classic AJ
So noted. Creepy stuff, Duchess. I think I will pass on buying a ticket for the freak show, maybe go coach children how to develop,, be themselves, excel in life, get rich, raise normal families.
Silly me.
@earl-of-trumps saidYou don’t get to tell me which of your BS posts I can rip apart with logic and truth.
I told ya kev, you and I are DONE at attempting meaningful conversation.
DONE. you lie too much.
Too much of a coward and a liar to answer my question regarding circumcision then?
@averagejoe1 saidYeah like an imbecile with a brightly coloured ball 😂😂
You will never dump Kev He is an easy target , Good fodder loses about every argument. I have fun with him.
Has a halfwit ever been more self deluded outside a secure environment?
The android. That started this thread, after much consideration by the committee, is now SSEHCUD. It is an obvious name change, as it is exactly the reverse spelling of Duchess. The person that started this thread is exactly the opposite of a duchess . Thus derives the new, uhhh , handle. For me this will be her handle.
The handle is not unlike that of a courtier’ in the harem of Beelzebub.🎂
@Duchess64 - Does Earl of Trumps object to the normal practice of male circumcision in the USA?
Normal..? I don't know how anyone can call male circumcision normal.
I would not allow that to happen to my sons. If they want to get that done of their
own volition as they are adult now, they can. But of course, they will not. what is the purpose??
Would Duchess64 approve of female circumcision as practiced in many countries in Africa?
@Duchess64 - Earl of Trumps shows his extreme ignorance or dishonesty as usual.
Most (75%, according to Wikipedia) American males are circumcised.
Firstly, you said "normal" - not average. No, it is not *normal* to pointlessly cut the end of your penis off.
Duchess, male and female circumcision is a CULT practice.
Ask every parent that gives their newborn son a circumcision if they know what the procedure is about.
@averagejoe1 saidNo. What you propose is against the law. And no, as Duchess has said, the advantage is in the testosterone. No excess testosterone, no advantage.
Actually the exam needs to be if they used to be a man and now a girl which means they will win all the races. Duchess,this I can grasp.