@metal-brain saidHere again, we can’t comment on his sentence, given we don’t know the facts. But, we have prob the best judging process in the world, so since that process put him there, then, he should be there.
I hate all of the presidents in recent history. They are all murdering thugs. I'm not defending trump at all. You just seem really silly for ignoring how many people they killed. Isn't that the best measure of evil? Be honest.
Even our presidents support dictatorships. The Saudi Kingdom for example. ALL of the POTUS's are fine with them killing a journalist and choppin ...[text shortened]... nd exposing Washington's criminal behaviour.
Tell me, should Daniel Hail be in prison? Be honest.
You state ‘why’ it was covered up. How would you know that? Only Sonhouse gets to know why things are done!
@sonhouse saidSonhouse says AJoe does not confront issues. Throw me one. But not on Trump, I am just so scared to spar with an expert on THAT subject.
It is interesting you NEVER directly confront issues, ONLY 'Sonhouse is on a roll, Sonhouse needs his meds.
no and HELL no I don't support or condone the killing of children in drone strikes.
No this dude should not be in jail but I suspect his jailing was due to the fact that Trump will react with force anytime he is called out, 'humiliated' in public.
That is one of the prime indicators of 'narcissistic' behavior.
Don't see how one can claim to hate Trump but be ok with his policies like Average just said.
Trump has caused more misery and death than ANY other POTUS.
The latest death figures, now over 700,000 is more than ALL the 20th century wars, deaths of our soldiers.
I think Trump is directly responsible for at least half of those deaths because of his misinformation campaign started on day ONE of the pandemic.
I wish there was a law saying if you are responsible politically for the deaths of LITERALLY hundreds of thousands, you should be in jail.
NO OTHER POTUS comes CLOSE to Trump in that regard.
Ingest bleach, it will all be over by Memorial day and the rest of the PUKE he spits out.
What do you think would happen if a world leader says those kind of things?
You seriously think nobody would listen to such nonsense?
Well more than nonsense, going right to CRIMINAL.
But if and when the law catches up with Trump it will more likely to be because he pressured the Arizona sec. of state to find those thousands of votes so Trump could then claim to have won the election.
YOU be honest for a change:
How many other POTUS in American history actively tries to reverse a DOUBLY counted vote certified by even REPUBLICANS?
The problem there the repubs are not repubs any more but Trumpites.
Like that black dude in California claiming voter fraud before the votes were even COUNTED.
THAT is another reason Trump is the worse POTUS EVER.
His lasting effects on the ultrarightwingnutjobs like that black dude radio host Larry Elder acting as Trumps AGENT:
@sonhouse saidWe get (have been getting ) your thoughts. But one area of confusion on your part is when you say. “How can one claim to hate ztrump but be OK with his policies?
no and HELL no I don't support or condone the killing of children in drone strikes.
No this dude should not be in jail but I suspect his jailing was due to the fact that Trump will react with force anytime he is called out, 'humiliated' in public.
That is one of the prime indicators of 'narcissistic' behavior.
Don't see how one can claim to hate Trump bu ...[text shortened]... rry Elder acting as Trumps AGENT:
Sonhouse, how MANY times have I dragged out my analogy, the excellent heart surgeon hates dogs and children, drinks too much....I wrote it just today. I would definitely hire him for my heart surgery!!
Are you a slanthead ? Is that not answer enough for you? Jesus. Tough to get your arms around? Would you pick the pitiful Jimmy Carter for President because he is NICE? I believe you would.
I challenge you to respond cogently , since this is your minii-issue in this thread.
@AverageJoe1. Everyone please leave some space here for SHouse to reply. I’ve canceled all my appointments so that I can wait for his answer
@averagejoe1 saidFaulty logic.
Here again, we can’t comment on his sentence, given we don’t know the facts. But, we have prob the best judging process in the world, so since that process put him there, then, he should be there.
You state ‘why’ it was covered up. How would you know that? Only Sonhouse gets to know why things are done!
You are assuming justice is assured. That is not how it works.
You think Jullian Assange got what he deserved, right? Exposing the truth is heresy. Is that how you think?
@sonhouse saidAre you blaming trump for Hail's being locked in prison?
no and HELL no I don't support or condone the killing of children in drone strikes.
No this dude should not be in jail but I suspect his jailing was due to the fact that Trump will react with force anytime he is called out, 'humiliated' in public.
That is one of the prime indicators of 'narcissistic' behavior.
Don't see how one can claim to hate Trump bu ...[text shortened]... rry Elder acting as Trumps AGENT:
I thought he exposed Obama, not trump. Are you claiming trump protected Obama by putting Hail in prison?
@metal-brain saidI pass, due to lavk of not studying the intricate details of the Assange caper, and more pressing events of the day affecting 300M people. You write about him.
Faulty logic.
You are assuming justice is assured. That is not how it works.
You think Jullian Assange got what he deserved, right? Exposing the truth is heresy. Is that how you think?
As to the judicial system, it is all we have.
Did you come to your conclusion about Trump being so evil all on your own. Or...did you get a little nudge from CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, BBC, AP?
You don't know what you think son. You just glom onto what high payed monitor readers say. That is sick man. They call it programming for a reason. Wake up!
@joc44. Sonhouse , We know you are here. There is still a question on the table about five clicks up asking if you think jimmy carter would be a better president because he is a nice man? Allowing that Trump was not a nice man.
Son house, didn’t you say a day or so ago that I will not answer questions? Jesus
@averagejoe1 saidCorruption exists in the justice system.
I pass, due to lavk of not studying the intricate details of the Assange caper, and more pressing events of the day affecting 300M people. You write about him.
As to the judicial system, it is all we have.
Jeffrey Epstein. Edward Kennedy. OJ Simpson.
Need I say more.
@metal-brain saidBoy you got us there. MB for SCOTUS. Had no idea.
Corruption exists in the justice system.
Jeffrey Epstein. Edward Kennedy. OJ Simpson.
Need I say more.
But as i said, its all we got. Yeah absolutely only way to improve on this is to get somebody, like Sonhouse , that spends his life sitting in a little room and making the decisions of our society?
We would have to change his name though.
Has anybody seen Sonhouse, I’m waiting him to answer my question above
That makes no sense whatsoever. You are really digging it in for yourself.
Like they say, a man stays quite hoping people won't think him stupid but opens his mouth and removes all doubt.
@sonhouse saidSo Daniel Hail got Justice?
That makes no sense whatsoever. You are really digging it in for yourself.
Like they say, a man stays quite hoping people won't think him stupid but opens his mouth and removes all doubt.
John Kiriakou got justice?
Jullian Assange got Justice?
Snowden got justice?