@mghrn55 saidY0u might notice that China is in town. Also note, he didn't go There! Genius. I love your lady Pelosi saying they will never stop with impeachment. Wow.....something to be proud of. Is she doing anything else? Just askin
That the word "genius" appears in the subject line of this thread does provide some comic relief. π
@handyandy saiddid I upset the twink?
It's your chronic anal obsession again, hoople. You should see a doctor.
@mghrn55 saidCould be argued??? Laugh Out Loud. And have you googled actions by Obama that were impeachable offenses??
But now this administration has stepped into the middle of this and made things worse.
This region has never been easy to work with.
It can be argued that Obama's flawed withdrawal from Iraq gave rise to ISIS.
But if this current President stepped into this mess to distract from his political woes back home, that would be despicable.
@averagejoe1 saidIn fact I did.
Could be argued??? Laugh Out Loud. And have you googled actions by Obama that were impeachable offenses??
Apparently he was born in Kenya.
@KazetNagorra It's hard to keep track of the ooze that dribbles out of deranged minds.
I agree.
Trump shot down the Ukrainian airliner
Trump created the Puerto Rico hurricane
Trump made children on the border drink water from a toilet
Soon, some crazed whaco lib will be blaming Trump for the Philippines volcano, and another hack will be blaming Trump for all the earthquakes we've been getting.
wait for it...
@earl-of-trumps saidBut to make amends for all these misdeeds, he makes perfect phone calls.
Trump shot down the Ukrainian airliner
Trump created the Puerto Rico hurricane
Trump made children on the border drink water from a toilet
Soon, some crazed whaco lib will be blaming Trump for the Philippines volcano, and another hack will be blaming Trump for all the earthquakes we've been getting.
Sure, and Russia and China will just fall over backwards to help him after he murdered Suleimani.
And the assswipes around him tying to justify it, Suleimani was going to strike FOUR embassies. Another dude says NO, FIVE embassies.
So they have phone records? Can't show them to us the American citizen?
Just shows how far down the banana republic the US has gone.
@averagejoe1 saidWhy don't you list them here for us. I could use a laugh.
Could be argued??? Laugh Out Loud. And have you googled actions by Obama that were impeachable offenses??
@earl-of-trumps saidWhich Philippines volcano?
@KazetNagorra It's hard to keep track of the ooze that dribbles out of deranged minds.
I agree.
Trump shot down the Ukrainian airliner
Trump created the Puerto Rico hurricane
Trump made children on the border drink water from a toilet
Soon, some crazed whaco lib will be blaming Trump for the Philippines volcano, and another hack will be blaming Trump for all the earthquakes we've been getting.
wait for it...
And all what "earthquakes we've been getting"?
I mean I understand that conservatards struggle to make sense of reality, but come on.
@sonhouse saidIt started the day he refused to show his tax returns.
Sure, and Russia and China will just fall over backwards to help him after he murdered Suleimani.
And the assswipes around him tying to justify it, Suleimani was going to strike FOUR embassies. Another dude says NO, FIVE embassies.
So they have phone records? Can't show them to us the American citizen?
Just shows how far down the banana republic the US has gone.
If it was Trump instead of Nixon who faced the Watergate hearings, we would never have heard about the White House tapes, or the 18-minute gap. As it is, he stonewalled in the face of House subpoenas to produce evidence and then made fun of the House for having "no evidence". Mr. Obstructionist. "Most transparent administration ever", my ass.
@suzianne saidIm still bettin, SCOTUS lets him keep his tax returns.
It started the day he refused to show his tax returns.
If it was Trump instead of Nixon who faced the Watergate hearings, we would never have heard about the White House tapes, or the 18-minute gap. As it is, he stonewalled in the face of House subpoenas to produce evidence and then made fun of the House for having "no evidence". Mr. Obstructionist. "Most transparent administration ever", my ass.
@suzianne said"Fast and Furious" would do it. Nothing to laugh about, either. He was way out of his league anyway, and this is what it got him. 'PEACH 44! 'PEACH '44!
Why don't you list them here for us. I could use a laugh.
@sonhouse saidSinhouse thinks he should be privy to the phone records, by god!!!
Sure, and Russia and China will just fall over backwards to help him after he murdered Suleimani.
And the assswipes around him tying to justify it, Suleimani was going to strike FOUR embassies. Another dude says NO, FIVE embassies.
So they have phone records? Can't show them to us the American citizen?
Just shows how far down the banana republic the US has gone.