Trump speech to UN 9/24: what don’t you like about it?!?

Trump speech to UN 9/24: what don’t you like about it?!?


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
25 Sep 19

Sleepy Trump's speech had people falling asleep. He sounded like he had valium for breakfast. There was no fire in that so-called screech. HE was half asleep. if that is what you think leadership is, find another leader.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
25 Sep 19

@mott-the-hoople said
to be fair, you do have more experience with bending over, balls ect.
What, than trump, no I don’t think so, I’m not the one with the fake tan and old lady hair. I was forgetting you guys probably don’t know what a pantomime dame is: hint it looks a lot like a Donald Trump.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
25 Sep 19
1 edit

@mott-the-hoople said
to be fair, you do have more experience with bending over, balls ect.
All these libs have so much ammo with the lib press, ammo being that the the press does not mention the greasing of the Family Biden palms.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
25 Sep 19

@mott-the-hoople said
tell me what you want that Trump doesnt offer?
The truth?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
25 Sep 19

@sonhouse said
Sleepy Trump's speech had people falling asleep. He sounded like he had valium for breakfast. There was no fire in that so-called screech. HE was half asleep. if that is what you think leadership is, find another leader.
He possibly was speaking that way to be sure 189 translators got it right, and monotone can certainly be for the purpose of..'I'm serious here.' Better than a rant, dont you think? Hell, if he did, you would call him hitler

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
25 Sep 19

@averagejoe1 said
He possibly was speaking that way to be sure 189 translators got it right, and monotone can certainly be for the purpose of..'I'm serious here.' Better than a rant, dont you think? Hell, if he did, you would call him hitler
Rats, i was hoping the market would drop this morning with the release by the White House, so I could load up on some bargains!

05 Nov 06
25 Sep 19

@shavixmir said
The truth?
as demonstrated, you cant handle the truth!


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
25 Sep 19

@mott-the-hoople said
as demonstrated, you cant handle the truth!

God damn, you’ve got brain like a bloody peanut.


07 Feb 09
25 Sep 19

“Thuggsuggle” Mott and Sleepy Averagejoe are on a real roll.
Even to the point of responding to their own posts.

Either they’re overjoyed with Trump’s speech yesterday which would have fit perfectly in 1950.
Or they are very nervous about the latest developments in the Ukraine scandal.

This shouldn’t be about socialism vs free market ideology.
I’m not really a socialist myself.

The bigger concern is about the foundation upon which every possible ideology must rest.
And that is the integrity of democracy. That has clearly been compromised.

This administration is clearly incompetent !!
A word that hasn’t really appeared in this forum before.
Sending Giuliani to the media so he can fall flat on his face ?
WTF ???
And now the release of the transcript trying to prove that Trump didn’t say “Give me Biden or else”
C’mon guys.
Trump could have held up the $400m and called Ukraine president 2 days later to talk about the weather.
We all know what the gig is.

The Dems had to pull the trigger yesterday.
They had to show that they were taking a stand.
This will push the wall and immigration to the back pages.
Where they belong.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
25 Sep 19

@averagejoe1 said
He possibly was speaking that way to be sure 189 translators got it right, and monotone can certainly be for the purpose of..'I'm serious here.' Better than a rant, dont you think? Hell, if he did, you would call him hitler
You know, as to his slow speaking, have you hyenas ever given thought to the fact he may be a little weary, working like he does, of all the bombardment. And he knows nothing will come of all this.....he looks like a guy who just wants it to be over

Now, Who wants to be the first hyena to say “yeah it should be over”

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
25 Sep 19

@averagejoe1 said
You know, as to his slow speaking, have you hyenas ever given thought to the fact he may be a little weary, working like he does, of all the bombardment. And he knows nothing will come of all this.....he looks like a guy who just wants it to be over

Now, Who wants to be the first hyena to say “yeah it should be over”
A hint that nothing will come of this? The Dow Jones rocked today.......some pretty smart people don’t see anything negative on the horizon.

05 Nov 06
25 Sep 19

@averagejoe1 said
A hint that nothing will come of this? The Dow Jones rocked today.......some pretty smart people don’t see anything negative on the horizon.
these fools don't know how to read indicators such as that. They rely on biased polls telling them their guy is winning then whine like babies when they lose.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
25 Sep 19

But it matters little to you ultrarightwingnuts Chump ADMITTED he asked for help from a foreign leader to find dirt on Biden.
So clearly there is NOTHING bad Chump can do to change your mind about his obvious corruption,
So what happens if he loses in 2020 or god forbid, wins but is out in 2024, would you be ok with a DEMOCRAT POTUS doing the same things?
I rather think not, just would be showing how hypocritical you all are.
If it had been Obama doing the things Trump has already done, does every day, you would be screaming to the top of your lungs, Off with his head.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
26 Sep 19

@sonhouse said
But it matters little to you ultrarightwingnuts Chump ADMITTED he asked for help from a foreign leader to find dirt on Biden.
So clearly there is NOTHING bad Chump can do to change your mind about his obvious corruption,
So what happens if he loses in 2020 or god forbid, wins but is out in 2024, would you be ok with a DEMOCRAT POTUS doing the same things ...[text shortened]... as already done, does every day, you would be screaming to the top of your lungs, Off with his head.
Sonhouse.............Hillary’s minions did the SAME THING! So, yeah I guess we can say your Dem POTUS-to-be did the same thing. What is wring with you people. The conservative news is showing all the hypocrisy as we speak, but if you are watching MSNBC or the Maddie creature , you are behind the times. Seriously, check it out.


07 Feb 09
26 Sep 19

@averagejoe1 said
Sonhouse.............Hillary’s minions did the SAME THING! So, yeah I guess we can say your Dem POTUS-to-be did the same thing. What is wring with you people. The conservative news is showing all the hypocrisy as we speak, but if you are watching MSNBC or the Maddie creature , you are behind the times. Seriously, check it out.
A sitting President is trying to coerce (some will use a stronger term like bully) another country into collusion to interfere with an upcoming election.

Throw Hillary into the conversation.
Throw Joe and Hunter Biden into the conversation.
Heck, even throw Obama's new $15m home in if it makes you feel better.
Oh what the heck !! Toss in Bill and Monica and her dress.

Now on top of that, add the feeble argument that there was no smoking gun quid pro quo on the transcript.

Man, this President is dirty !!
If someone can get him out of the White House for an unpaid parking ticket, let's do it.

The stuff that isn't impeachable, the damage to the global social, economic and political order.
The mess with N Korea and Iran and the Middle East in general.
This guy's a joke.

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