@moonbus saidQuite right.
"Dominionism" is the word for what Trump's Evangelical backers intend to implement. It is the Protestant equivalent of sharia: God intended White Europeans to have dominion over America, and democracy is getting in the way of that. They don't care whether Trump himself belie ...[text shortened]... ntion of States referred to above is a means of amending the Consitution which circumvents Congress.
You touched on several things I've thought about over the last few years and all I can say is that I endorse this message. Many on the left have tried sounding the claxon on the Convention of States, along with a forced Constitutional Convention, the purpose of that is to re-write the Constitution in their own image. Removing veteran workers from the Federal employee registers in favor of Trump-acolytes is known as Schedule F.
You really want to piss these people and people like Charlie Kirk off?
Tell them they'll all be first in line for the Mark of the Beast. (If they can bend their ideology to follow Trump, they will follow the Beast. But that's another subject entirely.)
Evangelicals in America are giving Christianity a bad name. My sister's an Evangelical and she's become ashamed to say so, because she does not support any of this politicised agenda. She's against abortion, but says it's between a woman and her doctor and God, none of the state's business.
Wake up, America -- this could be the most important election for a hundred years, past or future.