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Trump's latest: Kill the USPS

Trump's latest: Kill the USPS




Not as economical.

3 edits

@sonhouse said
He has hated the post office delivery for years calling them Amazon's "Delivery Boy"


Hey right wingers, that ok with you?
Hey right wingers, that ok with you?

I'm not a right winger, but- -That's a tough one. I'm not happy with the USPS losing money every year, but I can't convince myself UPS or FEDEX can perform the same service without jacking postal rates much higher, since the bean counters in those companies are trained to generate profits, that's one of the first things I learned in business school. In addition, I'm not sure how a private entity can handle registered and certified mail without some government involvement. With this in mind, I'm leaning to keeping the USPS under government control.


@eladar said

Not as economical.
It will employ Wajoma's poop shovelers.


@handyandy said
Police department loses money, do away with police department. Let it be run by business. Fire department loses money, do away with fire department. Let it be run by business. Public schools lose money, do away with public schools. Let them be run by business. Dystopia here we come.
Police,, Fire and Public schools are not federal responsibities,,,,such as military. Our local taxes pay for police, fire and schools. You have delved into the conundrum of what should be fed controlled. Our FED taxes pay for military, roads, etc and they, of course, are expenses,.... the costs are not considered losses.

Your point is arguable, but I disagree that business could not run the PO at a profit. Fed Ex and UPS are extremely profitable.


Sure they are profitable, ship one pound overnight, pay 40 bucks.

How many other countries in the world let the PO die?


@sonhouse said
Sure they are profitable, ship one pound overnight, pay 40 bucks.

How many other countries in the world let the PO die?


You know, you are not unlike Kazetnagorra......he is always writing about ''other countries'. Of course, I am sitting in the wonderful USA , where anything you want is on every corner (love this country), but we are sposed to look around and see what other countries are doing???? I'm Sorry?? What has that got to do with us? Kazet will often compare us to Denmark or Norway or one of those other cartoon countries.


What would it cost to mail Trump to Pluto?

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