Originally posted by AThousandYoungProgressives for Obama is group of new left radicals that was announced in the ultra leftist Nation magazine in 2008. The group was largely composed of members from the Committees of Correspondence and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The Committees of Correspondence openly advocates socialism and has defended the Communist regime of Fidel Castro. The SDS spawned the violent domestic terror group the Weather Underground (WUO), founded by William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, family friends of Barack Hussein Obama and carried out bombings of the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol, the State Department and several police headquarters in the 1970s.
Good point. My aunt says she's not liberal; she's progressive.
Veteran investigator Herbert Romerstein observed about the organizations activities,
“ The Communist Party itself will not have influence, but those whom they influence will — the new left, the terrorists from the Weather Underground, the Committees of Correspondence — all are involved in the Obama campaign one way or another. The Communist Party itself has very few members most of them quite old. But the influence they've had in the past on the so-called progressive movement still continues.
And you act as if you are proud of this
Originally posted by utherpendragonHey, ATY....you know what they say: $%#&'em if they can't take a joke! 😀
[b]Progressives for Obama is group of new left radicals that was announced in the ultra leftist Nation magazine in 2008. The group was largely composed of members from the Committees of Correspondence and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The Committees of Correspondence openly advocates socialism and has defended the Communist regime o ...[text shortened]... called progressive movement still continues.
And you act as if you are proud of this[/b]
Originally posted by utherpendragonSpeaking for myself, "Yes. I am. DAMN proud !!!" 😏
[b]Progressives for Obama is group of new left radicals that was announced in the ultra leftist Nation magazine in 2008. The group was largely composed of members from the Committees of Correspondence and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The Committees of Correspondence openly advocates socialism and has defended the Communist regime o called progressive movement still continues.
And you act as if you are proud of this[/b]
Originally posted by utherpendragonI act as if I'm proud of the Progressive platform? What makes you think that? I'm a modern Liberal now, not a Progressive. I am being educated by Progressives but am not one myself.
[b]Progressives for Obama is group of new left radicals that was announced in the ultra leftist Nation magazine in 2008. The group was largely composed of members from the Committees of Correspondence and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The Committees of Correspondence openly advocates socialism and has defended the Communist regime o ...[text shortened]... called progressive movement still continues.
And you act as if you are proud of this[/b]