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Unbeliever here.


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Originally posted by D43M0N
No, but they are the few who are obviously doing it for the hell of doing it. If they had passion, maybe they could understand other people's point of view.
Your views are undrestood, you donot understand the views of THE WORD OF GOD.

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Originally posted by thesonofsaul
Please don't mix up God and Christians, please. Thank you.

Those Christians that push their own beliefs on others are forgetting their own story of Adam and Eve: it is humanity's presumed knowledge of good and evil that damns everyone. These people presume they know; well, they are just damning themselves further.

I disagree that science is mo ...[text shortened]... accomplish if the two would just stick to their own areas.

I also own a cat.

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How would you like to reciece the message of THE WORD OF GOD. None is pushing anyone to believe, you just donot want to hear it. We have dammed no one. You donot want to hear what THE WORD OF GOD says, so you are damming yourself. THE WORD OF GOD knows where your weakness is, it is in you. Not in the Believer of CHRIST. Search yourself.

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
Maybe that why Ghandi is in hell right, if he didnot accept CHRIST on his death bed
You wrote this as if Ghandi, said it. But still if he did not accept CHRIST, he died he is in hell right now

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Originally posted by darvlay
Ghandi was one of the greatest men who ever lived. Any God who wouldn't allow a man like Ghandi into an eternal paradise while rewarding an ignorant buffoon like yourself is a God I want no part of.

You are the Pharisee that Jesus whipped.

You are the man with the plank in your eye.

You disgust me.
Be disgusted cause THE WORD OF GOD,stands true. If Ghandi made such a statement,and did not repent before he died, and you should make to hell. If you get a chance to meet him,the first thing he'll tell you is, you should have listen.

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
Not believing in CHRIST is a sin, it was in the Beginning, and will be in the End.
But Christ wasn't around in the beginning . . .

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Originally posted by angie88
I agree, I'm also a firm non-believer (and I also own a cat...)
Now, to all those people out there who are trying to convert everyone around them: If God created me... isn't it his fault that I don't believe in him then? If God created everything, why is there so much crime? On the other hand, how can you hold someone responsible for a crime they commit? ...[text shortened]... apart from it also giving certain people an excuse to get on everyone else's nerves 😠

How do you blame GOD for not believeing in HIM. HE has never stopped you.HE has never limited the amount of those who could. HE gives everyone the chance. HE forces noone.If you donot believe the sun still shines, the rain still rains, the crops still grows.
Why is there so must crime? Go back and read GENESIS 1:15-17, 3:1-24

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
How would you like to reciece the message of THE WORD OF GOD. None is pushing anyone to believe, you just donot want to hear it. We have dammed no one. You donot want to hear what THE WORD OF GOD says, so you are damming yourself. THE WORD OF GOD knows where your weakness is, it is in you. Not in the Believer of CHRIST. Search yourself.
I do nothing but search myself, Buddy. Ever since my days as a child in a parochial school that taught me nothing than what you call the Word of God. I most likely know that book better than you do. Actually, now that I think about it, I would love to hear your message of the word of God. I dare you to give it, for I don't think you actually know what it is. All you do is stick your nose in that book of yours and never take it out to look around at the TRUE WORD OF GOD, which is all of creation, all works of art and literature that gather together in the heart and suggest the infinite.

The fact that you never seem to ponder the idea that you are wrong is disturbing to an alarming degree, and only goes to show how truly blind you are. Did you ever stop to concider that God is on the side of people you call heathen? Was he not on the side of the Babylonians in your precious Bible? Did he not send dreams of prophesy to Nebuchadnezzar? Perhaps he also sends messages of truth to those you concider enemies so that you too can open up your eyes and see the real truth.

I end this tirade with a piece of the TRUE WORD OF GOD, hoping that I am not infringing on copyright:

I think it must be lonely to be God.
Nobady loves a master. No. Despite
the bright hosannas, bright dear-Lords, and bright
Determined reverence of Sunday eyes.

Picture Jehovah striding through the hall
Of His importance, creatures running out
From servant-corners to acclaim, to shout
Appreciation of His merit's glare.

But who walks with Him?--dares to take His arm,
To slap Him on the shoulder, tweak His ear,
Buy Him a Coca-Cola or a beer,
Pooh-pooh His politics, call Him a fool?

Perhaps--who knows?--He tires of looking down.
Those eyes are never lifted. Never straight.
Perhaps sometimes He tires of being great
In solitude. Without a hand to hold.

---- Gwendolyn Brooks

I suggest you open your eyes before God scorns you for being blind.
I'm off to buy God a beer.

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Originally posted by thesonofsaul
I do nothing but search myself, Buddy. Ever since my days as a child in a parochial school that taught me nothing than what you call the Word of God. I most likely know that book better than you do. Actually, now that I think about it, I would love to hear your message of the word of God. I dare you to give it, for I don't think you actually know wh ...[text shortened]... your eyes before God scorns you for being blind.
I'm off to buy God a beer.

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Parochial school is a great foundation, for learning THE WORD OF GREAT. Many believers have come out of them, and have spread THE WORD OF GOD worldwide. You may know the WORD more that me, no doubt. Are you willing to discuss what you call "that book". Yes all that we know in creation is spoken in THE WORD OF GOD. You see the art and the literature as what is important to you. But you have not spoken of the Lost souls that cover this planet. Do you see the dispair that many of our fellow man is going through. Do you see the Lost trying to find a way back. Do you see the hunger and thrist for something more.
What do you think is more pleasing to GOD, to know that we saw all the art works and read all the literature there is. Or to do what CHRIST taught to go into hiways and byways spreading THE WORD OF GOD, that JESUS CHRIST came to give hope. HE died for that hope.And HE shall return to bring all those, that believe in HIM, back to Heaven to live with HIM forever. My nose is in "THAT BOOK", and I see THE WORD OF GOD, and HIS commands. To speak THE WORD OF GOD, to all mankind even to the unbelievers.

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
Parochial school is a great foundation, for learning THE WORD OF GREAT. Many believers have come out of them, and have spread THE WORD OF GOD worldwide. You may know the WORD more that me, no doubt. Are you willing to discuss what you call "that book". Yes all that we know in creation is spoken in THE WORD OF GOD. You see the art and the literature ...[text shortened]... RD OF GOD, and HIS commands. To speak THE WORD OF GOD, to all mankind even to the unbelievers.
You were doing well until "What do you think is more pleasing to GOD, to know that we saw all the art works and read all the literature there is. Or to do what CHRIST taught to go into hiways and byways spreading THE WORD OF GOD . . ."

Reading all the literature in the world means nothing to God. I do not speak of a quest for self fulfillment. I say that the literature IS the Word of God. That all art and all nature is the Word of God, and it needs no spreading, for it is everywhere already, mimicing the unviewable face of God. Our job is to give It voice and to praise It in whatever way our heart suggests, in whatever way our gifts from God express our individuality.

Aw, forget it. I'm done talking to you. Such a waste of time. I hope and pray that some day you open your eyes and see that the real God has always been there, waiting for you to drop your Bible, open your heart and stop worrying about who goes to Hell and who gets spared. That is not for us to judge anyway.

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Originally posted by D43M0N
You want an unbeliever? Right here.

I don't just disbelieve God. I think him to be a despot, controlling hundreds of people's lives, dominating a few. So much so, they think it is their own right to push their beliefs on every-bloody-single-person around them who thinks differently.

Now tell me, why do you Christians believe in a God who is so forg ...[text shortened]... es. "

I have to say, if you didn't catch this the first time, you obivously are ignorant.
yep each side in the Bush 'Oil Wars' is praying for 'their' God to support them. Reminds me of those Japanese toy Pokemon ....

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
How do you blame GOD for not believeing in HIM. HE has never stopped you.HE has never limited the amount of those who could. HE gives everyone the chance. HE forces noone.If you donot believe the sun still shines, the rain still rains, the crops still grows.
Why is there so must crime? Go back and read GENESIS 1:15-17, 3:1-24
I read the bible, but when we do, it is to discuss how something could have been done better.
The bible comes across to me as a very violent collection of atrocities. Each time an atrocity is committed in the 'word of God', the perpetrators carry on without reflection on their (usually murderous) acts.
This is what Bush is doing now by justifying his 'OIL WARS'- you know the 'God said its OK' line,or it is done in the 'name of our Lord'...

The bible is chocka with accounts of entire cities being 'smote', wiped off the map. The bible, to me, advocates violence, violence & more violence ...

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Originally posted by Tinorangatiratanga
I read the bible, but when we do, it is to discuss how something could have been done better.
The bible comes across to me as a very violent collection of atrocities. Each time an atrocity is committed in the 'word of God', th ...[text shortened]... ible, to me, advocates violence, violence & more violence ...

So dumb I mean Saddam said he would give US oil in the first place but that is not why the US is over there. It is because the harbor Terrorist

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Originally posted by RBHILL
So dumb I mean Saddam said he would give US oil in the first place but that is not why the US is over there. It is because the harbor Torrorist
you never heard of 'cutting out the middle man'?

hey why the complaining, God told Bush his Oil Wars are Ok (he told us so)...terrorists????? they are the ones who are invading Iraq!🙄

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"christian" is a term that many are quick to label themselves with, but hestitant to fulfill its role. i prefer to call myself a follower of Christ. going to church every sunday and calling yourself a Christian is about as logical as sitting in a garage and calling yourself a car.

anyways...christians who are "pushing their beliefs" are doing what God has commanded us in the Great Commision: To spread the message of Christ so it will be heard by those called to hear it. In John 8:47, Jesus is speaking to the Jews. He asks them "Why is my language not clear to you?" In verse 47, he tells them why. "The who bleongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God."

Second Corinthians 4 verse 4 tells us why some people just dont get it. "The god of this age (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

also, First Corinthians 1, verse 18 says "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are
being saved it is the power of God."

Christians who are telling unbelievers and sinners to repent and ask for forgiveness of their sins, and yet they themselves do not forgive the person (I think an earlier post was addressing this question) are not following God's Word. In Matthew 18, verse 21 through 35, we see how God will treat believers if we do not forgive our brother from our heart.

(edit) found this also: Psalms 53:1 "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'."

hope I have provided some worthwhile information 🙂

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