21 Aug 19
@kingdavid403 saida committee determines if necessary criteria is met...are you sure you understand what you posted?
I did read it dumb ass. That's after the sixth month of pregnancy! LOL, what an idiot. lol Which happens to be illegal in the USA. DUH! lol The only thing that women have to do in Israel that they do not have to do here, is that they have to go before a three judge court to prove that they fall under on of the conditions for abortions that I posted above; and, the c ...[text shortened]... ple hundred women a year from having an abortion. They have around 44 thousand abortions ever year.
21 Aug 19
@mott-the-hoople saidYep. However, it's clear you do not as you've already been proven to be a liar. A committee (or judges)of three medical professionals; Semantics. Is that all you can come back with after being proven a liar?
a committee determines if necessary criteria is met...are you sure you understand what you posted?
21 Aug 19
@kingdavid403 saida committee as opposed to a whore walking in to PP and having the child killed no questions asked.
Yep. However, it's clear you do not as you've already been proven to be a liar. A committee (or judges)of three medical professionals; Semantics. Is that all you can come back with after being proven a liar?
@mott-the-hoople saidThe only whore around here is your worthless mom boy; and, it's clear you are the result (curse) from that worthless whore. Actually, I have much more respect for prostitutes than for you or your worthless mom boy; but since you like to throw the word around at all women, I'll limit it to your mom boy. lol And, NO child is killed or murdered liar.
a committee as opposed to a whore walking in to PP and having the child killed no questions asked.
21 Aug 19
@kingdavid403 saiddoes this mean you lost the argument?
The only whore around here is your worthless mom boy; and, it's clear you are the result (curse) from that worthless whore. Actually, I have much more respect for prostitutes than for you or your worthless mom boy; but since you like to throw the word around at all women, I'll limit it to your mom boy. lol And, NO child is killed or murdered liar.
22 Aug 19
@mott-the-hoople saidIt's very easy to call someone a "terrorist" when you have rendered them stateless and declare all of their means of resistance illegal.
how do you improve the lives of palestinians when they are ruled by terrorist organizations?
@mott-the-hoople saidlol, dream on loser boy, dream on... lol
does this mean you lost the argument?
The post that was quoted here has been removedThat was not my intent and I was only stating the facts. All pro-birthers in America like to lie saying that: "the USA is the leader of Abortions in the world;" in an attempt to shame people with a lie which is far from the truth. We are 18th in abortions per population. I have nothing against China per say.
The post that was quoted here has been removedYes, Russia has even started offering woman whom are pregnant financial help to feed and cloth their babies to help offset their birth-death ratio by not having abortions. However, China is still the leader of abortions in the world going by countries. Russia is second.