Originally posted by cheshirecatstevensPunishment? Someone should piss on them. That'll do it.
What punishment should be doled on these fools? How high up the chain of command are heads going to roll? This saddens me to read about, these idiots crumbled the moral high ground in this one action.
for those unfamiliar
What law violation did they do? All I can find are vague terms in the Uniform Code of Military Justice art. 93 and art. 133. I suppose these laws could be used against them. This is not the first time U.S. military personal showed disrespect toward the enemy. I remember that Gen Patton pissed in the Rhine.
Originally posted by cheshirecatstevensEven though it is a PR gift to the Taliban, they will be expected to, and will, carry out a "fitting" retaliatory act. The Taliban leadership, like the US military does here, may have plausible deniability, but everyone who needs to know, will know.
What punishment should be doled on these fools? How high up the chain of command are heads going to roll? This saddens me to read about, these idiots crumbled the moral high ground in this one action.
for those unfamiliar
Originally posted by no1marauderI'm serious, are you? We should now negotiate with a regime that supported terrorism, and believes in the total oppression of women? We shouldn't offer them room at any table we sit at. It was totally unprofessional for them to piss on these corpses and they should be punished accordingly, probably for something like conduct unbecoming. How harshly they should be punished is up for debate, but I don't believe they should lose their jobs.
Why exactly is that? Are you opposed to peace negotiations in principle?
"They shouldn't lose their jobs"? Are you serious?
Originally posted by dryhumpIt's more than just being unprofessional. They did something that they knew of should have known would be extremely offensive and would deal a major blow to US diplomatic efforts in many arenas.
I'm serious, are you? We should now negotiate with a regime that supported terrorism, and believes in the total oppression of women? We shouldn't offer them room at any table we sit at. It was totally unprofessional for them to piss on these corpses and they should be punished accordingly, probably for something like conduct unbecoming. How harshly they should be punished is up for debate, but I don't believe they should lose their jobs.
I would say a dishonorable discharge would be appropriate, at a minimum.
Originally posted by dryhumpHow long before your regime is totally on the nose and no one in the world would want to sit with you either, if not for the threat of trade sanctions and other nasty economic repercussions.
I'm serious, are you? We should now negotiate with a regime that supported terrorism, and believes in the total oppression of women? We shouldn't offer them room at any table we sit at. It was totally unprofessional for them to piss on these corpses and they should be punished accordingly, probably for something like conduct unbecoming. How harshly they should be punished is up for debate, but I don't believe they should lose their jobs.
Pissing today, defecating tomorrow, when does dismemberment and/or necrophilia step in? At what point is it okay to dispense with the Geneva convention and still maintain the moral highground you seem to believe is your nations perpetual right?
I can understand pissing on your dead enemies, really, I can.
Truthfully, I'm perfectly more than willing to piss on many of you (really Utherpendragon, you may really feel I'm talking about you here) even before you die.
What really, really, really interests me though is: at what moment did they look at each other and think: "Hey... let's film this... that's a GREAT idea."?
What the hell is wrong with those people?
Originally posted by sh76"Dishonorable" is reserved for the most serious of crimes. I could see a field grade article 15 or a summarized court martial, followed by a General under than honorable conditions "OTH discharge"
It's more than just being unprofessional. They did something that they knew of should have known would be extremely offensive and would deal a major blow to US diplomatic efforts in many arenas.
I would say a dishonorable discharge would be appropriate, at a minimum.