@no1marauder saidDid they get speedy trials or not?
What is the source of yours? A year and half old Washington Examiner article?
But here's my source: Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure sec. 208 https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part2/chapter208&edition=prelim
@shavixmir saidGood question. What is cruel and unusual punishment?
What is “speedy”?
Justice Scalia said said torture is not. LOL!
I guess nothing short of murder by that standard.
Is this cruel and unusual punishment?
Brought to you by Quaker Oats.
Informed consent controversy, research on children
From 1946 to 1953, researchers from Quaker Oats Company, MIT and Harvard University carried out experiments at the Walter E. Fernald State School to determine how the minerals from cereals were metabolized. Parents of disabled children were asked for permission to let their children be members of a Science Club and participate in research. Being a member of the Science Club gave the children special privileges. The parents were told that the children would be fed with a diet high in nutrients. They were not told that the food their children were fed contained radioactive calcium and iron, and the consent form contained no information indicating this.[10][34] The information obtained from the experiments was to be used as part of an advertising campaign.[35] The company was later sued because of the experiments. The lawsuit was settled on 31 December 1997