@booger saidWhy would you think it is eco terrorists? That doesn't make much sense. How are they going to charge up their hybids and electric cars?
These eco terrorists are too stupid to realize that even if all of the USA was net zero green technology it wouldn't even help because the amount of pollution from the south east Asian area is too great.
Not only that but Africa and China are now buddies so they will be having an industrial revolution real soon. Instead of Asians making your products it will be Africans.
...[text shortened]... ctually surprised the teacher showed the real stats because he seemed like a complete liberal pansy.
I think it is more likely foreigners.
@booger saidMaybe it is Nazis......from Ukraine.
Nobody trusts American law enforcement especially DHS or FBI or any of the others. They say whatever they need to say regardless of truth.
Also, antifa doesn't confront anyone because they hide behind masks and any lone wolf can do whatever he or she pleases.
At this point in time saying it's Nazis is speculation.
The CIA is using a European NATO ally’s spy service to conduct a covert sabotage campaign inside Russia under the agency’s direction, according to former U.S. intelligence and military officials.
Years in the planning, the campaign is responsible for many of the unexplained explosions and other mishaps that have befallen the Russian military industrial complex since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, according to three former U.S. intelligence officials.
If this article is true that makes Russia a prime suspect since the CIA started it first. Here is a good question: When did substations in the USA start getting sabotaged? Was it after the Ukraine war or before it? If it was after that is highly suspect and the CIA surely knows it is Russia and doesn't want to admit the CIA started this mess.
@booger saidYes. Because the left-wing is generally anti-establishment and the police, obviously, are pro-establishment.
The left wing doesn't either.
“Left wing generally means shifting power from the established government towards the people who produce.”
“Right wing generally means conservative, wanting to keep the the established power structures.”
When right wingers want to change the power structure… what does that mean?
Do they want immigrants and black people, gays and Jews having more power, do you think?
@metal-brain saidFortunately none of the articles you post have a shred of truth in them so we can all relax. If you open your eyes you will find financial links between almost all the Neo Nazi movements in Europe / US and the Neo Nazi HQ in the Kremlin but hah keep bull💩ting about Ukrainian Nazis you lying Russian scumbag
The CIA is using a European NATO ally’s spy service to conduct a covert sabotage campaign inside Russia under the agency’s direction, according to former U.S. intelligence and military officials.
Years in the planning, the campaign is responsible for many of the unexplained explosions and other mishaps that have befallen the Russian military industrial complex since Russ ...[text shortened]... y suspect and the CIA surely knows it is Russia and doesn't want to admit the CIA started this mess.
@kevcvs57 saidBecause Russia would never do that, right?
Fortunately none of the articles you post have a shred of truth in them so we can all relax. If you open your eyes you will find financial links between almost all the Neo Nazi movements in Europe / US and the Neo Nazi HQ in the Kremlin but hah keep bull💩ting about Ukrainian Nazis you lying Russian scumbag
Putin has ethics, right?
@booger saidNot 5 hours earlier you said ecoterrorists were behind the sabotage -- and then proceeded to blow your usual racist dog whistles like a trained seal.
Sure buddy 🙄
Been watching CNN again?
No proof opinion pieces?
Your logic is any white crime is an extreme nationalist white supremacist and any black crime you ignore or try to make them the victim.
Nobody knows who is doing it but your anti white BS has been noted.
The only thing worse than a race-obsessed clown is a race-obsessed clown with dementia.
@booger saidFalse analogy. If you douse only half a house that's aflame, the whole house can indeed still be expected to burn down. If you cut, say, half the sources of air pollution on the planet, well guess what? There's half the pollution in the air, and everyone breathes easier.
If your house is on fire and you only use the hose on one side it does nothing.
I haven't heard of one leader condemning south east Asia about the pollution they cause.
@soothfast saidMy post where I said these attacks were eco terrorists?
Not 5 hours earlier you said ecoterrorists were behind the sabotage -- and then proceeded to blow your usual racist dog whistles like a trained seal.
The only thing worse than a race-obsessed clown is a race-obsessed clown with dementia.
I remember calling eco terrorists stupid because of their failed green beliefs.
Please show me my post where I said this was eco terrorists...
...oh wait...you can't.
@soothfast saidWell guess what...
False analogy. If you douse only half a house that's aflame, the whole house can indeed still be expected to burn down. If you cut, say, half the sources of air pollution on the planet, well guess what? There's half the pollution in the air, and everyone breathes easier.
The amount of pollution from south east Asia negates any green fairy tales that the USA can do.
You're probably a much better environmental science teacher than the one I had...you know...cause you're a public school math teacher and all...
Math is Racist!! 🙄 Remember when y'all were saying that? 🤣
@booger saidRight after the OP:
My post where I said these attacks were eco terrorists?
I remember calling eco terrorists stupid because of their failed green beliefs.
Please show me my post where I said this was eco terrorists...
...oh wait...you can't.
"These eco terrorists are too stupid to realize that even if all of the USA was net zero green technology it wouldn't even help because the amount of pollution from the south east Asian area is too great."
Why would you say this? If you aren't saying you think ecoterrorists are behind the sabotage, then it's a complete non sequitur.
Would you like the former charge of dementia dropped, and replaced with the charge that you're prone to dribbling out both sides of your mouth with AverageJoe-style irrelevancies?
Talking about eco terrorists is not accusing them of doing it.
Stop twisting words like duchess64.
CNN was quick to put out an opinion piece about white nationalists doing it and guess what?
It wasn't and CNN hasn't written an article about the new developments because it doesn't fit the anti white narrative.
Math is Racist!!