02 Jun 23
@soothfast saidChildish wordplay is exactly what started this whole thing. Replacing the word cause with result is just wordplay to deny cause.
Funny double standard here. When Fox News settled with Dominion Voting Systems to the tune of almost $800 million recently, you did not accept that as proof that Tucker Carlson lied about anything. You started a whole flippin' thread about it, or maybe seven.
Anyway, hide behind the apron of childish wordplay, why don't you, by pretending not to know the difference between a "cause" and a "result" (also known as an effect).
Cocaine use does not cause heart attacks. Cocaine just results in heart attacks (in rare cases because of an underlying heart condition). Did I use those terms the way you would?
02 Jun 23
@metal-brain saidMy God.
Childish wordplay is exactly what started this whole thing. Replacing the word cause with result is just wordplay to deny cause.
Cocaine use does not cause heart attacks. Cocaine just results in heart attacks (in rare cases because of an underlying heart condition). Did I use those terms the way you would?
Give up already.
02 Jun 23
@shavixmir saidHow many other people are out there with underlying conditions?
My God.
Give up already.
It is nice to know all those people get autism as a result of the vaccine instead of caused by it. I got high as a result of smoking cannabis, but it did not cause my high. I have an underlying condition of wanting to get high. 😆
02 Jun 23
@metal-brain saidIt’s the result of your own fantasy. This is obvious, since erections also occur spontaneously when a man is alone.
Do women cause me to get an erection or is my erection the result of women?
02 Jun 23
@moonbus saidAre fantasies the underlying condition? Do fantasies cause erections or are they the result of fantasies?
It’s the result of your own fantasy. This is obvious, since erections also occur spontaneously when a man is alone.
Drugs don't cause people to get high. Getting high is the result of drugs.
Guns don't cause death. Death is the result of guns.
Mental illness does not cause people to kill others. Killing is the result of mental illness.
Wordplay is fun. Vaccines still cause autism.
@metal-brain saidNice to know (I guess) that you still don't know the difference between cause and effect.
Are fantasies the underlying condition? Do fantasies cause erections or are they the result of fantasies?
Drugs don't cause people to get high. Getting high is the result of drugs.
Guns don't cause death. Death is the result of guns.
Mental illness does not cause people to kill others. Killing is the result of mental illness.
Wordplay is fun. Vaccines still cause autism.
@suzianne saidI'm willing to bet $5M that vaccines cause autism
Nice to know (I guess) that you still don't know the difference between cause and effect.
I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is that vaccines cause autism. I'll take on any drug company, individual, or group of investors anywhere in the world who can come up with matching funds.
If vaccines don’t cause autism, everyone should be rushing to enter into a written agreement with me to prove me wrong because it’s a slam dunk to make $5M in just 4 hours.
We’ll agree on a very simple experiment that no one has done, it will be definitive for the bet, do the experiment, and the outcome will determine who wins the bet.
Supposedly, most of the world thinks it is proven vaccines cause autism, so this should be a no-brainer to accept my bet.
I should be inundated with offers from drug companies and others.
If you are interested in accepting the bet, simply use my Accept Bet form and we’ll be in touch. Drug companies who make vaccines should be jumping on this offer, right?
I will also pay a $100,000 finder’s fee, after the contest is over and payment is made, to any person who finds a counterparty who will accept my bet.
As for those who believe my bets are not serious, you can have your attorney contact my attorney and we’ll provide the evidence I am serious about the offer.
@metal-brain saidThe case was decided 13 years ago, so I'm sure with thousands of potential litigants there was a flurry of other parents of kids with autism who took advantage of the pay day right? How many other examples of this type of court ruling are there?
If vaccines did not cause autism why did the vaccine court pay out to Hannah Poling?
The vaccine court is supposed to pay for vaccine injuries, not unrelated illnesses. Why the payout for zero difference?
Cocaine does not cause heart attacks. Cocaine just results in heart attacks. Did I use those terms the way you would?
Or is this the only example?
Certainly I wouldn't use the opinion of a judge to make this conclusion. It is defined as an opinion after all. We have hundreds of scientific articles to counterbalance this opinion. What do you think of those articles?
Take your cocaine analogy. One person dies of a heart attack after using cocaine does not solve the mystery. But if you compare 1 million people with cocaine addiction and 1 million people who have never used, and then ask "what's the rate of heart attacks?"
Here is that study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33188223/
Yes, the strong statistical relationship between cocaine use and heart failure does suggest that cocaine causes heart attacks, along with many other contributing factors.
Now the study I mentioned in my comment compared over 1 million kids. Similar genetic background, similar environmental conditions, but only 1/2 of the group were vaccinated.
Here is that study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24814559/
If vaccines caused autism, would you expect to see differences in rates of autism between these groups? They found none. Exactly the same rates of autism in both groups.
@wajoma saidDon't leave us hanging, here. What is the very simple experiment that has never been done?
I'm willing to bet $5M that vaccines cause autism
I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is that vaccines cause autism. I'll take on any drug company, individual, or group of investors anywhere in the world who can come up with matching funds.
If vaccines don’t cause autism, everyone should be rushing to enter into a written agreement with me to prove me wrong because it ...[text shortened]... ney contact my attorney and we’ll provide the evidence I am serious about the offer.
Instead of being all drama queen about it, why doesn't this fella just spend the $5 million to do the experiment?
@metal-brain saidNo, let's thresh this out. I was in haste last night.
Childish wordplay is exactly what started this whole thing. Replacing the word cause with result is just wordplay to deny cause.
Cocaine use does not cause heart attacks. Cocaine just results in heart attacks (in rare cases because of an underlying heart condition). Did I use those terms the way you would?
Scenario A):
MB's preconceived assumption: Fox News is a fount of truth.
Circumstance: Fox News caves and settles out of court to the tune of $800 million with Dominion Voting Systems to avert a trial in which Fox News would have to defend Tucker Carlson's unfounded claptrap about Dominion's voting machines being employed in a (also unproven) conspiracy to steal the presidency from Trump in the 2020 election. A classic libel suit, and Fox News' surrender was all the more striking given that the overwhelming majority of Fox News viewers believed what Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and others have been saying about the voting machines.
MB's conclusion: The defendant still wins, and its grounds for losing is ignored. There is no proof Carlson has ever lied about anything. Fox News is still a fount of truth.
Scenario B):
MB's preconceived assumption: Vaccines cause autism.
Circumstance: The government settles a dispute with parents who claimed vaccines caused their child's autism. But the child happens to have an extremely exotic genetic defect which, it was determined, the vaccines exacerbated, causing a physiological reaction that in turn was adjudged likely to have given rise to an autistic condition. The autism was an effect of the very rare mitochondrial defect, not the vaccine itself.
MB's conclusion: This time the plaintiff wins, but its grounds for winning is ignored. Vaccines still cause autism.
Do you never weary of being led around by your preconceived assumptions? Can you not be made to see how you time and again warp the facts to fit your theories?