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Verge of a hostage crisis?

Verge of a hostage crisis?



@shavixmir said
Just because person A rapes children, does not justify rapijg person A’s kids in retaliation.
just stupid!


@mott-the-hoople said
only killed 10 today...so far

Now 12......and tragic.
But to politicize it is par for the course for some.


@mghrn55 said
Now 12......and tragic.
But to politicize it is par for the course for some.
You would too if it wasn't Biden.

You're a hypocrite.


@mott-the-hoople said
just stupid!
It’s your justification.
So, as you see, it’s just stupid.

Glad you agree.


@shavixmir said
It’s your justification.
So, as you see, it’s just stupid.

Glad you agree.
the dope has fuked your brain


@shavixmir said
Just because person A rapes children, does not justify rapijg person A’s kids in retaliation.
Biblicals might disagree. Eye for an eye? And Shav, i think we’ve gotten pretty close to the justification level.

Everyone Should thank God for our having men so brave to be working on the ground in Afghanistan. Atheists, please thank him anyway, just in case.


@mott-the-hoople said
only killed 10 today...so far

As I suspected, right wingers were drooling for Americans to be killed so they could use that as a political football.

Congratulations Mott, you truly are as much of a douche as I thought.


@no1marauder said
As I suspected, right wingers were drooling for Americans to be killed so they could use that as a political football.

Congratulations Mott, you truly are as much of a douche as I thought.
When you're right you're right.

We were hoping for something like this.

I'm going to hell 😔


So your favorite channels Fox and Newsmax never reported on the FIVE THOUSAND Taliban prisoners let free by Trump in his so called deal?


@c-i-v said
You would too if it wasn't Biden.

You're a hypocrite.
64 American servicemen died in Afghanistan from when Trump was first inaugurated to when he signed his surrender agreement with the Taliban. http://icasualties.org/

I do not recall a single right winger here complaining about that.

Biden was frank when he sent the troops in for the evacuation mission saying he was putting them in "harm's way" and losses were possible.


@c-i-v said
When you're right you're right.

We were hoping for something like this.

I'm going to hell 😔
The thread hopes for Americans to be held hostage even though none are.

Mott blames the deaths of American serviceman on the President rather than the terrorists.

What other conclusion can be drawn?



We heard about Trump's faults and mistakes and now y'all gonna hear about it too.
Only 3.5 years left.
Not a good start for the Dems 😆


@c-i-v said

We heard about Trump's faults and mistakes and now y'all gonna hear about it too.
Only 3.5 years left.
Not a good start for the Dems 😆
I don't regard the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan as a "mistake".

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Trump's Faults and Mistakes.

That is putting it mildly.

You do realize several layers of law enforcement have him in their sights right?

His criminality goes WAY beyond simple grift.

In my opinion he is a TRAITOR to the US, the way he sucked up to Putin in Helsinki was a disaster.
The way he downplayed the pandemic even though we KNOW he was told it was deadly in JANUARY of 2020 but instead IGNORED that advice and goes ingest bleach or some such rot.
Or the thousands of BABIES in cages at the border and don't EVEN say Obama built the cages. HE DIDN"T BUILT THEM FOR BABIES. THAT was TRUMP'S doing.

Then there is the tax issue and the Stormy Daniels issue and the issue of all those members of his own cabinet under investigation for various kinds of fraud.

He SAID during his campaign, "I always hire the best'.
Apparently he didn't complete his sentence, it should have been completed thus:
"I ALWAYS hire the best CRIMINALS"

I assume you agree with his running the country like a mafia don, kiss my ring and your problems are my problems, if not, we are enemies.

Did you notice who he pardoned and who he threw under the bus?
Like RUDY and Pence, who both kissed his ass DAILY and because Pence refused to screw with the election results, OFF WITH HIS HEAD.

Or did you forget those words bandied about on Jan 6


That was the direct result of a phone call to the insurrectionists right in the middle of the ordeal.
Call from TRUMP.

Do you seriously think those stupid insurrectionists would have had the brains to come up with HANG PENCE?

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@no1marauder said
I don't regard the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan as a "mistake".
Biden failed.
It's not just right wingers saying it.
The whole world is.
He had 7 months to prepare.

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