06 Dec 20
@metal-brain saidI will bet you one million dollars that Barr will not be offered a post in the Biden administration.
The CIA has no respect for democracy abroad so why would you think they respect it domestically? Besides, they are taught to lie, cheat and steal by the CIA. Pompeo said so.
Speaking of Pompeo, he said Trump would serve a second term. Not sure why the other CIA man is saying the opposite. Maybe sucking up to his boss? Maybe he didn't get offered a position in the Biden administration like Krebs and Barr probably did.
Only an utter lunatic would claim such a thing.
@metal-brain saidTrump employs liars to lie for him. That's the point. And as long as the lie favors Trump, you, hypocritically, don't care.
So you admit Barr is a liar.
What was your point again?
06 Dec 20
@metal-brain saidMost people can't afford their own place to live and have to live together...
More registered voters than residences.
I want to thank kevcvs57 for inspiring me to create this thread and get out this vote fraud info. Thanks buddy!
06 Dec 20
@no1marauder saidYou don't have one million dollars.
I will bet you one million dollars that Barr will not be offered a post in the Biden administration.
Only an utter lunatic would claim such a thing.
What about Krebs? I'll bet he will.
06 Dec 20
@metal-brain saidThe CIA can’t operate in the US.
The CIA has no respect for democracy abroad so why would you think they respect it domestically? Besides, they are taught to lie, cheat and steal by the CIA. Pompeo said so.
Speaking of Pompeo, he said Trump would serve a second term. Not sure why the other CIA man is saying the opposite. Maybe sucking up to his boss? Maybe he didn't get offered a position in the Biden administration like Krebs and Barr probably did.
06 Dec 20
@metal-brain saidBecause it says something is unproven?
That snopes link does not say it was debunked or even wrong. It says unproven.
Snopes has discredited itself. It is not a reliable fact checking source.
Really now?
A couple of the threads ago this came up over a certain state (Wisconsin I think) and you (or whoever was arguing this loony tune) was completely trashed.
I suspect if anyone dives into the numbers they’ll do the same again.
Now, you and that alien trump get back on the mothership to Jupiter.
Yeah. And you can’t prove you’re not lizard people.
And I know you are!
06 Dec 20
@shavixmir saidHe claimed the snopes link proved it wrong. It didn't.
Because it says something is unproven?
Really now?
A couple of the threads ago this came up over a certain state (Wisconsin I think) and you (or whoever was arguing this loony tune) was completely trashed.
I suspect if anyone dives into the numbers they’ll do the same again.
Now, you and that alien trump get back on the mothership to Jupiter.
Yeah. And you can’t prove you’re not lizard people.
And I know you are!
Snopes is also wrong sometimes. It cannot be trusted.
At best it is disputed. Wouldn't over 50% be enough? Half of people don't vote, right?
10 Jan 21
Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe vetoed a bill that would require investigations of jurisdictions in the state whose voter rolls contain more registered voters than citizens who are eligible to vote.
10 Jan 21
Since they already know that was bullshyte they would not let the lies into the chamber.
But of course for an insurrectionist traitor to democracy like you, ALLEGATIONS are all it takes to prove their case.
JOHN KILLED MARY. I know because Fox news said so.
@sonhouse saidYou are condoning the delegitimizing of future election fraud allegations. When a democrat really does get an election stolen from him/her in the future you will realize you were played into wanting a Stalinist like police state where elections are stolen on a regular basis.
Since they already know that was bullshyte they would not let the lies into the chamber.
But of course for an insurrectionist traitor to democracy like you, ALLEGATIONS are all it takes to prove their case.
JOHN KILLED MARY. I know because Fox news said so.
The real threat to democracy is you. You now condone censorship that you never would have if Trump were not in office. When a democrat POTUS has his social media accounts censored are you going to condone it then?
We have regressed to China because the left hates the right so much. Do you really think it will go away after Biden is in office? The precedent has been set. It will be this way forever now.
Welcome to the new normal you helped create. You should call us the United Stalinist America. Proud of yourself?