You are getting more stupid by the HOUR.
If you had done even a modicum of research you would have found ISIS K and Taliban are SWORN ENEMIES.
ISIS K dudes thinks the Taliban are not MUSLIM ENOUGH.
I guess you figure USAtoday is fake news.
@sonhouse saidI knew that before you did. Why do you think I said the US was fighting the enemies of the Taliban? DUH!
You are getting more stupid by the HOUR.
If you had done even a modicum of research you would have found ISIS K and Taliban are SWORN ENEMIES.
ISIS K dudes thinks the Taliban are not MUSLIM ENOUGH.
I guess you figure USAtoday is fake news.
Many of ISIS-K are reported to be formerly from the Taliban too. They are worried that members of ISIS-K can infiltrate the Taliban because of that. I am way ahead of you.
Keep up dude. You are getting more stupid by the hour.
@metal-brain saidYou are such a freaking halfwit, ISIS is a global franchise like McDonalds and Starbucks.
If ISIS K is ISIS why don't they call them ISIS like you did? Because ISIS did not claim responsibility for it so they had to make up another name and put up some obscure website overnight saying they did it.
So ISIS K wanted to be bombed by the USA instead of fighting the Taliban? They wanted two enemies trying to kill them rather than one? That makes even less sense, but apparently you are that stupid.
@averagejoe1 said98% of Republicans are now illogical. Many still push the Big Lie.
Now wait a minute, Shav. You gloss over that Marauder chided someone for being illogical!?!?!? Marauder?? As if he IS logical?
It's the Trump Effect.
@metal-brain saidWhat are the names of the minimum wage McDonalds employees who made your Big Macs today?
What are the names of the ISIS-K people Biden claims he killed?
I wish I knew where these people come from with all this anti science and anti democracy stance.
The US is so screwed up by Trump who ran on carefully hidden white national goals
the racist issues, while serious before Trump, became front and center of his hate campaign and now we wonder where the next domestic terror attack will take place.
Really good going Trump. Thanks for reawakening white nationalists.
@suzianne saidI didn't go to McDonalds, but unless they were killed in a drone strike I have no need to know their names......moron!
What are the names of the minimum wage McDonalds employees who made your Big Macs today?
Pentagon Won't Name ISIS Terrorists Killed In Airstrike.
Why wont they give the names?
@suzianne saidClever, Suzianne. Humor from a lib!!! I'm not in this one, as I don't know all this stuff y'all do about those creatures. I did always love Trump saying 'bomb them back into the Middle Ages', altho they are already there.
What are the names of the minimum wage McDonalds employees who made your Big Macs today?
@sonhouse saidTrump sure woke YOU up, Sonhouse. Maybe when Kamala steps in you will quit it about Trump? We wish so.
I wish I knew where these people come from with all this anti science and anti democracy stance.
The US is so screwed up by Trump who ran on carefully hidden white national goals
the racist issues, while serious before Trump, became front and center of his hate campaign and now we wonder where the next domestic terror attack will take place.
Really good going Trump. Thanks for reawakening white nationalists.
BTW, do you think she will commit adultery again while president?
So you actually think the Trump era is over?
TRUMP controls YOU and every other Trump cultist and that will go on for DECADES.
Decades later, when Trump is in prison, maybe DIES there, you will STILL be mewling and puking out how innocent Trump really is.
@sonhouse saidMy retort!! is that the Obama era has just gotten a rewind, watch him and Susan Rice appear soon, they are running everything!!!! So if he and she can do it, why can not Trump do it? You are not being fair, Sonhouse. I just get so angry.
So you actually think the Trump era is over?
TRUMP controls YOU and every other Trump cultist and that will go on for DECADES.
Decades later, when Trump is in prison, maybe DIES there, you will STILL be mewling and puking out how innocent Trump really is.